Debbie and I looked around for a place to sit together. The larger sofas were taken and the doors to the other rooms were closed, but we found a futon on a frame that was cozy, but worked for us. It was impossible not to have my arm around her and so we got into it pretty quickly. I looked into her cute face for the first time and noticed that even though she wore a lot of makeup (Even in her 40's, Maggie is naturally pretty without makeup)she was basically really cute. Debbie wore a gauzy white blouse that showed the outline of her bra, a tight fitting black knee length skirt and sheer stockings. Her dress was pretty, but not provocative, at least not as much as I would have figured for a place like this.

We kissed seriously now for the first time. Her kiss was genuine and lingering, and I liked it. Breaking the kiss, I looked into her eyes again. Experimentally, I ran my hand down her cheek, then I kissed her again. My hand continued down her neck, and nervously, I touched her breast, cupping it through her blouse. She didn't resist my touch in any way. Quite the opposite, she slid her hand up my thigh, and finding me, she began to lightly massage me through my pants. Needless to say, I responded. Simultaneously, my abs began to tighten and my member began to harden.

She remarked, "You know, you're actually the first white guy I have been this close to since high college."

That made me rear back with surprise. "Really? Never?" I said, and she shook her head.

I figured it must have meant that she and Sean met pretty early.

Debbie thrust her chest forward when I started unbuttoning her blouse. I loved the way her skin looked, the way her bra outlined her smallish breasts. I reached in and she squeezed my cock through my slacks again.

I told her, "I want you, but I don't see a place where, you know...", looking around the room. "How can we...", Where can we.. you know?"

She said, "Honey, I want you too. Look, would you like me to slip into something more comfortable?"

I nodded, and she grabbed her overnight bag and headed off to the bathroom.

That gave me a chance to look around. In one corner, I saw a black couple really getting into each other. Her top was off and he was sucking her nipples long and hard as she reclined back on the sofa. When his mouth came free from them, I saw that they were long and dark and her aureoles were a beautiful dark brown. I began to understand that black women were just as wonderful and any other hue. It was simply that I had been totally blind to it.

Against the middle wall opposite where I sat patiently, a chubby freckled red head, very Irish or German looking, perhaps in her late 20's to mid-30's was sitting fully astride a black guy with salt and pepper hair. They were both partially clothed; her blouse, vibrant red, was open and her bra was pulled down on one side. I could only see the side of one breast from the angle I was sitting, but the guy's hand was massaging her vigorously as they kissed deeply. His pants were open and slid down revealing his erection.

His overall darkness contrasted strongly with her very pale skin, and the pale pink of the nipple I could see moving under his fingers. His other hand moved under her skirt, cupping her ass and I could see the back and forth movement of his arm pulling her close to him. The redhead was moving forcefully against his motion and pushing her tummy against the underside of his exposed member. It looked intense and I felt the heat even across the room.

Back toward the stairs, a black couple were lying across a sofa, actually more the size of a loveseat. She was dressed in violent pink lingerie, which looked great against her skin, a hue between gold and toffee. He was on top of her in simulated coitus, dry humping wildly. It looked pretty hot, and took me back to my own high college days. I had to remind myself that most likely none of these couples came through the front door together. I hadn't really noticed who was with whom originally, but they certainly mixing it up now.

A 40ish black woman, lushly built with very dark skin, dark eyes and a smooth, straight hairstyle, had come downstairs and was walking casually toward me. She stopped in front of me and smiled broadly. She had on a very sheer white lingerie set, and I could see her gorgeous dark brown nipples standing out, erect and pushing against the gauzy material.

My wife and I are naturists; we know that nude is not the same as sexy. Clothing provides the sexiness by hiding and revealing. Her wide hips and full legs were swaying silently back and forth, and I saw (or imagined) a bushy dark thatch of her pubic triangle beckoning me. My mouth watered and I swallowed hard, trying to decide; I could easily have been swayed, if Debbie wasn't intending to come back, but the decision was made for me.

Debbie walked back and silently approached from the darkness of the other side of the common area, dressed in an almost transparent pink lingerie top, tied behind her neck, with darker pink flowers printed on and frilly panties. All I could say at the time, and all I can think of even now, was 'Wow!'

I felt like a million bucks when she smiled and told the black woman, politely "Hey sweetie, tonight he's all mine."

They kissed lightly on the lips and then she smiled at me, did a little twirl and asked me if I liked.

"Oh god yes," I replied, really meaning it.

She sat in my lap and felt the spread of her ass cheeks heating up my lap. I practically smothered her with hungry, open mouthed kisses and she invited even more as our tongues moved over each others. Her top was open at the sides revealing the gentle curvature of her breasts. Her nipples poked lightly forward, constrained only by the flimsy material of the lingerie. I could hardly control my hands as they reached into her top, massaging her breasts. At that moment, I wanted her desperately, but felt really self conscious going further virtually in front of an audience of strangers (who in reality were so involved that they probably wouldn't have noticed.)

I whispered to Debbie that I was about to explode with desire, and wished we could fuck.

She said, "Mmmmm, honey, that sounds fine to me. Let's go into that corner over there. Believe me, I have fucked in places a lot more public than this."

I looked over to the furthest corner and thought about it. It was certainly darker than anywhere else in the basement, but there was no place to lie down.

I asked simply, "How?"

She said, "Standing. C'mon. It'll be fine."

I was overcome with lust for her, and that overcame my reluctance to have sex with others nearby.

(To Be continued)
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RE: UNFAITHFUL MOTHERS AND HOUSEWIFES by stranger_women - by Ramesh_Rocky - 10-05-2019, 04:28 PM

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