How a "BET" change a life of Wife
Rajesh turned onto Ocean drive and drove through South Beach. Ritika had always avoided South Beach as a den of sin filled with transvestites, homosexuals, and scantily clad models, both male and female. Rajesh found a parking space and pulled into it. 

After feeding the parking meter, he stripped off his tank top revealing his well defined chest and pulled off his biking Trouser and stored his clothes in a knapsack, throwing it over his shoulder. Rajesh stood clad only in a small brief bathing suit, proudly showing the world his muscular body and massive bulge. 

He grabbed her hand and they set off walking down the sidewalk two perfect specimens of the sexes. Everywhere they went, people stared, many simply stopped what they were doing and openly ogled either Rajesh or Ritika and sometimes both. 

Rajesh was hungry and they stopped to eat at one of the many sidewalk restaurants. The host seemed really put out by their attire and made them sit outside. Not that Rajesh seemed to mind, he just sat there, legs spread, letting all the girls walking by get a good look at what he had to offer and Ritika felt a twinge of jealousy at all the pretty young models eyeing her man. No, her blackmailer, she corrected remembering where she was, a little surprised that she had just caught herself enjoying the day and his company.

After an expensive lunch, they crossed the street and headed down to the beach. A pretty raven haired model in a fish-net dress that covered a black bikini was getting her pictures taken by a chubby old photographer. The photographer stopped what he was doing when he saw Ritika and Rajesh walk by. The little man ran over to them. He was panting and he wiped away beads of sweat from his brow as he handed Ritika his business card. "I'd really like to get a chance to photograph you sometime," he said. "If your ever interested give me a call." 

Ritika had begun to like having everyone stare at her. She felt empowered, knowing that so many men found her attractive, and wasn't that what feminism was all about, being empowered? She was extremely flattered to think that someone thought she had what it takes to be a model. "Wow, you want to photograph me," she said staring at the card. "What kind of clothes would I wear dresses or evening gowns, oooh or business professional? She pictured herself looking like a young executive walking down the runway.

The chubby man looked a little surprised. "Actually I was thinking of some nudes or lingerie. I could even pay ? 50,000 for some sex shots with a partner, male or female doesn't matter." He noticed Rajesh's bulge, "You too buddy. If your as hung as you look, you could make some big bucks." 

Ritika's fists were clenched as she trembled with rage. "What kind of girl do you think I am?" she practically screamed. 

"The kind who'd where a bikini that small," he replied holding his hands up in surrender. "If you change your minds, give me a call." He backed away returning to the model. 

Ritika was getting ready to rip up the card, when Rajesh yanked it out of her hands and put it in his knapsack. "I can always use some quick cash," he explained. 

Ritika was a little appalled that he'd be willing to pose nude for money, then she realized that unlike her, he was proud of his body and liked showing it off. 

Ritika was still in a daze as they continued walking down the beach a few more blocks. She was paying little attention to her surroundings and didn't notice Rajesh reach over and yank off her top. Ritika awoke from her daydreaming and screamed as she covered her breasts with her arms. She looked around at the people staring at her and realized that all the woman here were topless. 

"Don't worry Ritika. It's legal here. Put your arms down." 

"No, I can't" she said shaking her head back and forth.
Thanks & Regards,
One man's wife is another man's slut
I don't have a Religion, I am free. Do not impose your Morality on me
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RE: How a "BET" change a life of Wife - by Givemeextra - 10-05-2019, 04:48 PM

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