How a "BET" change a life of Wife
"I had no idea there were cocks that big," she whispered back, staring at the roof, eye wide open at the memory. 

Akhil's eyes narrowed, "What did you say?" 

Ritika caught her mistake and replied, "I said, I didn't know penises got that large." 

"Oh" said Akhil closing his eyes, "I love you Ritika," 

"I love you too." she replied thinking about Rajesh's cock. Ritika laid awake all night thinking of the foot long monster waiting on the couch downstairs. Exhausted, she finally fell asleep about dawn. 

Rajesh slowly stroked his cock all night waiting for Ritika to come to him. No woman had ever been able to resist his penis once they had seen it. The sun was coming up, when he realized she probably wasn't coming and he was both surprised and delighted to think that he had a challenge on his hands.
Akhil finished combing his hair and headed downstairs while Ritika was still in the shower. He hadn't slept well as he kept having disturbing dreams about his wife and brother all night long. He kissed his wife good morning and noticed she looked exhausted, like she hadn't slept very well either. 

He went down to the kitchen and poured some coffee, Rajesh was sitting at the table reading the sports section of the morning paper wearing only his sweat pants. Rajesh's eyes were blood shot, showing that no one had gotten any sleep that night.

Akhil sipped his coffee and looked out the sliding glass door, out over the neighbors houses. He adjusted the glasses on his nose and summoned his courage drawing himself up to his full height, which was still a foot shorter then Rajesh. Akhil turned and looked at his brother quietly reading the paper. "Rajesh," he said. His brother just grunted in reply, not taking his eyes off yesterdays scores. 

"I want you to know, that I consider your behavior last night to be disgusting and immoral. If you ever so much as attempt to do anything like that again, I'm going to ask you to leave." 

Rajesh couldn't believe his ears. The wimp had actually stood up to him and for a split second he was proud of his little brother. Akhil was clearly quite nervous and was shaking as he reprimanded his much bigger sibling. Rajesh never regretted anything he had ever done and he tried to imagine what being remorseful felt like. When he thought he had it, he got a sad, apologetic look on his face. "I'm sorry Akhil. I know I can be a jerk and last nights behavior was way out of line. It was just that I was drunk, and I hadn't gotten laid in three days, so I was horny as hell. I know Ritika doesn't like me and I promise I'll show her more respect from now on."

Akhil sighed in relief when Rajesh didn't kill him. He thanked his brother for understanding his position and left for work. He walked out onto the deck and was heading to his car when it hit him. That had been only three days worth of cum, yet it had been more sperm then his own balls produced in a year. What if it had been a week since Rajesh had gotten off? A year? Akhil briefly pictured Ritika drowning in a pool filled with his brother's semen and shuddered in horror at the thought. 

Rajesh watched his brother drive away and promptly removed his sweats, throwing them out into the living room on the couch. He sat there clad only in his tight white briefs from last night and as he had a good hard morning erection, it showed off his bulge superbly.

Ritika was also trying to drum up the courage to face Rajesh. Everywhere she looked were reminders of his big, thick, cock, from her can of hair spray to the curtain rod in the shower. She finished putting on her bulky, waitress uniform and went down into the kitchen, knowing Rajesh would be there.
Thanks & Regards,
One man's wife is another man's slut
I don't have a Religion, I am free. Do not impose your Morality on me
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RE: How a "BET" change a life of Wife - by Givemeextra - 10-05-2019, 04:43 PM

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