Mother mallika
After a couple of long squeezes Sekar left to wash his car." aw it turned red" said Siddharth placing his hand over her belly that has turned a bit red because of continuous squeezing. Mallika smiled and said " Well, what do you expect it to turn to". Both mother and son laughed their ass off."Not just the cheese sandwich, the milky bar too was delicious this morning" saying that he gave a quick squeeze at her boobies.Mallika quickly pulled him closer and gave a long french kiss with her tongue exploring his mouth several times.

Mallika pushed Siddharth when they heard sekar walking back.But Siddharth was completely turned on and he dint really care. He quickly hugged her and kissed at her lips, though she refused to open and pushed him away. "Mommy please.." he pleaded. She once again successfully pushed him just a moment before her husband entered.“So so eager to see you pa” said Mallika as she finished talking with Balu (Siddharth’s grandpa and father of sekar). Balu in his late 60 was a former bank employee too. He is living along with his wife and another son in Assam. Its been really long since the family met and Balu has decided to pay his visit after a long time. “was that grand pa” asked Siddharth who was at the time of her telephonic conversation was giving his usual massage to her creamy waist. “Oh yeah boy. He should be here in an hour, better behave when grandpa is around” said the sexy mother and left to kitchen with a wink.Sekar was yet to reach home from office and it was already 6 PM. Last few days many things have changed for Mallika. Her husband who once used to ignore her completely now started competing against his own son when looking for her honey spot navel and mostly it his her son who is ruling when it comes to her belly region. Another thing which has drastically changed now is Siddharth now openly grab her boobs and even suck them whenever possible. Mallika too seems to enjoy all the attention that she has been receiving even without resisting even one bit. 

Doorbell rang and Siddharth rushed to door to welcome his grandpa.There stood the old man with a tight T-shirt and his walking stick. “Grandpa…” saying siddharth just hugged to him tight at the doorway. He his seeing him after a long time. “ Oh boy you have become taller than me” saying that he quickly gave a peck to his forehead. In came the duo, and siddharth made sure his grandpa sat down in couch comfortably. “mooom” he shouted to notify his mom who was busy preparing Dosas. In came Mallika with her trademark walk. Siddharth eyes struck once again in her navel which was fully open now and was also glittering with sweat. Balu just laughed saying “ Oh my god, Mallika in saree”. Yes this is probably 3rd time he his seeing her in saree and the first two who during marriage of hers. Mallika was quick to fall on his feet to seek blessings. Both Mallika and Balu spoke nonstop for another 15 minutes. Siddharth quickly remembered the pending project work he needs to do and left to his room. 

“Would you like to have some water pa” asked Mallika and balu nodded. Before she could getup he stopped and stood up with help of his stick and marched towards kitchen. “ Come on Pa, i am here why you need stick. Saying that she pulled the stick and threw it under sofa and placed his hand over waist and walked towards kitchen. Mallika considered Balu as her own father and so was he. “hmmm you are a expert in preparing dosa” said balu as he smelled when he entered the kitchen. Both returned to couch with water and dosa,however Balu’s left hand was still roaming over her belly.

"Would you like to have tea pa" asked mother to balu to which he nodded. Mallika swayed to kitchen to prepare tea. As she came back with a tray containing biscuits and tea,Siddharth too was sitting next to his Grandpa discussing about something. As she placed the tray in the table next to sofa, he pallu dropped giving view to the milky mountains. Both Balu and siddharth glued to the scene without flickering their eyelids.As she looked them up,both were watching her with a open mouth. "Here is your tea" and with that both came back their senses.Balu was quick to move aside in the three seater sofa leaving space for the sexy mother. As she sat down her pallu moved aside completely and her entire midriff was glittering with the sexy folds at the right places. Mallika was quick to note her son getting uncomfortable the moment her navel came out to full display.Siddharth started sipping his tea with eyes fixed on her navel.Not knowing how to ask him to stop as Balu was also there she was making hissing sound to grab his attention but it was of no use. She quietly turned the other side to check what he was doing and was pleasantly surprised to see him to concentrating on her navel. Smiling to herself she completed her tea and walked away to balcony to get some fresh air! Siddharth was to quick to come to the balcony to accompany his sexy mother. Siddharth quickly grabbed her waist and hugged her tight. Mallika was surprised not shocked and she too hugged him only to feel his hard-on."moooom..." Siddharth continued to moan as he roamed his hand all over her back. Mallika understood that her son is completely excited and dint know what to do"Siddu..calm down honey" she said hugging her son. Siddharth hands moved to her ass and started pressing hard making the mother turned on. Mallika was in two minds between getting turned on and calming her son. It was the mother in Mallika won eventually and Siddharth broke the hug. " I am sorry mom" Said siddharth. Mallika smiled to her son " Its completely okay honey. Nothing to ask sorry for" she said and to reassure everything is ok she even placed his hand on her belly. " Boy...what are you waiting for. Squeeze your toy" saying that Mallika laughed. Siddharth too was more than happy to squeeze them and literally squeezed the juice out of them. A happy siddharth left the balcony to do his homework and Mallika was about to return to the living room. And Balu walked in to the balcony. "Are you bored pa" asked the mother whose belly and navel where completely wide open. "How would i be with my pretty beti around" Said the oldie and placed his hand over her waist.
Thanks & Regards,
One man's wife is another man's slut
I don't have a Religion, I am free. Do not impose your Morality on me
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Mother mallika - by Givemeextra - 09-05-2019, 09:45 PM
RE: Mother mallika - by Givemeextra - 09-05-2019, 09:45 PM
RE: Mother mallika - by Givemeextra - 09-05-2019, 09:47 PM
RE: Mother mallika - by Givemeextra - 09-05-2019, 09:47 PM
RE: Mother mallika - by Givemeextra - 09-05-2019, 09:48 PM
RE: Mother mallika - by Givemeextra - 09-05-2019, 09:49 PM
RE: Mother mallika - by Givemeextra - 09-05-2019, 09:50 PM
RE: Mother mallika - by Givemeextra - 09-05-2019, 09:50 PM
RE: Mother mallika - by Givemeextra - 09-05-2019, 09:51 PM
RE: Mother mallika - by Givemeextra - 09-05-2019, 09:52 PM
RE: Mother mallika - by Givemeextra - 09-05-2019, 09:52 PM
RE: Mother mallika - by Givemeextra - 09-05-2019, 09:54 PM
RE: Mother mallika - by Givemeextra - 09-05-2019, 09:55 PM
RE: Mother mallika - by Givemeextra - 09-05-2019, 09:56 PM
RE: Mother mallika - by Givemeextra - 09-05-2019, 09:56 PM
RE: Mother mallika - by lambda007 - 13-11-2019, 07:47 PM
RE: Mother mallika - by Andy230 - 22-07-2023, 08:30 AM

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