09-05-2019, 01:48 PM
Quote:Originally Posted by White_Master View Post
First, to imagine yelling at your wife and that she is doing something nearly every wife in your society is doing means you are dominating her is silly. I find in fact the yelling to be more the act of a powerless 'little boy.'
I have cuckolded a number of India couples, mostly in NYC where executive husbands from India would come. In those cases, the husband rarely got to have sex with his wife. He certainly was allowed to 'make love' to her, but mainly this would involve kissing, caressing and of course licking her clean. Because I had many business acquaintances, I would make those cuckold husbands, serve drinks and clean their wife between men.
There were some times when I would let him enter her ass, for Double Penetration so he could feel how much larger my cock was. I am not a horse, just 7.5, but this is larger than average. It is mainly the strength of my personality which excites the wife.
But double penetration when done by a masterfully skilled man with the assistance of an obedient assistant is an incredible experience for all three people. When a cuckold husband is in his wife's ass, he will feel her cum on my cock. And the love her feel for her will be greatly magnified.
If your wife is getting stretched out, this is a sign of poor posture and loss of muscle control. She should be using Jade Eggs and Benwa to keep her pussy tight, doing special exercises. Keeping herself tight is her responsibility. How else can she give good pleasure to me and a group of men.
As a specialist in training the human body, when I read about wives being so stretched out their husband has little feeling fucking her or she him is a sign of poor physical conditioning. Being loose like that also diminishes the woman's pleasure and ability to orgasm.
Keeping her shaved clean, I feel is her cuckold husband's job. It keeps in his mind that he is preparing his wife for me and my friends. The same goes for him kneeling before me and guests and politely asking she be fucked and pleasured. In some cases this can feel humiliating, especially at the beginning, but over time it becomes heartfelt and the cuckold develops a sense of gratitude.
I do not consider wives like this to be sluts, in fact I abhor that word. Women are actually more naturally sexual than men. Our male dominated religions have brainwashed them into believing they should not have sex or like it and women who use sex are stupid.
Like saying a carpenter who uses a saw and hammer is stupid.
Sex is one of women's most powerful tools. She also has a natural capacity to pleasure dozens of men, especially if she is trained physically and mentally.
Look at prostitutes who are able to have sex with 10 and 20 clients in a night. A well trained women is able to fuck dozens of men into the ground, fuck them until they cannot get it up, while she is still ready for more.
As to dominating, it does not require yelling. In fact, I rarely yell. I speak in a soft voice and make her ache to obey by the force of my personality and her natural desire to please me.
When I use a whip, it is never to punish, but to allow her to show me her deepest devotion and total submission to me. Most times I will never tie her and those wives and lovers who have been with me a long time, I will make pull open her legs wide at the same time my whip or belt hits her pussy.
Many people think submissive women are weak, but the exact opposite is true. Imagine the willpower it takes to pull your legs wide apart, knowing a whip is going to hit your open pussy. Not just to do this once, but over and over. This is pure will and is the greatest expression of both her love and submission to me.
The whip has another biological-physiological purpose. It causes pooling of blood in the pelvis and causes a woman to have much stronger orgasms. Blood pooling and orgasm strength have been clearly documented in any number of studies.
To think that your wife who cuckolds you does not love both you and me is silly. Women have an enormous capacity to love. They can feel really genuine love for each man that gives her pleasure and makes her cum, then feel great love for her husband as he licks her clean, or when she lays in his arms after and thanks him for bringing the men to her.
I do not think cuckolds are small men. They usually have large hearts. That some wives might be silly or stupid enough to think they need to leave their husband for their dominant lover is part of that religious brainwashing.
Of course, there might be times when a husband and wife might move in with the dominant or have the dominant come and live in the house and become the alpha male. This is only practical because it allows the three to live and love more often and freely.
As to children, any intelligent dominant is going to treat the couple's children well, in many cases they are his children. Children will naturally accept that mommy has two men in the house, when this is treated as a natural thing to do. I have seen children accept me, as easily as accepting when I have had more than one woman living with me.
I rarely humiliate my cuckolds, unless it is something that excites them. In that case I do not consider humiliation cruel, but in fact kind, just like whipping a masochist is kind.
Usually, the sight of the women they love in the throws of an orgasm from an alpha male is excitement enough. That the cuckold licks me clean, or sucks another man to full erection for his wife is the natural behavior of the submissive to an alpha. One only needs to look at dogs, who have an identical family-social structure to humans, to understand this is normal behavior.
Not everyone is mentally composed to be a chief or leader. In fact the natural chiefs are rare in the world. To think someone is less because they are a follower is silly. Leaders cannot do all the work and need those followers. The followers want to be told what to do, to feel valuable and useful. This is a naturally symbiotic relationship. I would be lost without the great people who serve me and make my ideas into reality in the world.
I always feel great affection and a sense of honor when I am brought into a relationship to take on the role of the alpha. These are very special and far more powerful dynamic relationships. For a husband to take that very frightening step to submit to an alpha and to prepare his wife for me is a stunning thing to see.
Finally, as an alpha I have always given my women other men. I do not do this as a cuckold. I am always the alpha in these situations. It is done because I care for my lovers, just as I see they eat the best food or buy the finest cloth or well made clothing. I am ONE man, and as I pointed out Any Woman can fuck dozens of men into the ground.
Rare is the woman who wants to do this on a daily basis, but all women need at least from time to time to be the Center, the Queen for a Day (or night). Only a small man would deny his woman, the person he professes to love, this level of pleasure.
I hope all of you give this some serious thought and support your wives in giving and receiving pleasure as it is their natural wont to do.
Actually you have given a fine defintion for cuckold and bull and alternate lifestyle. and thanks for such a comment.......
your description is very exciting and waiting for another hot hot update....
good to hear all this from you.
if I compare my self with your saying,
may be I am unable to chose correct words about me dominating her. but when I compare my living with Parveen with that of other couples of my society, I think I was sure a man of the house and some what now also except for Saturdays.
every Saturday in morning I do shave her cunt (I started doing it in end of January) and I also serve drinks, water etc to nadeem and Parveen.
I wonder if these (Jade Eggs and Benwa) are available in Pakistan. any of my reader knows where I can get it, then please tell me.
bringing Nadeem home is out of question. he has his family (parents, wife and KID) and its Pakistan, no one can just move with any couple so simply.
I am still confuse on this love issue, specially after reading you. and would like you and other readers to comment on following question.
Parveen loves Nadeem or its just lust?
has Parveen love for me is same or changed. if changed then in what sense?