Mother mallika
After unhooking 2 of the 3 hooks, mallika looked at siddharth to see what he was doing as there was dead silence in the house. Siddharth was looking at her breast with a slightly open mouth. " Boy.. i asked you to sit here and not to look at me " she said with a raised eyebrow and a teasing smile. " Mom i was just...." utter siddharth and was unable to complete it. " Oh Siddhu, i was just kidding da, could you help me to unhook the bra" said mallika as she removed the blouse completely. Mallika was standing there with just bra and petticoat. Siddharth had never seen her like this and was still sitting in the sofa with a wide open mouth. " Siddu.. cant you hear me " she said , only then he came back to his sense. "Sure mom" came the reply and he inched closer to his mother. Siddharth went behind her and was searching for the strap which was covered by her hair. " Mom your hairs are.." saying that he starting smelling her her,which was giving a sweetest odour which any perfume cant give. " oh let me pull them " she said and pulled it over her shoulders. Siddharth was still not sure whether its dream or true. He was standing behind his most beautiful mom who had asked him to unhook her bra. " boy..quick" she said as siddharth was standing there like a statue. 

Siddharth slowly put his hand over her bra and started to unhook. " Its tight mom, how to unhook it" asked siddharth who was feasting over her naked back. " wow Einstein had found out. Boy i knew it was tight and the hook had problem, thats why i called you" ,Mallika laughed as she said that.Finally siddharth unhooked but still had his over her back. " Thank you boy ,you may go now" said mallika who was still holding the bra in her hands. Siddharth came back and sat on his sofa facing mallika. Though she was still holding the bra, he could clearly see her heavy boobs. To his utter disappointment, she covered her boobs with the towel and changed her bra. She did the same while changing her petticoat .Siddharth shifted his focus back to his favorite zone, her navel. With each passing minute its beauty and depth seems to increase manyfolds. He couldnt control to crush her belly and kiss at her navel. Mallika decided not to wear blouse or saree as the bra itself was bit tight. She too came and sat next to siddharth in the sofa. " uff heavy rain. Dad is coming tomorrow, did you book the cab dear" asked mallika placing her hand over his shoulders.Siddharth quickly placed his hand over her belly gave it a tight squeeze and replied " ummm mom ". Mallika now got quite used to siddharth's pinches and squeezes to her belly. Though she wondered why he is doing that, she never questioned or resisted him . But today his squeezes were so tight that it even made mallika to moan loudly . Siddharth kept his face on her boobs and gave a quick kiss at the cleavage. Mallika took some magazine and was reading it with one hand over siddharth's head, brushing his hair. Siddharth who thought that she would get angry for kissing her breast was surprised and he gave another kiss this time, directly on her boobs. Mallika who was reading , looked down on her cleavage and gave siddharth a kiss on his forehead, and again got into reading. Siddharth was surprised as well as thrilled and gave her boobs a gentle bite. " hmmmm" mallika moaned and she got up to make dinner and yeah the usual chappathi.

Dinner was served and both went to bed. Mallika was still in her bra and petticoat. Siddharth slept hugging her as if she is a teddy bear toy.Alarm started ringing @ 4. Mallika got up bathed and dressed herself in jeans and tshirt. It was 4.45 when she waked siddharth. Siddharth got up and got ready to go to airport. Mallika again look terrific in this dress as well. Tshirt she was wearing was short enough to reveal her navel. As they got down the lift siddharth quickly placed his hands over her waist. Both took the cab which was waiting and went to airport. As they reached the airport they found sekar was already waiting for them. Mallika face brighted to see her hubby after months. Mallika got down and rushed towards her husband to hug him, but sekar was not in the same mood. He pushed her and shouted why were they late and added that he was waiting there was 30 mins. Mallika and siddharth dint expect this, instead of hugging and kissing which was usual between them ,this shocked them. All three got into the car and throughout the travel , noone spoke to each other. Mallika was embarrassed as she was shouted at in front of many including their driver. All three got in their house and still Mallika dint speak a word with sekar. 

Sekar once again shouted at them stating house is untidy . Sekar looked at her Tshirt and asked " dont you have better dress to wear, what's this? And why are you flaunting your belly, who you think will be seeing it ? reduce your weight before trying anything.." Saying that he went to bath. Mallika was literally in tears, though sekar used to tease her, he had never humilated her. By no means Mallika was slim but she had a curvy figure which would turn anybody including her son, but strangely Sekar showed no intrest in her. Their sex life had fully stopped at least 10 years ago but still they had love for each other. Sekar in early forties was a healthy good looking man with clean habbits. He had been a good father and a loving husband so far but mallika had never experienced this sort of behavior from him. Siddharth sat next to Mallika and tried to convince her. Mallika had already applied for leave as sekar was coming, she quickly changed her mind and started to prepare breakfast. She left to work with heavy heart. Both siddharth and sekar had their breakfast after mallika left. " still your mom have not learned to cook well" commented sekar while eating. Siddharth too dint like his behavior. Throughout the day Mallika was feeling low . It was 6 when she returned home. She had gone to work with a blue saree and a sleeveless blouse. Siddharth noticed that she have covered her belly completely as such not a inch was visible.Siddharth quickly greeted her and went out to play basketball.

"Welcome mallika.. hmm this saree seems to suit you and good that you have covered your belly bag hahaha" sekar commented as she entered. Mallika ignored that and went to her room straight away. Mallika was a strong woman both physically and mentally. Though she was sad because of his behavior, she decided to prove him wrong and also to make him feel sorry for his behavior. Until he feels for his mistake mallika decided not to allow him to touch her. She changed to a pink transparent saree and also tied it atleast 5 inches below her navel , with pallu she covered one of the breast leaving the other one uncovered. she looked extremely stunning and hot , as she saw her in the mirror, she smiled at herself seeing her beauty. " You teased my body right, lets see if you can resist it." she thought to herself and went to kitchen.Soon doorbell rang and sekar opened the door . " what a pleasant surprise, get in karthick" said sekar. Karthick works with sekar and is a juinour to him who is just 25 years old. " Mallika bring cofee" sekar shouted as Karthick sat in the sofa. Sekar sat opposite to him in one seater sofa. " Heard you are back home sir, that's why just came to see you" karthick spoke with lot of respect. " Yes karthick, hope everyone is fine in your home" asked sekar and once again shouted mallika to bring coffee.
Thanks & Regards,
One man's wife is another man's slut
I don't have a Religion, I am free. Do not impose your Morality on me
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Mother mallika - by Givemeextra - 09-05-2019, 09:45 PM
RE: Mother mallika - by Givemeextra - 09-05-2019, 09:45 PM
RE: Mother mallika - by Givemeextra - 09-05-2019, 09:47 PM
RE: Mother mallika - by Givemeextra - 09-05-2019, 09:47 PM
RE: Mother mallika - by Givemeextra - 09-05-2019, 09:48 PM
RE: Mother mallika - by Givemeextra - 09-05-2019, 09:49 PM
RE: Mother mallika - by Givemeextra - 09-05-2019, 09:50 PM
RE: Mother mallika - by Givemeextra - 09-05-2019, 09:50 PM
RE: Mother mallika - by Givemeextra - 09-05-2019, 09:51 PM
RE: Mother mallika - by Givemeextra - 09-05-2019, 09:52 PM
RE: Mother mallika - by Givemeextra - 09-05-2019, 09:52 PM
RE: Mother mallika - by Givemeextra - 09-05-2019, 09:54 PM
RE: Mother mallika - by Givemeextra - 09-05-2019, 09:55 PM
RE: Mother mallika - by Givemeextra - 09-05-2019, 09:56 PM
RE: Mother mallika - by Givemeextra - 09-05-2019, 09:56 PM
RE: Mother mallika - by lambda007 - 13-11-2019, 07:47 PM
RE: Mother mallika - by Andy230 - 22-07-2023, 08:30 AM

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