Adultery A Wife's Journey Continues by abcxyz13
Midnight Talk




“Huh.. ya.. What is it?” i asked in sleep

“Can we talk” swetha asked

“Swetha.. Can we do it in the morning… it’s probably midnight” i said sleepy trying to get back to my dream.

“Please… i need to talk” swetha asked again

I turned to face swetha my eyes still closed “what is it?”

Swetha shook me till i opened my eyes. “Yes.. yes.. I am listening” i said opening my eyes and looking at swetha’s concerned face.

“I am having second thoughts” swetha said waking me up

“About going out with yogendarji?” i asked wondering what happened

“No.. not about that…. It’s about you and ganga” swetha said waking me up

“What… why… i thought we agreed” i said a little annoyed now

“Sorry anand, I know i am being selfish… but everytime i close my eyes.. I imagine you and ganga doing it….i can’t sleep like this… i thought i will be ok... But i am not… i love you… and you doing with someone else… i just can’t take it …sorry”

“But.. swetha…” i tried to talk but swetha cut me off

“I know anand… I thought it was fair to let you do it with ganga since you let me do it with yogendarji… but i just can’t even bear to imagine you doing it…”

“I wanted to go to taj with yogendarji for the honeym.… but, i can cancel it if you want”

“Sorry....” swetha said with a troubled look

We went back and forth for another 15 to 20 minutes. The conversation was going nowhere, but i could see it was hurting swetha to let me do it with ganga. I finally gave up and said ok.

“Ok ok… i give up.. Cheer up” i said trying to break the ice.

“Ohh baby… thanks so much….i know i am making all these selfish requests… but thanks for everything” swetha said finally breaking a smile

“Anand… I will do anything you want…. anything...” swetha said trying to compensate for her end of the deal

“Anything huh…” i said trying to think of something nice

“Yes.. anything” swetha said smiling widely

“Can i have your ass?” i asked jokingly

“Why… ok.. yes… i don’t think you will like it tho” swetha said cautiously

“I mean it…. it’s dirty.. You wont like it” swetha added

“I will be the one to decide that” i said grinning.

“Ok…” swetha said giving up with a scared look

“Can we sleep now” i said now sleepy again

“Yes” swetha said all smiles

“Anand… so.... I can still go out with yogendarji tomorrow right?” swetha asked to confirm

“He already made the reservations and all……and it’s the TAJ” swetha added

“Hmmm…. Yes” i said trying to think what i can make swetha do, on her “anything” offer.

“Thanks baby…” swetha said as she hugged me and we went to sleep spooning.

“Love you baby…. Good night” swetha whispered as we fell asleep

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RE: A Wife's Journey Continues by abcxyz13 - by Ramesh_Rocky - 09-05-2019, 01:32 PM

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