My Slut Wife
last part

The next two days I saw little of Sunita. I spent my time in the casinos playing blackjack, and won about 20,000 dollars. She spent the day sleeping and spent nights and evenings with Rabi. Our last night in Nepal, I ran into them in the elevator and Rabi magnanimously invited me to the suite to watch, "as long as I didn't get in the way". In the room, I watched incredulously as Rabi threw my wife over the couch armrest like the first time, but buggered her in the ass this time. From the ease with which her asshole accommodated his giant dong, I surmised it wasn't the first time he had fucked her there.

Neither of us referred to what had happened on the flight back to Kolkata, nor when we got back home. We got back to our normal life as if nothing had happened. I came to terms with my being a willing cuckold and stopped pestering her about Rajiv. Now I knew that I was not enough for her. Although I never caught them in action and never asked Sunita to confirm it, I was sure they were having sex now. That is, if they weren't before.

What did change was sex life between us. I found my stamina and desire return and Sunita and I were now back to having sex almost every night. She was insatiable and I often wondered if I was able to fulfill 50% of her desires. But I didn't really care. My sex drive was back on track and that's all that mattered.

A month or so later, I came home to a surprising sight. Rajiv was sitting on our living room couch playing with Chintu. Sunita came out of the kitchen, saying Rajiv would stay for dinner as his son is staying in one of his relatives house.

Over dinner, with Chintu around, the conversation stayed polite and mundane. After dinner while Sunita put Chintu to bed, Rajiv and I sat in the living room sipping on brandy. I could not think of anything say, although I was dying to ask him - WHAT THE FUCK ARE YOU DOING IN MY HOUSE???

Sunita came back to the room. Rajiv and I were sitting on different couches, and Sunita seemed to think for a few seconds before sitting down next to me. Then she dropped the bombshell. She was pregnant. I was a little astonished, although I guess I should have expected it after getting obvious hints that Rajiv and Sunita fucking regularly in my absence. Rajiv must be fucking her bareback and deposits his wad inside her fertile womb.

"Is it mine or his?" I asked. After our Nepal tripped, she and I had often fucked bareback.

"I don't know, the only thing matters to me is that it's mine." Sunita shrugged. Rajiv had a smug smile on his face.

"Or is it Ravi's?" I asked tartly. Rajiv let out a chuckle.

"I can get a paternity test done. That's why I invited Rajiv over. To talk about....what to do."

And the three of us talked it over. Rajiv said he didn't care. I said I didn't care whose it was either. I would consider it my own child. We spoke about it for a while and thrashed out the details. With that matter settled, I expected Rajiv to leave, but instead, Sunita led him to our guest room. She then joined me in our bedroom and slept snuggled next to me. But when I woke up in the middle of the night to go to the bathroom, her side of the bed was empty.

The baby came two weeks three weeks after schedule. When Rajiv came to the hospital to see it, he joked that the baby had to be his - he was known for never coming too early. But the baby was definitely his. The curl black hair, the brown eyes, the odd shape of the forehead - I knew I would be bringing up Rajiv's son as my own
(The End)
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