Adultery The adventures of an idiotic husband by ajaniv
When Vinod came back, filled with relief, he saw Kamna looking very beautiful with a lovely yellow saree and orange blouse. It looked very sexy as well as traditional, she also wore fresh jasmine flowers on her silky black hair, neatly tied into a bun. A little makeup made her already lovely features enthralling, the light orangish pink lipstick was the cherry on top. It seemed like she was going to an upscale party, but held in her hand was a plate full of puja materials. Kamna asked with concern “Are you alright? Is your stomach upset?”

Vinod nodded sheepishly, there was no way he was going to reveal the real reason to his wife “Yes, must be the snack I ate in the evening. Are you going out?”

Kamna nodded “Yes, it’s been a while since I went to a temple, so I thought of going to the one nearby. Can you look after Arushi?”

Vinod agreed, he had always been gracious in these regards “No problem”

With a thankful smile, she kissed her playing daughter and left for the temple, Vinod went to the bedroom to change. Kamna walked to the temple, though she covered her shoulder with the pallu demurely, her beauty couldn’t be hidden, she felt various eyes roaming all over her body, trying to peek in between the gaps. Since it was a weekday, the temple wasn’t crowded, there were many young and old women lighting up diyas, worshipping the various shrines and circumambulating the temple. There were also men, some prayed to the deities piously and meditated, but many were there just to look at the women. Kamna left her slippers outside and went to the various shrines praying fervently for self-control and to rein in her slipping desire. There was a small crowd in the main shrine, waiting for the abhisheka to end, it was mostly married women from twenties to fifties standing around piously.

Kamna joined them and watched as an old priest meticulously performing the rituals, one old woman commented “Seeing Purushottam do the ritual is a grand sight, he is truly a pious and learned priest”

Another agreed “Yes, it’s as if he treats the idol as a living person seated right before him, it’s truly mesmerizing”

Kamna waited with the women and saw the much-respected priest offer prasad to everyone, including herself. The priest asked her with a kind voice “You must be new here, I haven’t seen you before”

She nodded “Yes sir, I live nearby, but this is my first time here”

The priest smiled divinely “Today is an auspicious day for the God, you are blessed to come here and see His abhisheka. But don’t stop, come again regularly, our God is very powerful and will grant anything the devotee asks”

Kamna smiled “Sure, sir”

She turned around and saw a couple of young men in their late teens sweeping and washing the temple. They were dark skinned and looked poor, but Kamna was surprised that such young men did sacred yet menial jobs instead of roaming around with their friends like any teenager. Seeing her surprise, the priest explained “Those are the neighbourhood boys, they used to be irrepressible rapscallions, always making trouble wherever they went. But my wife saw the good inside them and brought them to the right path, as good citizens, with lots of tender loving and care. Now they work dedicatedly to keep the temple clean and running”

One woman praised “Our priest is right, dear, I still remember that boy troubling everyone and raising hell, but after experiencing Vasundhara’s motherly affection, he has completely changed. Purushottam is lucky to have Vasundhara as his wife”

Kamna noticed a few more men of a similar age working, doing menial jobs for the sake of the temple. She stayed in the temple until the sunset, enjoying the calm atmosphere and tranquillity, before going back to her house. The new routine continued for a few more days, the pious air of the temple successfully soothed her desires and calmed down her lust addled mind. Seeing his wife regularly visit the temple and come back with a calm, relaxed composition made Vinod happier. She had settled into a nice conservative persona of a respectable housewife, it cemented the trust and faith Vinod had on her.

On the fourth day, Kamna visited the temple as usual, it was a Saturday, so the crowd was much larger than usual, especially men, who thronged the premises. She ignored them and did her usual routine, trying to keep a clear mind. But it was almost impossible, her beauty drew the men like a moth to flame, anywhere she went, she was met with a light brush, caress of press. It was a struggle to ignore it when her body responded like parched earth to the rain. She went to a shrine and closed her eyes to pray to the deity, hoping for a divine miracle to help with her distress. As she was concentrating, she felt the crowd push her slightly, but she rooted her legs to stay as she were. Suddenly a person stood behind her, their hip gently brushed her sumptuous ass, making her concentration flicker. Irritated she looked back at a young man, who tried to act ignorant and glared, hoping he would take the hint, she closed her eyes and prayed.

She nearly succeeded before a stronger press disrupted her concentration, she felt the tell-tale sign of a cock hardening on her ass. Her heart raced, but she said “Mind your behaviour”

She moved slightly, away from the semi hard cock before valiantly trying to concentrate once again. But the crowd was increasing, and she felt the cock again, this time harder, the man apologised “Sorry madam”

She shook her head in disgust, complaining mentally to the Gods above, she looked around and saw that the crowd was truly large, and it was difficult to move even an inch from where she was. She regretted coming to the temple on such a busy day, what’s done was done, she wanted to finish her prayer and leave quickly. But it was easier said than done, there seemed to be no way she could get out. The hard cock pressed her back again, but she could only glare at him, slowly the man pressed her harder, pushing through her plush ass cheek. Every time she looked back, he would apologise “Sorry madam, I can’t help it, the crowd is too much and uh, you are really beautiful”

Her glare froze when she heard his compliment, after being ignored for long by her husband, a compliment even from a stranger felt good. Still it didn’t make her irritation go away, she spat “I don’t care, keep your distance”

The man nodded respectfully, he really seemed like a nice man, perhaps it was really an accident, the fear in his eyes made her glare soften. Her judgement was correct, the man pressed on her accidentally, the surge of the crowd was too hard to be borne by a single man. But after seeing her beautiful face, he got interested in her, after all who wouldn’t want to touch such a sexy woman. The only issue was her mangalsutra peeking out of her slender, creamy neck, dotted with droplets of sweat, even that looked kinky. No matter how much he tried, the crowd pushed him again making him nearly lose balance and get stuck on her lush body. The passage was too small, just enough for a person with little space on the sides, he gripped the walls on either side to regain balance, though the milk was spilled already.

Even before she could turn, he apologised “I am really sorry madam, I am still trying to lean back but there are too many behind me pushing”

She bit her juicy lips and turned back enough to look at the mass of people behind them, she nodded after several moments pause “Ok, but I really don’t like it, I hope you understand”

He promised her fervently “I know madam, you look very respectable and classy, I know how difficult it is for you. That’s why I am trying hard to not put pressure on you, I nearly lost my balance several times”

His compliments worked once again as she turned around with a slight huff, a short while later, her pallu got pulled slightly having caught in a small crevice on the wall. Since she was using the pallu to cover her shoulders, it was easier to get stuck on such places. The man’s eyes widened when he saw the creamy flesh underneath, what was shocking was the sleeveless blouse she was wearing. Though she looked conservative and traditional, her blouse was sexy and showed almost all of her back and arms. As he stood in a daze, Kamna sniffed it wasn’t even the man’s fault, she was regretting coming to the temple. A minute later, the pallu once again slipped off her shoulder, flashing a mass of white satiny skin. Even though the evening air was hot and humid, made worse by the hundreds of people crammed together, his hot breath scalded her bare shoulder, evaporating the tiny sweat droplets in a trice.

No matter how much she struggled, her body became hot, her nipples sprung into hardness, her skin became hypersensitive and her pussy turned moist. The earlier, hard acquired feeling of devotion and piety vanished in a second, leaving her to experience the familiar all-encompassing wave of lust. Preoccupied, she was ill-prepared when the crowd pushed again, making her lose balance, thankfully the man was alert and slid in hand around her to catch her. She mumbled “Thanks”

With his hand still around her waist, feeling her bare belly, the man stuttered “No problem, madam. But please be watchful, the crowd is getting bigger”

She nodded, not wanting to face him and betray the longing in her face, she bit her bottom lips in sweet agony, making it appear redder and juicier. Somehow the man sensed the change and pressed himself harder on her plush ass, making her freeze. He removed his hand and leaned back, afraid she would raise a commotion, but Kamna would never do such a thing. Thankfully for her, the temple workers came to the rescue, led by a tall, authoritative woman in her forties, young men scampered all around and took care of the unexpected crowd. The woman scanned the mass of people and made several arrangements to make them move freely.

Kamna raised her hand to catch the woman’s attention, who came closer “Do you need anything?”

Kamna nodded “I have some urgent work, I didn’t expect to get caught up here so long, is there a way to move out of the queue?”

The woman smiled gently, transforming immediately into a motherly figure “I understand dear, we too were caught by surprise. Usually there wouldn’t be so many people, but an industrialist suddenly announced giving free food and clothing, causing a near riot. Wait, let me find my boys”

Kamna smiled gratefully and observed the tall, older woman with interest, the woman gave a mature aura, but was very beautiful in a homely, next door manner. She wore a black blouse that was nearly transparent, showing her gleaming golden skin radiating through the thin fabric. She wore a simple green cotton saree, but somehow made it look classy and elegant. There was very little jewellery, except for a pair of white stone studs on her ears and a dangling nosestud, glittering in the evening light. Her body was slim and shapely, except for some extra padding around her midriff, which was easier to see due to the haphazard manner of her saree dbanging, which exposed the bare golden skin under her blouse and the deep navel in the centre.

As soon as the woman gestured, two young men came over, they were dark skinned and wore just a dhoti, leaving their young, muscled bodies bare. They were respectful as she ordered them gently “Open the barricade and let this lady out, don’t make the crowd disorderly”

Immediately, the men opened the barricade just enough to let Kamna out, she heard a disappointed sigh from behind her, but she didn’t dare to look back. With a relieved deep breath, she slipped out of the crushing mass of people and moved to a comfortingly empty place. She thanked the woman and walked out, not wanting to stay in the crowded temple any longer, but she heard a call “Wait”

She looked back to see the woman walking quickly towards her “Is there a problem?”

The woman said “Not for me, for you. You probably didn’t feel it, but your saree is bunched up between your ass, you might want to take care of it quickly”

Kamna looked behind her and blushed when she saw her large globes clearly showcased, the saree was pinched between her ass, showed a deep groove. She realised what should have caused it an cursed the strange man who had stood behind her, his grinding must have pushed her saree deep between her ass cheeks. As she tried to form a response, the woman smiled knowingly “I understand, it is not rare for a woman to experience this, especially in crowded places. Come with me, I will show a private place where you can take care of it”

Kamna nodded gratefully, she didn’t want to pull her saree out right in front of the crowd, thankfully the woman moved to her back and concealed the sight from the others. With her leading from the back, Kamna went to a small office room, which was empty. The woman said “You can adjust your saree here”

Kamna said “Thank you so much, I didn’t realise what had happened, it would be so embarrassing to have gone like that all the way to my home”

The woman gently said “It’s nothing, even I’ve experienced similar things, as a woman, such things happen. But since it happened in our temple, I am angry, did someone force themselves on you?”

Kamna pulled the saree out of her ass and smoothed the fabric over, while adjusting the dbanging, which had gotten mussed due to the crown “No, I am sure it was an accident, I felt something behind me, but I didn’t know it was so bad”

The woman nodded “Thank god, here take this kerchief, you are sweaty, do you want to wash before you leave?”

Kamna said “No need, my house isn’t far off”

The woman smiled “I have seen you a few times in here, by the way I am Vasundhara, I am the priest’s wife and take care of administrative matters”

Kamna smiled back “I am Kamna, I just came here a few times, this is a lovely temple, neat and well organised”

Kamna had heard of that name somewhere but she didn’t remember when, Vasundhara said “Thank you, my husband is busy with the rituals, so I try to help him as much as I could. It is my honour and duty as a wife, thankfully I have a bunch of dedicated young men who volunteer their services for the temple”

Kamna said “Oh, that’s nice to hear, but I am getting late, thank you for the help”

After exchanging pleasantries, Kamna left, looking at a wealthy man gifting food and clothes to the throngs of people as she made her way home. Sweaty and horny, she was greeted by her husband who looked happy playing with their daughter. Seeing the lovely domestic scene was like a soothing balm on her inflamed desire, with a gentle smile, she prepared food for her family. Like usual, Vinod slept as soon as he lied down on the bed, unfortunately Kamna couldn’t. She had a fitful night filled with dreams of hard cocks fucking her from behind and groups of people groping her. She didn’t go to the temple the next day, not wanting to re-experience the events. She spent almost all the time doing chores and taking care of her daughter, but in the afternoon, she went to the market to buy vegetables. After a refreshing bath, she opened her wardrobe and looked through the selection, she found that almost all of her sarees were sheer or translucent, all the blouses that fit her were either sleeveless or too sexy.

One old blouse looked decent, but she didn’t like it as it made her look old, a sudden strand of naughtiness filled her mind. Though she didn’t want to cheat on her husband anymore, it didn’t mean that she had to live a monastic life. There was nothing wrong in wearing trendy clothes that emphasized her beauty, feeling rebellious, yet free, she took a navy blouse and a light blue chiffon saree. Standing in front of the mirror, she applied a moisturizing lotion all over her body, feeling the supple, luxuriant skin under her palms. She then put on a nice musky perfume, applying liberally under her arms, neck, wrists, back and over her pussy. Feeling sexy, she put on a navy-blue lace bra and a matching pair of panties, the dark fabric was in great contrast to her pale, flawless skin.

The bra made her breasts look fuller and perkier, resulting in her feeling younger, the tight blouse and saree completed the ensemble. She looked into the mirror once again, happy at the beautiful and sexy sight greeting her back. Satisfied, she turned around to leave, but something stopped her, she looked back at the mirror and a thought struck her. The sleeveless blouse looked lovely, but something was lacking, a teasing smirk bloomed in her beautiful face. She readjusted the pallu slightly and pulled the saree down on the right, like peeling a skin off a banana, the right blouse covered breast slowly peeked out, presenting an inviting sight.

Satisfied, she took her bag and left her daughter at the neighbour’s place before going to the market. The afternoon sun was out, turning the heat high, but the sleeveless blouse made it bearable. Covertly watching the reactions of the men, she walked to the market, enjoying the wide, lusty expressions her beauty created along the way. Once inside the crowded market, the reactions multiplied, but she tried to go about her job, buying the best vegetables for the money. At times felt some brush behind her, sometimes a man would lean towards her, trying to touch her lush body. But she always moved just enough, as she was buying tomatoes, she asked the shopkeeper, who was leering openly at her when she bent down “Bhaiya, how much are the tomatoes?”

He replied “It’s sixty per kilo, madam”

She was shocked “Sixty per kilo? This is too much, I heard the prices going down for the last few days, but you still quote so much”

The man was unapologetic “What can I do madam? This is the market price, I don’t decide it myself”

She nodded “Fine, how about two kilos for eighty?”

He shook his head, while scratching his thigh, which was lewdly exposed even though there were many women passing by. Her eyes were automatically drawn to his actions, unfortunately seeing the man’s dark hairy thighs in all of its disgusting glory, thankfully the dirty brown dhoti covered his crotch, sparing her from further obscenity. Nonchalantly, he grinned noticing her gaze on his thighs and openly looked at her bulging breasts, which nearly tore open her blouse as she bent down to pick the tomatoes. He commented while scratching his inner thighs “Juicy”

She looked up with a glare “What?”

He smirked “I am talking about the tomatoes, madam, they are big round and juicy, even without touching them you can tell how much milk they contain”

Her glare softened, she knew what he was talking about, her tits, but she kept a blank expression, gently she squeezed the tomatoes in her hands “They are definitely juicy, it would be a sin to not taste them properly, don’t you agree? I will take good care of them if you are willing to sell at eighty for two kilos?”

Her back straightened just a bit, somehow causing her pallu to slip slightly, revealing more of her juicy breast. The man licked his dark, tobacco stained lips openly “Well, since you want it so much you can have them. I also have a thick, long banana which a woman like you will really enjoy, do you want to sample them? I’ve long wanted to place my banana in a place like your hands, it’s free and you will definitely like tasting it”

Kamna’s lovely face lightly flickered with an imperceptible smile “Unfortunately my husband doesn’t like bananas, so I will have to pass on that one, instead I will take some of the onions here”

The man looked disappointed, but laughed slapping his thick thigh “Take them, they are for you, but don’t forget my banana, come to me if you want to taste a thick raw banana, you won't be disappointed”

Kamna paid for the vegetables, happy at the steep discount the lewd, dirty shopkeeper gave her and walked back to her house. The satisfaction of bargaining well, masked the little guilt she had for using her body to get undue benefits.
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RE: The adventures of an idiotic husband by ajaniv - by Ramesh_Rocky - 10-05-2019, 03:52 PM

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