
I went and as I drove to the college I found myself constantly thinking about the morning. What was it that made me find myself getting so turned on and excited??

I was doing something which even two weeks ago I would not have considered, why?

I dropped off the kids and went to work. It kept on nagging at me through the day. I picked up the kids from their after college club and then back for tea. Must not forget the washing and ironing... It was while I was ironing one of Deepti's blouses it came to me.

I found the idea of Deepti being with someone else tremendously exciting. I love her I know that... but in a way I could see that I felt somewhat inferior to her. In turn this was putting her on a pedestal. Something to be admired. Loved. Excited by. Out of reach. I wanted her to have it all.

Now all these feelings were coming to the surface, started I could now see by Arjun's return.

Dark mental images of what Arjun and Deepti had done. Now they were in the front of my mind.

It was being fuelled by Deepti, seemingly also finding the idea of control over me, dominating me even, exciting.

Her coldness was in a way torment... but then the close touch and love from her to me afterwards. It inflamed my senses.

Tortured me with the idea of someone else possessing her body. That Deepti would possibly allow it. Would she encourage it? Enjoy it??

Love. It has many sides... I could feel change in the air. Being teased. Being denied. Submitting to Deepti. Serving her. Loving it.

Later on in the day after work Deepti came in and things seemed very much back to normal. We got the kids in bed, and we were relaxing in the sitting room, half watching the news on television.

There was however a feeling of tension in the air. I kept quiet. Suddenly Deepti 'kicked the ball'.. the game was in play again...

'Sunil, I think we need to talk.'

My stomach knotted. 'Ok.'

'You know what about.'


'I've been thinking about the last few days.'

I cut in. 'So have I, and before you go on Deepti, please, I must say something..'

Deepti was lying on the sofa. My eyes kept being drawn to her legs however her nighty was well down.

I mentally prepared myself. 'I just want to know that I really deeply truly love you.'

'That's sweet.'

'Err yessss.

Well here it is...' (I had to get it out in one go. Quickly. Otherwise I knew I would not manage it).

'I find that I want you to be able to do whatever you want, while...

I want to do whatever you want.'

(Deepti I could see was watching me carefully as I was saying these things).

'I want you to control me.

I find the idea of you being with someone else immensely painful, but at the same time stimulating in the extreme.

I am a mixture of emotions. Sorry'

There I had said it

Deepti face was still. Trying not to show emotion I guessed.

I waited. Finally it seemed a long time but I guess only a minute Deepti calmly said 'You really like me being in control?'


'Can you handle it? Could you handle it?'

'Yes' (I could feel my penis trying so hard to expand in my jeans. I tried not to let it show).

Deepti laughed. I looked at her questioningly 'Sorry what's so funny?'

'You have absolutely no idea... have you?'

'What of?'

What it would mean if I control you.

'I honestly don't know.'

'Glad you said that as it is important we both are truthful.

If we both think of you as a little boy needing to be taught then we can understand each other.'

As I looked a question Deepti continued...

'You will be loved, but must do what I tell you. If you fail there will be consequences'

It was my turn to try and not give my expression away. 'Consequences?'

Deepti's voice was now teasing... 'Punishments, going to bed at 6.30pm like a good little boy while Mummy has dinner downstairs with Sunny or Arjun or... perhaps a male friend. Possibly being tied up while I go shopping with the children.... or I might wallop you again.... whatever I decide. So. Do you think you can handle that?'

I did not want to think too much! All I knew was that this was one of the most sexy conversations I had ever had with Deepti. I was rock hard. I had to go for it, but I also needed to know something else. 'I do, but do you like the idea of it?'

Deepti gave me a long look. Thoughtful. Clearly considering the question.

'Let's say certain aspects appeal a lot to me. Some more than I really want to seriously thing about at the

moment. Other thoughts I find really exciting, but some of these scare me.'

Deepti paused for a moment. I waited. She went on.

'I have to say teasing you and, being in control, is really making me... 'come alive' shall we say?

Deepti's expression then changed, hardened...

'I am also upset you cannot seem to fuck me properly now, just quickly exploding...'

'I'm sorry.'

'Yes I know your are.. but you know what I thought ?

Last night?

'Yes lying in bed... it crossed my mind how exciting it would have been if Arjun had been with us for dinner and I had made you clear up, while we were relaxing in the sitting room. Then sending you to the ground floor. While I took Arjun to bed. I imagined your face. All pleading. Your just about to go down the steps to your single room... while I was leading Arjun up the stairs... Looking back over my shoulder... seeing your face... desperate but excited..

not wanting me to do it..., but also at the same time finding it the ultimate gift. Giving into me... Letting me control you.'

I suddenly noticed Deepti's hand was now under her nighty. Stimulating herself.. The nighty was edging up.. I thought.. anytime now I will see those lovely legs of her.

Deepti must have followed my gaze for suddenly she stopped. Sat up and looked at me.

Her face somewhat defiant. 'So now you know'

'Yes, it seems as if it does something for us both' I stopped. Looked again at Deepti

Deepti was now finding something funny. She was clearly trying not to giggle. I raised an eyebrow 'What's funny?'

'Us. Who would have thought we would be talking about this. It's come out of nowhere in last few days/week... ok if you want to try it so do I.' (Deepti's eyes were full of excitement. I could see it. Sparkling with fun). 'You have to formally ask me. You have to ask me to take control of you and all that means. I decide what you can or cannot do. It applies in all areas of our lives.'

I was silent. Deepti continued 'of course that supposes you trust me as your loving wife...'

I could feel the trap opening up.... and hurried to reply..and went straight into it.. 'Of course I love and trust you'

Deepti's smile was wide 'Well there you are then... up to you..'

I took a deep breath 'ok. I will do it. Will you please please take full control over me Deepti?'

Deepti looked very pleased with herself I thought. 'Fine I will take control from now on. I doubt you will be able to cope and when you ask me to release you we will know you failed.... probably tomorrow... but we will see'

Deepti's voice changed. It become more business-like..

'Right I'm for bed. So are you. In your Ground floor room remember. However I want you to give me an answer to something tomorrow morning.

Quite important. This is one of the things I have been thinking about.

You know the bonus I got and that my salary is going to be so much more.'

I just knew that was a statement more than a question... 'Yes'

'Well I want you to become my house husband. Full time. Give up work. Just mind the house and look after the kids. Become my perfect 'Suzy homemaker'..

I just stared at her. 'That's a big ask.' I took a deep breath. I could not fail immediately. 'What will I say to all our friends and colleagues?

'Just what a woman would say if the position was reversed'

I thought about it, but before I could reply Deepti continued.

'You are giving up work as your wife is the head of the household and has got such a responsible job that it is important for you to look after the house and kids for her.

Get the picture?'

'I will feel humiliated.'

'True, but bet you're hard.' I could see that Deepti was grinning at me... looking at my crotch and the bulge in my jeans.

'So tomorrow morning I would like tea in bed at 7.15am... and by the way put on that pink and white nighty which I sometimes use.. It's yours if you take the position... Your need it, especially if you fail to get back to fucking me well...

Deepti's voice hinted at being excited...

'I can imagine you serving tea in bed to me and my male house guest... who is able to do the job you clearly can't... can you imagine that?'

I could. How delicious and humiliating... I could feel myself rubbing against the inside of my jeans..

I came in my pants....

I was damp.

Deepti was now smiling maliciously at me.

'I think I know what just happened.

However just to be sure think about what I have said overnight and I hope to see you at 7.15am... with tea... in that pink and white nighty..'

Later , lying in the bed in the spare room..

I had to play with myself again before getting to sleep. Running and re-running the evening in my mind.. Did I want this. My body was telling me the answer...

'I was nearly there. You just could not hold back. Your useless. Totally pathetic.'

She was wriggled out from under me.

'That does it.

You get out of this bed this instant.

Go and sleep in one of the spare rooms and we're talk tomorrow after the kids are in bed.

Remember.. you are 'not very well...'

She pushed me away, turned her back to me.

I did not know what to do. I was in two minds, but I did not want another fight, and unlike last time this time I felt she was really not playing around. She really was fed up and frustrated and just wanted nothing more to do with me.

I felt sick.

I realized no choice... but to go to the Ground floor spare room As I went downstairs it was almost as if I was being sent to my prison cell.... or the servants quarters... and as that came into my mind... so did the thought of serving Deepti... being at her beck and call.... I could feel it... It was doing something to me... My mind....

I had to get some a grip.... unfortunately for me I knew what I would be gripping shortly... but I could not help it. It WAS exciting me these thoughts, ideas
(To Be Continued)
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RE: UNFAITHFUL MOTHERS AND HOUSEWIFES by stranger_women - by Ramesh_Rocky - 09-05-2019, 02:04 PM

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