Adultery Heavenly angel: deceived by trust by duckhunter
Chapter - 42

It was Monday morning, and devika was in the college in her room reading a book , preparing for the next lecture, when Ganapati knocked in and entered the room.

Ganapati - good morning madam
Devika - hello Ganapati... Hw are you Ganapati
Ganapati - good... I came to invite you...
Devika - invite for what?
Ganapati - I have bought a small house in towntown...and tomorrow morning is the housewarming.... I wanted you to come
Devika - oh great Ganapati...that's great I didn't know that you have bought a house
Ganapati - it was very quick and not planned, that's why I didn't tell you..
Devika - so what time is the housewarming?
Ganapati - at 11 in the morning
Devika - oh I don't think I would be able to come... Because tomorrow we have the teachers training happening in our school... Principal has asked everyone to come
Ganapati - I invited all the teachers in the school...but none of them wants to come to my new one likes me....

Ganapati was sad as no one is coming, and devika felt really bad.

Devika - its not like that Ganapati
Ganapati - no...I thought you are my friend..but you also don't want to come....
Devika - no...Ganapati... I really wanted to come..but what to do..we have training
Ganapati - then come after the training...
Devika - but training gets over in the the evening....
Ganapati - that's fine..come in the evening

Devika thought for a moment and told

Devika - OK....I vl come by 5.. Is that fine?

Ganapati smiled with happiness

Ganapati - thank you are the only friend I have here...

Devika smiled and said

Devika - its are you happy
Ganapati - yeah

The bell rang and devika proceeded to her class.

Chapter - 43

Ganapati had given devika the address of his new home. Devika took an auto rickshaw after the training and went to Ganapati's house. She reached there by 5:15 and it was a small house. The house is decorated with lights and there are lot of chairs for people to sit, but no one is around.

Ganapati came outside to receive devika

Ganapati - did u find it difficult to find the house
Devika - no the driver knew the address
Ganapati - welcome this is my new is it?
Devika - its a small beautiful house..
Ganapati - I could afford only this one
Devika - its good....where is everybody?
Ganapati - the function was at the everyone left after the I was cleaning up..its a mess.. ater the function...

Devika - OK
Ganapati - come inside madam....I will show you inside
Devika - OK

They went inside and Ganapati was so happy to show her around his new home. He made a tea and gave to devika. She had it, and talked to him for half hour and decided to leave.

Devika - OK Ganapati.... Thank you for inviting me...I really liked your place and I have to go

Ganapati - time come with your husband..
Devika - sure

Just when Devika was about to leave from there, there were loud barking noice at the door. It seemed like couple of dogs are fighting over something. At first they tried to ignore it, but sound appeared to come closer & closer. Ganapati said;
Ganapati : These stray dogs are creating lot of problems nowadays… Excuse me… I’ll just shoe them away & comeback.
Saying this he went to the varanda where the noice was coming from. DEVIKA followed him out of curiosity. In waranda, there was a big male dog which was trying to attack babies of a female dog. The female dog was trying to protect it’s babies but was no match for the big male dog.
Ganapati went out & shewed away male dog to some distance.
But the female dog was badly injured and soon died.

Devika - what happened Ganapati?
Ganapati - the mother died, it got badly injured by the other dog.
Devika - oh my god
Ganapati - don't worry ma'am I will bury it.
Devika - are the puppies safe
Ganapati - let me check

Ganapati went to check the corner from where some feeble sounds are coming from inside a vessel. He lifted the mat which was kept to cover the vessel and found there 5 babies inside.

Ganapati - madam look there are babies here

Devika came to see and surprised to see 5 babies

Devika - oh there are 5 of them
Ganapati - yeah there are 5
Devika - poor babies...they lost their mother
Ganapati -yeah so sad.....
Devika - why couple of them are not moving
Ganapati - yeah they are not moving..... I think they are tired...but still breathing
Devika - oh my god....poor things...
Ganapati - I think these babies also will die soon...

Devika felt so pity

Devika - is there anything we could do...
Ganapati - I don't think so...its their fate
Devika - I feel so bad....
Ganapati - I will try to get some milk to give them
Devika - yeah may be they might be hungry....

Ganapati went to the kitchen and fetched some milk in a bowl and came back to give it to the babies. He brought the bowl near to the puppy's mouth and tried to feed them. But unfortunately they are not drinking it.

Devika - are they drinking it..?
Ganapati - no ma'am..they are not....
Devika - why?....
Ganapati - I don't know...I think they are not used with drinking the milk from the bowl...
Devika - yeah they are too young for it...
Ganapati - they would have been drinking it from their mother
Devika - yeah...

Ganapati thought for a moment and suddenly got excited

Ganapati - wait ... I got an idea

Devika - what is it?
Ganapati - ma'am...I think you can save them

Devika got confused

Devika - how?

Ganapati - since they know how to drink from their mother....and you are also a mother.. So
Devika - so...what are you up to Ganapati?
Ganapati - may be you can try feeding the babies....they will drink from you
Devika - what?...what kind of non sense idea is that..?
Ganapati - no ma'am can try... If it works... You will save these poor puppies

Devika - ...what are you can I feed the dogs....
Ganapati - otherwise they will die ma'am
Devika - no Ganapati... It will not work...human milk is meant only for human..
Ganapati - then cow's milk is meant for calf's not for human...but we are drinking come?
Devika - I don't want to argue with you Ganapati.... But its not gonna happen

Ganapati - look at these poor creatures ma'am...they gonna die anytime soon.../they can live if they help them

Devika looked at them and felt so bad..she thought about it for a moment

Devika - so even if I help them once....what will they do later...I cannot feed them after this ?
Ganapati - that you don't worry.. I have a friend who has lot of dogs...I vl give it to him...he will take care of them

Devika - but Ganapati we have any other option

Ganapati - no ma'am.. That's the only option....Ma'am don't think about it much...come let's save this poor guys...

Saying that Ganapati took each of the puppies carefully and went inside the room and devika was thinking what to do.

Ganapati - come inside ma'am and time is running out...

Devika half mindedly went inside, Ganapati locked the the front door and took each puppies to the bedroom

Ganapati - you can feed them in the bedroom

Ganapati kept the puppies in the bed, and devika came inside the room.

Ganapati - ma'am faster...

Devika - OK

Devika came near to the bed and sat at the corner of the bed at the end. Ganapati was sitting at the middle of the bed holding the puppies. Devika was sitting towards the left of Ganapati 5fts apart.

Ganapati -'am take this one...this one is most tired....
Devika - wait....

Devika without removing the pallu through the left open side of the sari unhooked couple of hooks from the bottom of the blouse. And carefully pulled up the bra just above the nipples without exposing anything to Ganapati. Once she was ready, she asked Ganapati to give her the first puppy. She the puppy from ganapati using her right hand and carefully brought it to her left breast. She brought her hardened nipple to the puppies mouth and using her left hand squeezed her breast a little. Milk sprayed to puppies mouth and it started licking its mouth area. But it is not drinking milk from the breast. She squeezed her breast and brushed the pointy nipple on its mouth. But still its not latching onto the nipple. Devika tried couple of times again, but with failure.

Ganapati - is it drinking ma'am
Devika - no its not...I don't know why...

Ganapati thought for a while and told

Ganapati - may be ma'am, you have to feed them the way their mother used to feed them

Devika - how

Ganapati - ma'am are trying to feed them, like they are human baby. How does a dog mother feed their babies?

Devika - how?

Ganapati - try feeding them lying'am you just lay down on your side and keep all the babies near to your breast ...they will feed by don't need to hold them..

Devika - oh OK......let's try that then..I have to finish this of fast..I'm getting late..OK Ganapati please move from there

Ganapati stood from there and told

Ganapati - ma'am..uh..I think you might have to remove your blouse completely.... Then only all the puppies will have free access. And also it will be more comfortable for you...

Devika - oh it

Ganapati - yes ma'am
Devika - OK I vl try like that then
Ganapati - yes ma'am

Ganapati was still standing there

Devika - what yes?...please go outside... I vl lock the door

Ganapati - what if you need any help...
Devika - no I will not need any please go outside
Ganapati - ma'am there is no lock for this house na../still lot of things needs to be fixed..
Devika - OK then go outside and just close the door...and don't come inside until I call you ..

Ganapati - yes ma'am

Ganapati went outside closing the door, he went to the outside house and lit a cigarette and started smoking. Inside devika kept the baby she was holding along with other puppies and stood up.

She took out the safety pin from her shoulder and removed the pallu completely from her chest. Her left breast was already outside leaking milk drops. She then unhooked her remaining blouse hooks and peeled it off from her body. She brought her hands behind and unclasped her white bra hook and removed it , to keep it along with her blouse in the chair. Her beautiful breasts got exposed in the air and within seconds her brown nipples became rock hard due to the cold air.

Devika looked at the puppies and sat on the bed, she then laid down on her side, her back facing the closed door. She grabbed all the puppies and kept near her breast, and she squeezed some milk to their mouth. To her amazement, Ganapati was righrt , the babies started responding and started to crawl on her breast looking for the nipple. She held her breast and brought it near to their mouth.

Soon they started fighting for the milk, and 3 of them were fighting for her lower breast and 2 of them were drinking from her upper breast. Devika held onto each of them, as if its her own kids and made sure each one of them is getting equal share of milk.

In the meanwhile Ganapati had finished smoking the cigarette and was going inside, when he saw some movement outside the main front door. He went closer and was surprised to see one more puppy behind the door.
 horseride  Cheeta    
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RE: Heavenly angel: deceived by trust - by bigman - 06-12-2018, 12:21 AM
RE: Heavenly angel: deceived by trust - by bigman - 06-12-2018, 12:21 AM
RE: Heavenly angel: deceived by trust - by bigman - 06-12-2018, 12:22 AM
RE: Heavenly angel: deceived by trust - by bigman - 06-12-2018, 12:23 AM
RE: Heavenly angel: deceived by trust - by bigman - 06-12-2018, 12:23 AM
RE: Heavenly angel: deceived by trust - by bigman - 06-12-2018, 12:23 AM
RE: Heavenly angel: deceived by trust - by bigman - 06-12-2018, 12:24 AM
RE: Heavenly angel: deceived by trust - by bigman - 06-12-2018, 12:24 AM
RE: Heavenly angel: deceived by trust - by bigman - 06-12-2018, 12:25 AM
RE: Heavenly angel: deceived by trust - by bigman - 06-12-2018, 12:25 AM
RE: Heavenly angel: deceived by trust - by bigman - 06-12-2018, 12:26 AM
RE: Heavenly angel: deceived by trust - by bigman - 06-12-2018, 12:26 AM
RE: Heavenly angel: deceived by trust - by bigman - 06-12-2018, 12:26 AM
RE: Heavenly angel: deceived by trust - by bigman - 06-12-2018, 12:27 AM
RE: Heavenly angel: deceived by trust - by bigman - 06-12-2018, 12:28 AM
RE: Heavenly angel: deceived by trust - by bigman - 06-12-2018, 12:28 AM
RE: Heavenly angel: deceived by trust - by bigman - 06-12-2018, 12:29 AM
RE: Heavenly angel: deceived by trust - by bigman - 06-12-2018, 12:29 AM
RE: Heavenly angel: deceived by trust - by bigman - 06-12-2018, 12:30 AM
RE: Heavenly angel: deceived by trust - by bigman - 06-12-2018, 12:30 AM
RE: Heavenly angel: deceived by trust - by bigman - 06-12-2018, 12:31 AM
RE: Heavenly angel: deceived by trust - by bigman - 06-12-2018, 12:31 AM
RE: Heavenly angel: deceived by trust - by bigman - 06-12-2018, 12:31 AM
RE: Heavenly angel: deceived by trust - by bigman - 06-12-2018, 12:32 AM
RE: Heavenly angel: deceived by trust - by bigman - 06-12-2018, 12:32 AM
RE: Heavenly angel: deceived by trust - by bigman - 06-12-2018, 12:33 AM
RE: Heavenly angel: deceived by trust - by bigman - 06-12-2018, 12:33 AM
RE: Heavenly angel: deceived by trust - by bigman - 06-12-2018, 12:33 AM
RE: Heavenly angel: deceived by trust - by bigman - 06-12-2018, 12:34 AM
RE: Heavenly angel: deceived by trust - by bigman - 06-12-2018, 12:34 AM
RE: Heavenly angel: deceived by trust by duckhunter - by sarit11 - 09-05-2019, 12:24 AM

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