Mother mallika
Mallika came to hall with a tray containing 3 cups of coffee. Karthick was stunned to see Mallika. With every step she marched towards them, her belly jiggled in the usual manner making her erotic to the core. Sekar was not noticing it and he was busy with his phone. Sekar took his coffee and went outside talking to someone in his mobile. Karthick was still mesmerized on what he saw and Mallika could clearly see that on his face. "Take the coffee, young man" said mallika to bring him back to reality. Karthick faked a smile and took his coffee. Mallika, sat next to him sipping her coffee.

Though her intention was to make her husband go wow about her, he dint really show any sign of it and on the contrary she could see karthick feasting over her body with his eyes without a blink. She liked the attention her body got and frankly which woman would hate it. But Mallika never had cheated on her husband and in fact even before her marriage she always always been a very conservative girl. As Karthick was sitting to her side, he was feasting her belly which was wide open and the fold which are 2 in numbers making it extra sexy. Karthick was unable to resist feeling her belly and was watching it with a open mouth. After finishing her coffee, she turned towards Karthick and was stunned to see him ogling at her milky belly. 

"karthick...what...." said a stunned mallika. Karthick still with a open mouth looked at Mallika. "Aunty.. I got to say this.. You got such a nice belly" said Karthick with a innocent smile. Not knowing how to react, Mallika smiled back in acknowledgement. Mallika like when people dont lie and speak truth to her. Karthick was really happy that malika smiled without getting angry and with the same innocent smile he asked " Aunty do you mind if i feel those ?". Mallika clearly dint expect this. As soon as he asked that, her mouth slightly opened and her eyes rolled towards outside to check if her hubby was still on call. Yes he was still talking, and she turned back to Karthick. This time karthick had a pleading face like he really wanted to feel them. Mallika found him cute and being so younger to her and also his liking to her belly made her feel him like her own son. Mallika smiled again which was kind of a green signal and that was enough, Karthick literally grabbed her belly and started mauling it. Mallika though was bit stunned with the happening unfolding the evening, she was having a mixed feeling. She was bit excited to know that some 25 year old finding her hot and playing with her belly with husband round the corner.Karthick was in cloud nine and was still mauling them with more force making Mallika to moan a bit. After a minute of mauling,he slowly took his hand.Just when it was over, her husband came back in and complained that sugar was not enough in the coffee. Saying that he went to restroom. 

"Was it Karthick" asked Mallika with a raised eyebrow. " No aunty actually it was perfect" said karthich with his eyes once again rolling upon her exposed belly. Sekar came back and briefed karthick about something regarding the project and the both were having some 30 minutes of discussion on the same. "Why dont you have dinner here, its already 7" said Sekar. " No sir, i would like to have but i got to leave as i have some other work. Surely i would have some other time." Said karthick with the same innocent smile. Mallika was in the Kitchen preparing the dinner. " Ok then, Thanks for coming " said Sekar while shaking his hand with Karthick. WIth that sekar retied to his bedroom. Karthick went to Kitchen to inform Mallika that he was leaving. " Aunty, i am leaving, Thanks for the coffee" said karthick with a cheeky smile. " Hmm. thanks just for the coffee?" asked mallika with a wink and moving her pallu slightly revealing her yet another weapon of mass destruction..Her Navel..Karthick was once again taken back." Yeah thanks for that too" saying that he quickly gave her belly fold a nice pinch and left the home. Mallika smiled to herself for the love her belly is receiving.

" I am not sure what to do now Mallika" said Ram and while he was saying it tears rolled down his cheeks. Ram is a newly appointed PO and has done some errors in some documents which has created a lot of confusions in the bank. Being a newly appointed PO Ram was very nervous and in fact this was the first time he talked with Mallika . Mallika felt bad for Ram and she convinced him not to worry as such things happen in the beginning.Ram was more worried now since the Manager Rao has asked him to come to his room. Rao is very strict and if someone makes mistakes he simply shouts them out and embarrass them so badly. " Ram dont worry, nothing is going to happen. Let me go and have a word with Rao", saying that she walked towards the manager's room. Mallika was wearing a black color saree with a sleeveless blouse and as usual was looking damn hot.Though she was looking sexy, not a inch of her body was revealed. And she had tied her Saree in such a way that though it was tied few inches below her navel, she had covered it properly. Although the bank had a open glass door policy, Manager being extremely angry had closed all the doors and even covered them so that nothing was visible from outside. 
Knock knock...

Rao heard this and was thinking it was Ram. " Get in " he shouted and the very next moment he was surprised to see Mallika instead of Ram.Mallika is the only person in the bank to whom Rao wont shout whatever may be the mistake of her. Not that she do that regularly but even if she commit something big, Rao simply would try to resolve the issue by himself rather than shouting at her. Mallika Marched towards Rao and sat on the table just in from of him, moving aside the monitor. Yes, this is how she usually sits if she needs something from him and Rao too would like to have her sit like that rather in the chair opposite to him. Just few mins back Rao was so angry but now he was smiling like nothing has happened.
Rao: I was expecting Ram..Where is he?
Mallika: Yes, i only asked him to wait as i had something to discuss with you
Rao: yes tell me mallika( As he said that he quickly made a full scan of her. Having a milky white complexion she looked so hot in the black saree and that too with a sleeveless blouse)
Mallika: Sir,Ram has just joined and he is really nervous. Yes what he done is a mistake but please spare him for me. I will clean up the mess done by him. I will also make sure he dont commit errors like this in future.
Rao: Its not that but...( Rao was about to say something but quickly Mallika placed her finger on his mouth asking him to stop)
Nobody, nobody would ever have done that to Rao but with Mallika its always exception. As soon as she placed her finger, Rao just smiled and stop talking. Mallika took her hand back and said " Thanks Rao ji".
Rao: What perfume you use? Its really a sweet smell ( Saying that he brought his face near her)
Mallika: I dont use any perfume sir, just some herbal products ( Saying that she smiled and looked absolutely sexy in that particular smile)
Rao: so Mallika you dont want people be work cheerfully or what?
Mallika: what to you mean sir( She had no clue why he was asking that and made a weird expression on her face. But in that expression to sexiness was overflowing)
Rao: if you cover your beauty spot like this, how will we work cheerfully ? (Saying that he pointed his finger towards her belly)
Though Mallika was really surprised at what Rao has said, she also was happy to know her boss's weakness, which she thought ,she can exploit it whenever necessary)
Mallika: (Mallika gasped for a moment and said) My hubby thinks they look ugly and they need to be covered
Rao: Ugly? is ugly means sexy in your hubby's dictionary?
Both Mallika and Rao laughed at the comment
Mallika got down and was about to leave.
Thanks & Regards,
One man's wife is another man's slut
I don't have a Religion, I am free. Do not impose your Morality on me
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Mother mallika - by Givemeextra - 09-05-2019, 09:45 PM
RE: Mother mallika - by Givemeextra - 09-05-2019, 09:45 PM
RE: Mother mallika - by Givemeextra - 09-05-2019, 09:47 PM
RE: Mother mallika - by Givemeextra - 09-05-2019, 09:47 PM
RE: Mother mallika - by Givemeextra - 09-05-2019, 09:48 PM
RE: Mother mallika - by Givemeextra - 09-05-2019, 09:49 PM
RE: Mother mallika - by Givemeextra - 09-05-2019, 09:50 PM
RE: Mother mallika - by Givemeextra - 09-05-2019, 09:50 PM
RE: Mother mallika - by Givemeextra - 09-05-2019, 09:51 PM
RE: Mother mallika - by Givemeextra - 09-05-2019, 09:52 PM
RE: Mother mallika - by Givemeextra - 09-05-2019, 09:52 PM
RE: Mother mallika - by Givemeextra - 09-05-2019, 09:54 PM
RE: Mother mallika - by Givemeextra - 09-05-2019, 09:55 PM
RE: Mother mallika - by Givemeextra - 09-05-2019, 09:56 PM
RE: Mother mallika - by Givemeextra - 09-05-2019, 09:56 PM
RE: Mother mallika - by lambda007 - 13-11-2019, 07:47 PM
RE: Mother mallika - by Andy230 - 22-07-2023, 08:30 AM

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