How a "BET" change a life of Wife
She suppressed a gasp when she saw him sitting at the table practically naked. His legs were spread wide showing off the enormous bulge beneath his underwear as he sat there quietly reading the paper. She tried to suppress the memory of last night as she got a bowl of cereal out of the cupboard. Ritika opened the refrigerator and found herself staring at a large fat cucumber. She ran her hand down the hard, rough skin of the cucumber and grabbed the bottle of milk behind it. After filling up her bowl, she saw three long bananas sitting on the counter and thought that one would taste pretty good in her cereal, so she grabbed the biggest one and peeled off the skin. She looked at the long white fruit and decided she didn't want to cut it up to put in her bowl for some reason and stared at it lying on the counter as she ate her cereal. Ritika was uncomfortable with Rajesh in the room and she wanted to get moving. She looked up at the clock on the wall and realized she was running late.

She grabbed his meat out of the freezer and threw it into their cook pot, to let it slow cook all day. It was Akhil's turn to make dinner that night and he would finish it when he got home. She was relieved to think that it would just be her and her husband as Rajesh would be bartending until late. She grabbed her purse and the banana and walked out to the garage to her car. She sat in her car in the driveway for a couple minutes and thought about Rajesh. Just thinking about him made her mad and she was growing angrier by the minute. Why had he ignored her? She had braced herself to be humiliated and teased by the man she hated and all she had gotten was silence. Why hadn't he thanked her getting him off? She didn't even know if he had enjoyed it and for some reason she hoped he had, but did he throw so much as a kind word in her direction. She even wished he had laughed at her when she came into the kitchen, anything but ignoring her. Oh how I hate that arrogant bastard, she thought.

Ritika was thinking of Rajesh's hard body as she looked at herself in the rear view mirror. She brought the banana up to her mouth to take a bite and rested it on her lips, seeing it in the mirror. A horrible, foreign thought popped into her mind and she pictured herself crawling under the kitchen table and pulling down Rajesh's briefs, she had to know what it was like. Ritika watched her mouth open and instead of biting, she pushed the banana in deep. She saw her cheeks bulging out as she took the long banana further into her mouth. She thought how natural it looked having something that large in her mouth and pictured how good the slutty blonde in the porno looked stuffing that laughable little seven inch penis down her throat. She was curious as to how much she could take and pushed the banana in deeper until she gagged, crushing the pulp. Like a starving animal she shoved the rest of the banana into her mouth, swallowing most of it without chewing. Ritika was still hungry and thought about running inside for another banana, but then remembering she'd have to pass by Rajesh to get it, so she started the car and left for work. 
The rest of the week’s went by without incident much to Akhil's relief. Rajesh had announced that he would be leaving by the end of January and Ritika seemed a lot happier knowing he'd be out of their house soon. She avoided him whenever possible, but when he was around she seemed to make every effort to get along with him, from picking up after him to doing his laundry without complaint. She even seemed to anticipate when he wanted a beer and she would bring it out to the living room for him before he asked for one. She still complained in private to Akhil, telling him she couldn't wait until he was gone.

The three of them were getting along so well that Rajesh invited them to come out to the bar he worked at, to ring in the New Year. Rajesh told his brother that he'd hook them up with drinks as he'd be quitting soon and didn't care if he got caught and fired. Rajesh fed them free beers and shooters all night and they were quite drunk by the time midnight rolled around.

" New Year," everyone shouted and the noise makers went off as the crowd downed the traditional glass of champagne.  Ritika turned to her husband and gave him a quick kiss. Then seeing Rajesh had no one to kiss, she leaned across the bar, smiling and puckered up. She felt Rajesh grab the back of her head and he held her lips to his as his tongue slipped inside her mouth. She wanted to fight it and resisted at first, but then she began kissing him back. Ritika could practically hear her nipples pop out under her bra as Rajesh gave her a kiss that curled her toes. She pulled away from him breathing heavily her face flushed, caught between wanting to slap him or begging him for another kiss. She stared at him for a moment before turning back to her husband, he was out of it and hadn't seen anything. Rajesh just nonchalantly returned to his bar tending duties like nothing had happened.
Thanks & Regards,
One man's wife is another man's slut
I don't have a Religion, I am free. Do not impose your Morality on me
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RE: How a "BET" change a life of Wife - by Givemeextra - 10-05-2019, 04:44 PM

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