Adultery The adventures of an idiotic husband by ajaniv
Full of happiness and lust after teasing the shopkeeper, she reached her home with a spring in her step, seeing the time, she took a quick bath to wash away all the grime. Under the warm shower, she caressed her silken body, feeling tingles of pleasure with the lightest touch, her nipples became long and hard, dripping hot milk that washed away with the flowing water. Her pale, creamy skin that hadn’t seen much sunlight, became rosy from both the warm water and the waves of desire that once again wracked her plush body. Her fingers automatically strayed to her swollen pussy, laid open like slices of ripe pomegranate and caressed the satiny lips, shuddering with the onslaught of bliss. Like a powerful motor, her pussy leaked thick syrupy juices, ready for a hard fucking, alas the juices were in vain as they were washed away by the water. She slipped a finger into her tight, velvety pussy, moaning loudly at the expected pleasure, she used the slick wall to lean as her finger slid deeper into the tight canal giving herself more and more pleasure.

Her mind became hazy with lust and her focus narrowed to only the feelings her finger generated. Her breath became ragged as her voluminous chest heaved for fresh air, she took the wet finger from her love canal and looked at the honey smeared all over. Taking care not to bring it under the shower, she brought the finger to her flared nostrils and inhaled the sweet musky aroma, that sent goosebumps all over her flawless skin. Unable to resist, she placed the dripping finger between her parted lips and gently sucked the juices, tasting herself. As always, she tasted sweet with a hint of spice, the daily dose of gulkand gave her juices the flavour of fresh, fragrant roses. She had always been really strict with her diet and body regimen, especially after pregnancy, she avoided sour and spicy foods and preferred to eat fresh fruits, milk products and mildly sweet foods.

Such harsh control made her natural flavour become sweeter, both in aroma and taste, none of her sexual partners ever failed to remark on her sweet skin, milk or juices. It made her both happy and sad, as the person who she had toiled so hard for, failed to make any use of it. Sighing, she turned off the shower and patted the soft towel all over her body, wanting to retain the natural moisture inside her skin. Rubbing the moisturiser all over her body only flamed the desire further, her pussy was swollen and felt like an oozing pot of honey, smearing thick syrup along her inner thighs. With difficulty, she ignored the burning passion and opened her wardrobe, most of the clothes were old, only a few were new. She took a light blue chiffon saree, that looked obscenely comfortable, with matching blouse in a darker shade.

Looking at the sleeveless blouse made her remember the person who stitched it for her, a fresh drop of juice splattered on the floor as she reminisced about the crude, sex maniac tailor, who did everything to her on the day she went to his shop. The hard cock plunging into her pussy, his rough smelly tongue slathering spit all over her body, his dirty hands mauling her tender skin and above all the nearly unending pleasure she got from him, filled her mind. Holding back a hungry moan, she decided to wear the slutty blouse, dearly hoping it would help seduce her husband. Putting on the flimsy blouse already made her feel like a slut, the sleeveless blouse revealed everything, the cut was too low on her front and was non-existent on the back. Even with the lace bra, she felt naked, her lush flesh was visible from all sides, making little bulges from the front and sides. When she raised her arms to apply some perfume, she could see obscene levels of sideboobs, as the blouse cups were just a pair of little triangles.

Fortunately, the saree saved the overall image, though it was sheer at some places, the large flower designs helped concealed most of her. She pushed the saree further down, revealing the deep oval navel in all of its glory, she decided not to wear a petticoat to make her hips and legs look much slimmer. Finishing with a bit of makeup, she stood in front of the mirror, unable to stop a gasp of appreciation from leaving her mouth. She looked like the goddess of sex, descended upon the world to seduce and enthral all mankind. Feeling confident in her chances, she waited for her husband to arrive, not doing any work in the meantime to avoid sweating.

While his wife took extra effort to please him, Vinod stood in the tea shop, sipping the hot water with just enough flavour to call it a tea. In front of him was the ladies’ college, releasing the tender flowers, out of its high gates, into the wild world. A group of lovely teens in tight jeans and leggings walked out, laughing and happily chatting with each other. They looked like young models walking straight out of a fashion ramp, tight tops and flimsy T-shirts, only served to showcase their nubile bodies further. Vinod gasped when he saw a little, cute belly button peeking from underneath a short top, his cock became painfully hard as he saw panty lines and bra lines. He ached for a better chance to gaze at their slim, teenaged bodies, as the girls left one by one, some using their own transportation while others were picked up by their blasted boyfriends.

With his cock dripping, Vinod got onto his bike and raced away to his home, needing a proper wank as soon as possible to relieve tension. Kamna opened the door with a sultry smile, but she was once again disappointed when her husband disappeared into the bathroom without sparing her a glance. After waiting for a long time, he came out, looking happy and relieved, she gave him a cup of hot tea and snacks, but he declined “Sorry Kamna, I just had tea with friends”

She nodded without replying, feeling the pangs of sadness threatening to overcome her composure. Vinod switched on the TV and browsed the channels lazily, before asking “Uh, you know Aditi is going to come here for her studies…”

Kamna gave him a nod, making him continue “I have applied for a promotion, I think I have a good chance in getting it, but what should we do in the meantime? I don’t know how long the process will take”

He was hungry for a sexy teenager after watching the college teens from a distance, he felt that it would be heaven, if Aditi can stay with them as soon as possible. She was one of the most beautiful girls he had ever seen and was the one who fuelled all of his fantasies. Kamna said “As you already know, money is tight, the little savings we had was used up for Arushi’s birth and other expenses. If not for Prakash uncle’s generosity, we would have to take a loan to pay this month’s rent. I don’t know how we are going to afford Aditi’s expenses, especially her fees when she comes here”

Vinod looked embarrassed, he knew the situation was tight and as the head of the family it was his responsibility to set things right. He apologised “It’s all my fault, I shouldn’t have promised your mother on Aditi’s education”

Kamna gently said “We are married, we share equal responsibility, not to mention that you are doing this for my own sister’s well-being. How can I stand by the side, when you take all the load?”

Vinod’s heart felt warm and tender at the unconditional support his beloved wife offered, she was always an unstinting partner right from the marriage and he realised how lucky he was to have her by his side. Full of emotion, he stuttered “Thank you”

She smiled “I am your wife, what’s the need to be so formal. Coming back to the financial situation, I can only hope that Prakash uncle would be gracious enough to waive this month’s rent, but we still need more money to pay for the college fees. I know you don’t like me working, but with your permission I am thinking of a way to earn more money. Of course, I will stop it when your promotion get approved…”

Vinod was uncomfortable, as an office goer he knew the struggle every woman faced in public. Right from the moment she stepped outside her home, men would bang her with their eyes, molest her on the bus and train, sexually harass her in her workplace and more. He didn’t want his wife to experience any of that, but he was in a bind, as she explained clearly, their situation wasn’t good and his pride didn’t allow him to take back his word on Aditi, not to mention the illicit pleasure he had long been waiting for. With Kamna giving him an acceptable compromise, he relented on his principle “Yes, it would be nice to have both of us earning in the short term, but you should stop it once my promotion gets approved. Don’t worry, it won't take more than a month, maybe another, but it is a certainty”

He asked “Do you have any idea on the job?”

She shook her head “I don’t know, who will employ an inexperienced housewife like me, when there are lakhs of young people more qualified. I can always ask for a favour from Ramesh uncle, he will definitely help me”

Vinod asked “Ramesh uncle?”

She said “Did you forget? He is the person we met on the train, the CEO of Trident industries”

Vinod felt like a cold blast of wind froze him out of nowhere, for some reason he didn’t like that man around his wife. Shaking his head, he replied “Oh him, perhaps it would be better if we try other means before asking him for help”

Thankfully Kamna didn’t argue “OK, I will ask around for offers and another thing, if Aditi is going to stay here, it will get really cramped. We need to look for a bigger house, but that will cost more money”

As they discussed their situation further, they were interrupted by the door bell, Kamna went to see who it was. Vinod slumped in the meantime, feeling the weight of the world on his weak shoulders when he heard an excited voice “Oh Kamna dear, its been too long since I’ve seen you, I came here last week but the house was locked”

Vinod heard Kamna giggle sweetly followed by a gasp “Oh uncle, I can’t breathe, me and my family went for a trip to my native”

Vinod saw his wife coming to the hall partly embraced by the very excited and buoyant house owner, whose arm was around her waist, tightly gripping the tender, soft waist, while his other arm was stroking her bare back, his face was very close to hers nearly kissing her as they somehow managed to come inside. Vinod stood and welcomed the old man “Hello, Prakash sir, how are you?”

Prakash spared a moment to reply “Oh Vinod, I’m fine, I really missed your wife, it’s time for the ritual and you took her away from me”

Vinod gulped “It’s nothing like that sir, we had planned the trip a long time back and couldn’t avoid it”

Kamna gently pushed the old man onto the sofa, with a throaty purr she said “Please wait uncle, I will bring something to drink”

Before the man could answer, she went inside to the kitchen, while Prakash watched her stunning backside hungrily. Vinod looked at another man standing respectfully behind the house owner “Sir, who is he?”

Prakash said “He is my driver and a handy person to have around. So, it’s already the fifth of a new month, do you have the rent ready?”

Vinod stammered at the unexpected question “Uh, about that, Kamna said she will talk to you”

Prakash had a mysterious smile “Did she? Well I will listen to her”

Kamna came out holding a tray with tea and some biscuits, she had used the time the adjust her hair and saree, looking perfect and stunning “Here uncle, have some tea”

Prakash took the cup and sipped it before putting it down, he surprised the couple by pulling Kamna’s saree to the side and exposed her bare waist with her deep navel in the centre “Where is the belly chain I gifted?”

Vinod was shocked for a moment to see the old man pushed Kamna’s saree to the side and peer at her succulent body, but he recovered. Kamna answered “Sorry uncle, I removed it before I took bath but I forgot to put it back again”

Prakash turned to Vinod with a glare “What Vinod, why didn’t you remind your wife about the belly chain? Didn’t you know she should wear it daily because of the ritual?”

Vinod stammered unable to come with a response, Prakash turned to his driver “Praveen, give me the box”

The driver who had been ogling Kamna right from the start nodded and gave his boss a long velvet box. Prakash took it and smiled at Kamna “No need to worry dear, I got some more belly chains for you, these are made from gold, silver and pearls, you can match it to any saree”

Vinod looked on with awe as the open box contained rows of fine, exquisite belly chains of many variety. Kamna’s eyes gleamed as she saw the glitter of gold and other precious metals, which woman could stand unaffected in front of jewellery, especially when it was a gift. Her juicy red lips parted in pleasant surprise “Oh uncle, this looks beautiful, but you shouldn’t have spent so much on this”

Prakash shook his head “No dear, last time I couldn’t give you a proper present, but this time, I used a jeweller to make some decent ones. Come on, let me put this on you and see how it looks, I’ve been waiting for a long time”

With her husband watching, Kamna pushed her saree off willingly exposing her lush body to the eyes of the men. The driver’s mouth opened when he saw the deepest navel he had ever seen, winking invitingly, and the slutty blouse the ‘respectable housewife’ was wearing. He could see rising slopes of tender, glowing flesh everywhere, concealed only by the small blouse, the lace bra underneath was clearly visible, for the cotton of the blouse was too thin to be of any use. His cock became painfully hard when his master caressed the woman’s bare skin making her shudder with pleasure, a rosy tint suffused the pale marble like skin glowing with vitality. The driver desperately wanted to rub his aching cock, but he didn’t dare to do it before his boss, so he moved slightly and grinded himself on the edge of the sofa, immediately feeling the pleasure.

Prakash’s wrinkled face bloomed like a full moon as he felt the softest skin openly on Kamna’s body, not minding the presence of her husband. He gleamed “Oh dear, your skin seemed to become more softer and shinier in a short while, I can't wait to start the ritual. But let me try this belly chain first”

Kamna bit her lips in pleasure as the old man’s warm hands roamed all over her naked waist, especially teasing her sensitive navel. The dam holding back all of her lust and desire developed cracks at the intimate touch of a man, it took all of her willpower not to succumb to the irresistible temptations. Prakash placed the cold glittering metal on her shapely waist, getting a pleasurable hiss out of her, he leaned over her body, rubbing his wrinkly face on her stomach to hook the chain behind her, nearly kissing her juicy navel in the process.

Kamna looked down at the beautiful chain making her look ethereal and infinitely sexier, she gushed “Oh uncle this is so beautiful, but it must have cost a lot”

Prakash admired her beauty with pride “It’s nothing dear, just cost some thousands each, but it is definitely worth seeing it on you. Compared to your kindness in allowing me to do the ritual, this piece of money is worthless”

Prakash turned to Vinod, who was marvelling at the cost of the jewellery and sternly said “You, you must take care of her, if I see her without a bellychain, then I will be angry at you. Ever since the first ritual, I have become much happier and fortunate, it’s all because of her, so you must bear the responsibility of reminding her to wear it all the time. If the ritual fails because of your negligence then you will face the consequence, understand?”

Vinod nodded dumbly, not wanting to antagonise the house owner who was the saviour of their present financial difficulties “Yes sir, I will take care of her, don’t worry”

Prakash huffed and turned to Kamna, his face once again gentle and smiling “Now dear, let’s not waste time anymore, I want to start the ritual immediately”

Kamna agreed “Let’s go inside uncle”

Prakash ordered his driver “Praveen, stay here and let no one disturb us”

Vinod watched the old man put his arm around his wife’s waist and pull her tight making her giggle, as they went inside the bedroom, the driver closed the door gently and stood right in front of it, leaving the young husband uncomfortable in his own house. With his trusted driver guarding the door, Prakash became untethered, he turned the sexy Kamna and kissed her sweet red lips passionately, making her moan with desire. She said “Please uncle, wait, let me tidy up the bed, I didn’t expect you to come today”

Prakash didn’t let her out of his grasp “Who cares about the bed, dear, I can't wait anymore, all these weeks I have been thinking about you and your delicious navel, I can't wait to taste it”

Kamna’s body was on fire, the expensive gifts made her forget everything and made her amenable to his demands. Prakash pulled the saree with force, easily unknotting the already precariously tied fabric, without the petticoat the saree unravelled in a flash leaving her naked except for the blouse and the erotic lace panties. The old man was stunned at the beauty, one she had meticulously prepared to seduce her husband, but all her efforts were instead used on the old house owner.

He gasped “Wow, you look so beautiful dear, if only I was a bit younger I would have married you. But all is not lost, during this short gap I’ve missed you a lot, I felt as if a part of me was missing and my life was without colour. I wanted to talk about this later, but I can't wait anymore, I want to make you my mistress, I will shower you with gold, money and everything if you agree to it”

Kamna was shocked, the offer was irresistible, but she shook her head “I am sorry uncle, while I am so happy and proud at your offer, you forget that I am a happily married woman. I have my own family to take care of, I can't leave them, please understand uncle, what would the world say if I abandon my husband and my little daughter and go with you?”

Prakash looked crushed but he nodded “I understand dear, forgive me, my emotions got over my sanity”

Kamna smiled gently, she pushed him onto the bed and sat on his lap, rubbing her lush, nearly naked ass on his hard cock. She kissed his wrinkled lips softly, teasing them open with her silken tongue “Maybe if I wasn’t married, I will readily accept your offer uncle, you are the man of my dreams, you are handsome, strong, kind and gentle, what more could a woman ask for”

Prakash nodded, opening his mouth to fully capture her slithering tongue and suck on it “You are right dear, I too am in a good position in the society, it wouldn’t do well to damage my hard-earned reputation. As long as you are willing to accommodate my desires, I am happy to continue our ‘rituals’ as it is”

Kamna purred, rubbing her wet lace-clad pussy on his cock “Of course uncle, you don’t have to worry on this account, I’m always available to you at any time. It is my honour to make you happy, you can come to my home anytime and do anything to me as you please. Ah, I forgot an important matter”

Prakash paused in his kissing on her exquisite face “What, dear? You can tell me anything, I will help you to my utmost”

Kamna hesitated “My only sister is coming here to do her higher studies in a few months, this house will be too cramped with all of us staying here. Me and my husband were actually thinking about moving to a bigger house, so that we can give my sister a separate room for her privacy”

Prakash laughed “This is nothing, even I was thinking about it, this house is too small and ordinary for you dear. I have another house nearby, it has three rooms, though one is unused and full of junk. Of course, the rent is much higher, but for you I am happy to waive it fully”

Kamna shook her head “No uncle, I can’t stay at your house for free, if it was just me then I would agree, but I can’t ask any more of your generosity, especially my entire family is staying there. What is the rent you normally charge?”

Prakash hesitated “Fourteen thousand plus maintenance charges, like water and electricity”

Kamna said “Oh, that’s a lot more than our budget allows, still I can't stay for free, it would be great if you can give us a small discount”

Prakash smiled “Fine, I discount everything, how about you give me a thousand per month”

Kamna smiled back, lovingly kissing his nose “No uncle, that would be too unkind on your generosity, we are paying eight thousand for this house, so how about we give you the same?”

Prakash said wryly “I am ready to give it for free, but you such a nice darling for not taking advantage of me. Fine, if that is what you want then I agree, anything that pleases you is my wish too”

Kamna smiled brilliantly “Thank you so much uncle, you are such a dear. Now my worries are gone, all because of you, how can such a lovely man like you exist in this dark age”

Prakash preened under her flattering “It’s just basic humanity dear, now I can't wait, let me taste your navel”

Kamna lay down on the bed invitingly “I’m all yours uncle, you can do anything to me”
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RE: The adventures of an idiotic husband by ajaniv - by Ramesh_Rocky - 10-05-2019, 03:55 PM

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