How a "BET" change a life of Wife
She awoke a few minutes later to the sound of his motorcycle taking off and found herself lying length ways along the car hood still practically naked. Her breasts ached a little and her ass was sitting in a large pool of sperm. She'd have to run home really fast to clean his mess up. Ritika jumped off the car and licked her lips tasting his cum and her own juices on them. That bastard must have used my mouth to clean his dick off, she thought in disgust. For a brief second she felt ashamed at what she had become but just as quickly shrugged it off as it simply felt too good to regret. 

Ritika looked around for her thong but it was gone and in a daze she stumbled into her car. Ritika looked at her face in the mirror seeing the dried sperm on her lips and she made sure she licked it all off before starting the engine. Ritika's aching nipples demanded attention and glancing down she saw that she had forgotten to pull her halter top back down over her breasts. For some reason, it had been pulled down to her nipples so that it looked like her nipples were holding her top up. Both nipples were fully erect and swollen from where he had apparently bitten them after she had passed out. A little angry, Ritika was lifting up the top to stretch it out over her breasts when she saw something that almost made her faint again, this time with fear. Duane had left two big hickies just above her nipples.

"Oh my god," she said out loud, thinking about what she was going to do. On the verge of panicking, Ritika calmed down, reminding herself that she was a strong, intelligent woman. She brightened up a little when she realized that she might be able to use make up to cover the hickies. Hopefully she had enough time to clean up and try to cover up the evidence of her infidelity to her husband's brother. Ritika put the car in drive and saw Rajesh walk out of the bar and head around back towards his motorcycle. An hour had passed and Duane had fucked her for almost the whole time! She slammed on the gas and squealed out of the parking lot. She would have only a few minutes until Rajesh got home.
Ritika could see the single headlight on Rajesh's motorcycle following her the whole way home. Duane had taken her panties and there was nothing holding his semen inside her pussy. His large load constantly oozed out of her body staining the car seats and soaking her thighs. Ritika had never been so scared in her life as she was at that moment. She had given into lust and let a giant dicked black man fuck her. He had apparently chosen to mark her as his property by cumming inside her and giving her two large hickies on her breasts. Now Rajesh was just minutes away from finding out. 

Ritika turned the car on to her block and pulled into her driveway. She was naked and halfway up the stairs when she heard his bike pull up beside her car. She was out of time. Ritika heard the front door slam as she ran into the bathroom and quickly ran a cold wash rag between her legs, shivering as the clammy rag cleaned up a little of Duane's sperm. Ritika gave up searching for makeup to hide the hickies when she heard Rajesh walking up the stairs. She had just thrown herself onto the bed and had managed to pull the covers up and turn out the light when Rajesh entered the room. 

Rajesh flipped on the light and strolled into the room. He didn't say a word to her as he stripped and stood before her in all his glory. "Get out from under those covers so I can see your body," he said while stroking his cock to full erection. 

"I..I'm cold," she said nervously. "Come get under the covers with me." Ritika patted the bed and tried to smile seductively at him. 

Rajesh stared at her for a moment, shocked that she had contradicted him, before yanking the covers off the bed. Ritika scrambled to cover herself, folding her arms across her breasts. 

She saw Rajesh staring between her legs and to her horror, she realized that still more of Duane's sperm was leaking out of her leaving a big wet spot on the sheet. Ritika thrust both hands down to cover her pussy revealing her hickie covered breasts.

Her eyes widened in fear as she saw Rajesh start to shake in rage. "You fucking slut whore," he roared. "You let a black man soil your pussy didn't you slut?" 

Ritika curled up into a fetal position and began to rock back and forth as Rajesh continued to hurl insults at her. He seemed so mad that she was afraid he was going to hit her even though he had never physically abused her, other then the time he had spanked her on the beach. After a while she almost wished he would hit her, if it would get him to stop verbally abusing her. She cried as he continued to belittle her and she was afraid he'd never stop. She was even more afraid he'd never fuck her again.

Everything he says is true, she thought continuing to cry. I am a slut. I am only good for one thing. My body was built to please men. She was so caught up in self realization that she failed to notice he had stopped screaming at her. 

"Now go clean your ass up," he yelled. "I don't want to feel any trace of black man's sperm in you when I fuck you."
Thanks & Regards,
One man's wife is another man's slut
I don't have a Religion, I am free. Do not impose your Morality on me
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RE: How a "BET" change a life of Wife - by Givemeextra - 10-05-2019, 04:55 PM

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