Adultery A Wife's Journey Continues by abcxyz13
It was 1PM when i finally got a call from swetha.

“Hello” swetha said hesitant

“Hello..” i said moving into the bedroom and locking it.

There was an awkward silence between us.

“I was waiting for your call” i said trying to start the conversation.

“sorry, yogendarji wouldn’t leave me alone ….” swetha said trailing off

“Where is he?” i asked as my mind started imagining them together

“He just went outside to take care of some business” swetha replied

“Ok… “ i said

“Are you still angry?” i asked

“I am not angry.. It’s just hard for me to accept” swetha said sounding hurt

“But.. i am fine now. I don’t like it but i also know it's not fair for you” swetha added

“Ok” i said feeling happy that we are back to normal again.

It was time to continue where we left off yesterday. It was time to stop this. Though it turned me on to see swetha with yogendarji, i could not shake off the feeling that was pulling my heart.

“Anand.. Do you really want me end it with yogendarji?” swetha asked cutting to the chase.

“Yes” i said firmly

“I thought you liked seeing me with other men” swetha asked trying to understand whats going in my mind

“I do” i replied honestly

“Then why?” swetha asked

“It’s complicated” i said. I didn’t want to go into details with swetha because i was not sure myself. But it felt like things would get more complicated if we continued on.

“I want to know!” swetha asked a little frustrated

“Swetha, I am not sure myself, but i am not comfortable with this anymore” i said

“Anand… you asked me flirt and encouraged me to sleep with yogendarji and now you suddenly want to stop… and your not even sure why” swetha asked annoyed

“Just tell me why?” swetha pressed on

“Is it because you do not trust me anymore?” swetha asked holding her breath

“Swetha, I trust you” i quickly added

“It’s yogendarji i do not trust” i said

“Yogendarji? You think he will do more than what he has already done with your wife” swetha asked puzzled

“Yes.” i replied

“Anand, I don’t understand, he is already fucking me… what more …..” swetha said as she realized what i was getting at

“You think yogendarji wants to take me for himself?” swetha asked curiously

“Yes…. you can see it in his actions. The money, the gold, the rituals. He is surely planning something, don’t tell me you are not aware of it”

“Anand, i am aware of his intentions. He proposes to marry me endlessly, but, that does not mean i will become his wife” swetha said as a matter of fact

“Well, you certainly don’t resist his advances” i said not liking her casual speak

“What does that suppose to mean” swetha asked annoyed. I too was annoyed now.

“You let yogendarji have his way with you and entertain all his wishes without resistance. Aren’t you getting too intimate with him, its looks like you actually want him and i am not sure how far will you take it?” i said getting it all out in open

There was silence for some time like a storm brewing.

“You think i will cheat on you..?” Swetha asked angrily

“No, it's not that”

“Anand, you say you trust me but you actually don't, you think i am somehow cheating on you. It was you, who encouraged me to sleep with yogendarji but now that you see i am enjoying it as well. I am an unfaithful wife and a slut”

“Swetha, that's not what i mean. I just want to stop it so we don’t end up in trouble” i said trying to interject

“I don’t want to stop” swetha said frustrated

“Anand, i want to be totally honest with you. I thought you understood but you clearly don’t” swetha continued

“I know you like seeing me with other men, the flirting, the kissing and even sleeping with others. At first i thought you were crazy but i went along with it just for you.”

I wanted to interrupt but held on and waited for her to continue

“It was all fun and games while i flirted and let other men touch me ... until we met yogendarji. We pushed it further and further and now made your fantasy a reality”

I remained silent to see where this was going

Swetha took a deep breath and continued on “anand, you have to understand. As i continued to act your fantasy, i too started liking it. The first time i did it with yogendarji, it was a new world for me. I always tried to think, that i was doing it for you. But, fooling around with another man while flirting and kissing him, it was not easy and along the way i too started wanting it. Giving my body to someone else other than my husband was taboo and really turned me on. I used to feel guilty about it but since you knew about everything, my guilt has slowly faded away. I know i sound like a slut, i just want to be honest with you. Please understand, I too am human.”

Swetha waited for me to respond. I always knew swetha liked it, who wouldn’t. But i could only handle so much, i can’t bear to imagine her liking yogendarji which is what i fear the most. At the end of it i wanted her back with me. Loving only me. Her world, only me.

“I can understand it, but why be so intimate with him. I am afraid that you have feelings for him” i said putting out my worry

“Anand!!!. Ok, i think now i understand why you are acting like this. ” swetha said breathing out with relief
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