Mother mallika
Both ram and shyam placed her in sofa and sat with mallika in the middle. " Guys i am so so happy to see you back. why dint you inform me before coming, i would atl least prepared some special dish for you to eat ? " asked mallika with putting her hands over their shoulders. In that process her saree drifted and her sexy body was in full display. Ram replied that it was planned at the last moment and they already had lunch before coming. Shyam is the naughty of the two. He quckly placed his hand over her cheesy belly and gave it a tight squeeze making Mallika moan a little. " ahh Aunty when did you started wearing sarees" asking shyam with still his hand feasting her soft belly. " it was siddharth's idea and i too felt its time to try out sarees.Does it suit me boys" asked mallika. This time Ram too kept his hand in her elastic waist and gave it a nice squeeze. " you look dashing aunty and in fact you look like a bollywood diva" said Shyam and he inserted his index finger in her deep navel. "hmmmmm" uttered Mallika and Siddharth was having a new experience. He was seeing his cousin brothers squeezing and enjoying his mother but he was too excited to see the happenings. Ram and Shyam are really good students and were staying in the hostel which was 80 km away from Mallika's home. Either of them dint have any girl friends and as a matter of fact they were too shy to talk to girls. 

But somehow they are not only comfortable but at time naughty too with Mallika around. Both their parents are doctors and are mostly busy with their work. Siddarth came closer to them in the living room and he could still see their hands on his favourite spot of his mother. Mallika smiled at siddharth and said " uff look at them, playing with me as if i am their girl friend". Without knowing how to react siddharth faked a smile. Siddarth too was unable to control seeing his mother in such posture. She was looking extremely sexy and too with two boys who are not even half her age squeezing the juice out of her belly, the scene was erotic to the core. Siddharth tried to calm himself,pulled a chair and sat near them. "So guys, how is uncle and aunt and how is studies going on " asked mallika. She was bit releived now as Ram had taken his hand of her belly, but still shyam was roaming his hand over her whitish elastic waist. Ram said that he got some doubts in C programs and wanted some assistance from Siddharth. Siddharth immediately took Ram to his room and he too despartely wanted to leave the place as he was having a hard time hiding his hard on from his mother. Mallika quickly turned her head to Shayam and asked " What about you,dont you have to study that ". " hmm no aunty i took biology, i guess you can help me with my doubts in biology" and winked at her. " boy stop flirting with me , i am your aunt and not girl friend " said mallika and gave a gentle pinch to shyam's cheeks. Shyam kelt his head on her shoulder and gave a series of kisses on her neck and slowly started kissing her cheeks. Mallika was used to such kind of affection from Shyam and she dint mind at all and in fact she kept her hand over his hand and was rubbing his hairs gently. " I missed you a lot aunty ummmmmm" said shyam in between shifting to kiss the other cheek. " me too dear " said mallika and gave a kiss at his forehead. " Aunty, sid bro is correct. Please wear sarees and its suiting you wonderfully" . Saying that Shyam kept both his hand on her waist and was slowly squeezing it in a rhythm. Shyam's eyes spotted her navel and he was taking aback instantly. Though he already probed in her navel, this is the first time he is having a closer look at the sweet spot. He was surprised to see its depth. Mallika saree had gone 4 inches below her navel and she was oozing with hotness. Just next to her navel shyam saw a beatiful mole on her belly.May be the same mole may not have been visible if it was on someone else belly but being extremely white it was clearly visible. Even mallika was aware of that and mostly she would cover her saree in such a way that it was not visible. 

Mallika too was aware that he was looking at that mole and asked " what are you researching there my boy " and laughed. Coming back to sense Shayam replied " Nothing aunty this mole on her belly is so beautiful" . Yes shyam is extremely a frank straight forward person and mallika really liked him for that. Shyam would even share if he had any problem or fight with his parents. Mallika loved him just like she loved and cared for siddharth. Mallika got reminded of the incident she had with the coffee boy in the bank and shared the same with shyam. On hearing that shyam laughed and just like that fellow shyam checked as if it was mole. Mallika and shyam both were laughing out loud. " Aunty i guess that fellow might have wanted to touch your belly and he did with that excuse" said shyam whose hands were still on the folds of her waist. Mallika laughed at that comment and said " hmm well , then what about them " and looked at shyam's hands on her waist . " haha aunty i dont need a excuse to feel your belly" saying that he kept his face on her belly and started kissing. Seriously mallika was not expecting it but she dint resist shyam. After feeling content shaym got up and went to siddharth's room to check on the other two. Mallika too got up and prepared coffee. shortly after, all three came out and sat in the sofa. Mallika brought cofee for the three in a tray . And as she was approaching , three pairs of eyes glued at her. With every step she too her navel was jiggling just like a jiggle in a pond when a stone falls. All had their coffee and the twins were about to leave. Both of them hugged mallika in tightest way possible. Ram hands occupied her belly and shyam groped her ass. Mallika dint mind at all and she equally was hugging them tightly. After about a minute both twins left saying bye to siddharth....

It was a rainy evening and moonson had come quite earlier this year. Mallika who had planned to go out for buying grocery had to cancel it. In fact she had gone all the way till the main gate of the apartment and had to return due to heavy rain. And yes she got drenched in rain and she was looking like a goddess . The rain helped a lot to reveal her sexy body, her boobs were now clearly visible. As she rushed back to the lift, in that process her saree knot gone down from her navel to 3 inches making that zone extremely sexy. On reaching her flat,she knocked the door. Siddharth was quick to open the door and as he opened he was stunned. Mallika had to ask him to move twice to get him back to his senses. " are... you are so wet, let me bring the towel" he said and went to her room in a flash. Mallika felt really blessed to have a concerned son like siddharth. She thanked god in her mind for such a wonderful son. Siddharth is certainly is not a bad son, he loved his mother and top of that he too lusted after her which only siddharth knew. Siddharth came back with towel, bra,blouse and a petticoat. Mallika dint expect it at all and as he came closer the power went off. Thankfully they had inverter and the living room where mallika was present had still power because of inverter." oh my god power went..ufff" siddharth said as he came towards his sexy mother. " Thank you so much siddu" she said and brushed his hairs on his head. "Mom quickly change it or else you would catch cold" said the concerned son. " saree is not fully wet siddu, just towel is enough" she said and took the towel to dry herself. "mom look at your blouse, saree its fully wet, please change it" saying that he pulled her saree forcefully. Mallika dint expect it but as he pulled her saree she gave in and rolled anticlockwise so that saree gets pulled away completely. Siddharth throwed the saree to a corner and smiled at his mom who was standing there with a wet transparent, sleeveless blouse and petticoat. 

With every breath she inhaled and exhaled her belly and breast made small movements which looked extremely hot. Mallika smiled at her son for being so caring about her and was about to leave to her room to change her dress. " mom where are you leaving, better change it here itself, there are no power in other rooms" said siddharth with a caring look. Mallika looked a bit uncomfortable. quickly siddharth said " let me go to the room, call me after dressing up " and was about to leave the hall. Quickly Mallika held his hand and said " oh boy just stay here, you are still my kid". Mallika smiled at siddharth and pushed him to sit in the sofa. Mallika started toweling her hairs and siddharth was glued towards his mother. He was watching her without a blink of eye. After finishing with toweling mallika started unbuttoning the hooks on her blouse.
Thanks & Regards,
One man's wife is another man's slut
I don't have a Religion, I am free. Do not impose your Morality on me
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Mother mallika - by Givemeextra - 09-05-2019, 09:45 PM
RE: Mother mallika - by Givemeextra - 09-05-2019, 09:45 PM
RE: Mother mallika - by Givemeextra - 09-05-2019, 09:47 PM
RE: Mother mallika - by Givemeextra - 09-05-2019, 09:47 PM
RE: Mother mallika - by Givemeextra - 09-05-2019, 09:48 PM
RE: Mother mallika - by Givemeextra - 09-05-2019, 09:49 PM
RE: Mother mallika - by Givemeextra - 09-05-2019, 09:50 PM
RE: Mother mallika - by Givemeextra - 09-05-2019, 09:50 PM
RE: Mother mallika - by Givemeextra - 09-05-2019, 09:51 PM
RE: Mother mallika - by Givemeextra - 09-05-2019, 09:52 PM
RE: Mother mallika - by Givemeextra - 09-05-2019, 09:52 PM
RE: Mother mallika - by Givemeextra - 09-05-2019, 09:54 PM
RE: Mother mallika - by Givemeextra - 09-05-2019, 09:55 PM
RE: Mother mallika - by Givemeextra - 09-05-2019, 09:56 PM
RE: Mother mallika - by Givemeextra - 09-05-2019, 09:56 PM
RE: Mother mallika - by lambda007 - 13-11-2019, 07:47 PM
RE: Mother mallika - by Andy230 - 22-07-2023, 08:30 AM

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