Adultery A Wife's Journey Continues by abcxyz13
The rest of the day was pretty uneventful. I was occupied with the match and swetha was getting herself ready for her outing. Yogendarji and ganga were mostly limited themselves to the guest bedroom. And just like that it was 5PM.

“What do you think?” swetha asked as she came out from the bedroom

“Good” i said looking at swetha new hair style. She had her silky hair nicely brushed all to one side. Exposing her other side’s shoulder and cleavage giving her a classy look.

“Just good?” swetha asked

“Well … i am surprised you don’t have much makeup on except for your lipstick and your necklace” i said wondering why

“Oh that.. I wanted to keep it simple. I didn’t want anyone to get any wrong idea, if, anyone does see me at the hotel” swetha said cautiously

“It’s going to be risky if someone sees you” i said concerned

“I will have my face covered.. So don’t worry… this is just in case” swetha said agreeing with me

“It’s scary and exciting… it’s like i am having a secret affair” swetha said excited

“Yes.. and let’s keep it a secret” i said still concerned on letting swetha and yogendarjin out together. There is no telling when yogendarji will make a move once they leaves the house

“Yes yes.. I know… i will make sure not to be close to him till we get into the hotel room” swetha said smiling

We talked more about the risks and to be careful on swetha’s entry and exit into the hotel. It was very unlikely that someone we know would be there but there is no harm in being safe.

“Swethaji are you ready” yogendarji interrupted us

“Oh yogendarji… It’s only 6 now.. I thought we were starting at 7” swetha replied surprised, turning over to yogendarji

“There is traffic so i thought we could start early” yogendarji added

“Ohh..” swetha was caught off guard between me and yogendarji

Swetha turned to me “Anand…actually... you know…. i told you that i am going to spend some time with my friend and yogendarji is also going out on business… so he offered to drop me on his way” swetha said making up an excuse

“Is it ok if i go with yogendarji?” swetha asked innocently

“Ok. np” i said

“Thanks anand… “

“yogendarji… i haven’t packed my bags… can you wait for some more time” swetha asked

“No problem, swethaji… i will tell the taxi to wait” yogendarji replied

“Anand… can you help me” swetha said asking me to follow her to the bedroom as yogendarji left

Once inside the bedroom “Sorry baby.. I was planning to tell you about me and yogendarji leaving together… but he moved up the schedule”

“That’s fine… i thought you would” i said

“Ok let me pack up” swetha said as she took out a small suitcase and started packing in some clothes that we bought for our bedroom games. Swetha has been wearing all of these at home. The short jeans short, the mini skirt, they were all part of our bedroom games which now spilled into living room.

“Why are you packing so many for just one night?” i asked confused

“One night?... anand, you said few nights is ok” swetha said confused

“Few nights? When did i say?” i asked, now really confused

“Yesterday night... you said its ok if i spend few nights with yogendarji as his wife” swetha said trying to make me remember.

“No i didn’t. And few nights is too much.. What about work?” i said not liking this

“I can put leave.. That should not be a problem”

“Swetha how many is few nights?” i asked annoyed

“3 to 4 may be” swetha said cautiously

“No way! That’s too much.. Isn’t yogendarji going back to village next week” i asked. I don’t know why, but i just didn’t like swetha spending so many days with him. I already have concerns on there relationship and swetha spending so much time with him felt dangerous.

“He might going back next week, i don’t know, that’s why i wanted to spend more time with him” swetha said trying to justify the few days

“Still 3 days is too much swetha… i am not comfortable” i said

“Ok.. i understand” swetha said finally stopping

“Is 2 nights ok?.. Just one night is too less…… please” swetha said

“Hmmm ok” i said thinking over

“Thanks baby…” swetha said kissing me on cheek

“i don’t understand why you're uncomfortable me spending more time with yogendarj when we already did it”

“Oh…wait…. Are you afraid i will fall for him?” swetha said hitting the spot

“Oh baby… that will never happen… i love you... not him”

“I may be his wife for next two nights and we might be enjoying ourselves on the honeymoon… but your the one i love”

“I know… it’s uncomfortable for you to send me... your wife... away with someone who is going to have me for so many nights ... So if your fine with 2 nights i am fine too.. “

“To be honest, i am looking forward to give yogendarji unrestricted access ... its so .. i dont know what.. but anyway, you have nothing to worry about… i promise” swetha added teasing me and headed back to pack her suitcase. She continued packing and finally put a packaged box into the suitcase.

“What’s that?” i asked curious

“It’s a saree and some jewelry from yogendarji to wear tonight” swetha said

“Oh really.... show me” i asked curious

“Not now.. It’s all packed and set.. If i take it out it’s hard to put it back.. Anyway you will see it through the camera” swetha said winking and closing the suitcase.
Swetha was finally done packing her suitcase when she got up to grab something from the shelf.

Birth control pills.

“It’s dangerous without these” swetha said winking as i smiled back in approval

“With this yogendarji can now take me bareback everytime….” swetha said giving me a naughty smile

Swetha took some clothes to the bathroom to get ready and came out all dressed.

Swetha wore a simple saree and put the pallu over her head like a traditional wife.

“Is this covering my face?” swetha asked


“Good. ok baby.. Its time…. I will see you soon” swetha said excited and kissed me hard

“I will see you in the camera first” i said winking.

Swetha got her suitcase and rolled it into the living room. Yogendarji was ready for her.

“yogendarji… i am ready.. We can go now” swetha said as yogendarji smiled surprised at swetha’s saree

They both said goodbye as yogendarji put his hand behind swetha to guide her out of the house. I followed them out as i saw them take the lift and one final smile from swetha as the lift descended down. From the top, I saw them both get into the back of the taxi and saw it crawl into the traffic. My heart was beating fast. Is this ok? Did i make a mistake?

I got a text.

“Don’t look so troubled. I love you. If you want me to come back all you have to do is call”

I smiled to myself and replied “i love you too”
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RE: A Wife's Journey Continues by abcxyz13 - by Ramesh_Rocky - 09-05-2019, 01:33 PM

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