
The following morning I was awake quite early. The clocks had not changed yet and the sun was coming in through the high narrow window. Very much like a prison cell I thought. With Deepti releasing my legs it had been much easier, but still it had been a rough night. My only consolation was that by being kept on my front my bottom had not been squashed onto the bed. Some of those 'wallops' with the belt had curved round a little, so even if I had lain on my side, they would have been squashed and even more painful.

Anyway I could hear noises upstairs and sure enough after a while I heard the front door being shut and a car crunching down the drive. All was silent.

It had not occurred to me till then how potentially dangerous my situation was. Tied to a bed, locked in a room in ground floor and in an empty house. What if there was a fire? I tried to reason a bit. It was only five minutes by car to the local college. Say five minutes there, five minutes to drop the children, five minutes back. Fifteen at most for the round trip. My stomach was knotted up with tension. This must be exactly how a prisoner must feel.. of my wife. She could be doing anything. Of course then I started to think about 'men'... with her... I was a hopeless case. Why did it cause me to get so excited? Why was this suddenly happening to me? All I knew was it did.

I tried to relax

Time, when you have no clock and are waiting for something seems to pass incredibly slowly.

I tried to thing about the lessons that I needed to give this afternoon. It seemed incredibly difficult to think.

Finally, although I found out later it was only 12 minutes; I heard a car coming back down the drive. The front door being opened closed. I found I was panting. I just hoped it was Deepti...

Footsteps on the stairs coming down to the basement, and then along the corridor towards my room (my room??) They sounded quite officious and I felt sure they were high heels... Stopped outside the door. There was a jangling of keys. (This really did seem as if I was in a cell now……). A key inserted into the lock, turned and the door opened. I looked over.

'Morning Sunil'

'Morning Deepti'

'Sleep well?'

'Not very.'
Me too. Sunny fucked me 3 more times last night. He was awesome. Orgasms after orgasms……..oh you wont believe.Deepti had taken a seat in the chair and coolly crossed her jeans covered legs. She had great legs. Deepti's voice was very dry.

'That bottom still looks a bit pink... very tempting..'

I knew I was red in the face.

'Blushing Sunil. How sweet..'

'Well how about untying me?'

'In a minute or two.'

'Please not much more. I need the loo.'

Deepti was now covering her mouth with her hand, giggling. 'I forgot. Sorry. That would have been embarrassing for you. Imagine if you had wet the bed....' (For some reason the idea made a certain part of me even harder. I was glad I was lying down..)

'Anyway this is not going to take long. I am going to cut one of your arms free in a moment with the scissors and leave you to do the rest as I have to go to work. Bit late already' (Deepti was checking her watch, which I noticed was the gold rolex I had given her on our 5th wedding anniversary, she was really looking professional and sophisticated today in a very smart suit. Sexy as well .. 'Just thought I would remind you that you’re doing the washing and ironing from now on as agreed. Also I am not going to be in till late. I think I told you, but if not, I am telling you now, that I have a 5pm meeting with Mr Agarwal, one of the top partners, and he then wants us to go onto dinner. I guess I will be back by about 11pm.' Deepti then hesitated, but went on.. 'I want you to agree to something..' (Deepti's voice was trailing off and I could see Deepti was now looking down at her rings twisting them round, I could her worry or was it just concern in her voice?) . I cut in to re-assure her.

'Go on Deepti. Ask. I can only say no.'

'That's what I do not want you to say..' She looked away again.

'Come on Deepti spit it out.'

'I want... I want you to agree to me being in charge of this marriage from now on.'

'What's that mean?'

Deepti was now looking me straight in the eye. Very cool and collected now I thought.

'It means I am in charge. The boss. You do what I want.'

I lay there looking up at her. Silent I felt afraid. Something through was stirring me... exciting me... Deepti in charge..


Deepti's voice was now quite low, almost embarrassed.. 'I have suddenly found I like it when you do what I say. She looked away but I could now see was flushing. 'It is exciting me' and then at a rush 'and I think it excites you... Does it?'

Now it was my turn to try and look away, it was difficult as I was still held down. I closed my eyes. I heard my voice almost not of my own will say

'Could we give it a trial?? I'm not sure...'

There was silence. I had to look. There was Deepti looking steadily down at me. 'Alright I agree to that on the basis of it ending when I say so. That still puts me in charge but there is a limit'

I went to cut in. Her hand came over my mouth.

'I've not finished yet. You have to also agree to try to obey me, and if you fail any instruction I give you, it ends immediately. It's no good if you do not try. You have to want to obey me. To enjoy obeying me'

I could feel my hardness and was relieved I was still face down. 'I will try, I promise.'

'So you do like the idea?'

I hesitated

'You must do. No man (and Deepti spat the word) would agree to such terms. You truly are a little boy, but Mummy (now Deepti's voice was sickly sweet) loves her little boy.. Oh my.. seems that Mummy's little boy finds this quite exciting...' (Deepti's right hand had again wriggled under me and found my very firm erection pressed between the me and the bed..) Her head leaned in close to me, her mouth close to my ear, 'And can you imagine what it would be like if I told you that Sunny is going to make me pregnant again and again...while you have to agree to raise those children’s ' I just ejaculated. 'Oh dear. I think I can take that as a yes...'

I could not trust myself to speak. I nodded looking into Deepti's grey eyes which seemed to be so cool... much more mature and understanding than I felt.

Deepti wiped her hand on the sheet. Stood up.

'Right I'll be off now. By the way I called the college. They know you’re not so well so they do not expect you today. It will give you time to get everything sorted out. All the sheets washed and ironed clothes as well.'

I felt so small lying there naked while Deepti stood looking down at me so elegantly dressed. I just knew I was twitching again. Deepti clearly guessed..

'And no more playing with yourself, ok?? I still want a good fucking...tonight... I am sure after having spent most of the evening with old Mr Agarwal I will need something to come home to... Love you lots... Bye..' and she was gone.

I suddenly panicked. She had not cut one of the ropes or left the scissors.. 'Deepti, DEEPTI, You need to cut one of the ropes...'

'issssssss...' Deepti was back. 'You just caught me. Sorry.' Snip. 'Here's the scissors. Must fly I'm late' and away she went.

I needed a call of nature urgently by now. Talk about holding it in. Good thing I was a man...

I cut the other ropes holding the last arm and quickly got to the loo. THAT I definitely needed.

Then I got rid of the ropes as by now my arms were starting to ache and really needed some massage. I quickly Grabbed a shower. My bottom was definitely tender and I went in front of the mirror so I could fully see the back of myself. Not a pretty sight. Pink lines and clearly in places where the tip had 'whipped' round and I just 'knew' I would be getting some colorful bruises later on in the week.

I felt a bit guilty about college, but then I tried to sit down on one of our bar stools in the kitchen. Hard. Not a good idea. I jumped up fast..

Anyway I had all the washing and ironing and cleaning to do. I realized the ground floor bed would also need changing. Kids clothes. Washing basket plenty in there.... As I opened the basket I saw on top the white bra and panties that Deepti had put on before she 'walloped' me. I picked them up. The bra was clearly damp from sweat and I could smell her perfume. The panties, especially the front panel, were absolutely wet. I could not help myself I had to lift them up and sniff.. the smell was what I suspected... her womanly scent from her juices... She also must have truly enjoyed what we did last night. Actually what she did last night in ground floor and upstairs. I was really just passive.

I thought struck me. She really must get off on control of me... but seems... so do I....

I got a coffee made and went and lay down on our bed. Face down. I could kneel up and drink and then lay down again to rest. Think.

Did I want it to go this way? Was it worth trying?

I felt myself get hard. I knew the answer.

With that I was up and going. Once I had done all the washing and ironing I cleaned the kitchen, emptied the dishwasher. Time flew. Picked up the kids from their after college. Deepti had made no mention of me getting them early and I guessed she wanted to keep them totally unaware of our slightly unusual night. To say the least I thought that was a good idea!!

I was giving them tea when the phone rang. It was Deepti. She sounded excited. She had just come out of the meeting with old Mr Agarwal.

'You know he's rich?



'And you know he and his wife never had children?'

'Yes, so?'

'Your never guess.'

'What? Please Deepti, get to the point, I am in the middle of sorting out the kids tea...'

'He's retiring immediately from next Monday and going on a world cruise and... and... he's decided to give me

his partnership share. It means from Monday I am going to be one of the senior partners. He said it was due to

my ability, hard work, drive. You name it he said it. The other partners are all supporting him. The practice

is doing so well I have also been given a HUGH bonus for this year.'

'How much?'

'Not telling you it's mine...' I could hear the tease...

'Come on Deepti.'

'Alright, but as I am in control you not going to know how much, however it is over three times your

yearly teaching salary.'

'Your kidding?'


'Wow. Plus the rise with being a partner. We are rolling in it.'


I guessed... 'Your are rolling in it...

'Good you know your place.' Again I could hear the tease...

Two could play at that game... 'Yes Mummy.'

Deepti giggled. 'Now you be a good little boy and get everyone to bed early.. including yourself.. and maybe Mummy will come in and give you a nice kiss.... After which you have a job to do...

Bye.' She was gone.

I put the phone down. That was some news.

Bath time. Bed time. Story time. Finished by 10pm. After which time crawled slowly by.

Deepti had said she would be in by about 11pm. I had a shower, got ready for bed. Finally I found on our soft bed I could 'sit down', although my bottom was still painful, and it was still better to be on my side or front.

Read the paper. My mobile beeped. Text message from Deepti: 'Sorry. Other partners joined party. At club. Leaving now. Home by 12 xxx'

That did it.

I wondered which partners.

Some were like ourselves quite young... and most were male...

Stop it. I managed to concentrate on the paper... relief.

(To Be Continued)

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RE: UNFAITHFUL MOTHERS AND HOUSEWIFES by stranger_women - by Ramesh_Rocky - 09-05-2019, 02:03 PM

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