Vikas and his fantasy for his wife
Ranjeet was the 1st to reach and get off his bike. It’s beautiful, isn’t it? He asked Vikas. Nidhi pretended to be busy looking at the mountains. It was a magnificent view she was enjoying, the light morning breeze played with her hair that had escaped her hair band of her pony tail. T stranger and switched off his bike as he and dheeraj got down, dheeraj removed the sack from his shoulders. It was a large sack containing clothes for the three of them. They had just decided to change t shirts and carried only t shirts as a main part of their luggage. They had 2 fuel tanks for the 2 bikes attached to ranjeet's bike. Ranjeet carried a very small sack with some bare necessities. They all went in talking about its was such a pleasant whether and natural beauty they were experiencing. Vikas was very happy to have decided to have joined this group. Though he knew that in the virtual world of chat he had often heard t stranger talk about nidhi in a dirty way, it was decent and friendly in reality. It made him feel comfortable. Nidhi was very uncomfortable as Ranjeet was sitting opposite to her as they sat around a plastic table. She did not remove her dark glasses and did not speak much. Nidhi are you able to handle the huge luggage on your shoulders, asked ranjeet. Nidhi had no choice but to respond. It was a caring question and she realized she should learn to keep the incidences behind her back as she had to spend the next journey in ranjeet's presence. Yes she said, I think its heavy but I will manage. A middle aged woman came and smiled at them. They ordered some tea and biscuits. 

The stranger told everyone to keep their stomachs not too over loaded as the change in altitude will make them vomit if it’s too full. All agreed as they digged in some biscuits and some snacks that they got from the lady. Nidhi wanted to pee as she did not know where would be the next stop. She knew the guys could stand anywhere and start peeing but she had to manage her peeing on her own. She got up and went to the lady and asked if she had a toilet. The lady told her she had one at the back of the hotel in her house. She went out with nidhi and pointed at a small cottage some 200 meters away, my husband would be there to show you to the bathroom. Nidhi thanked and walked towards the hut as she heard the chatter of the guys go faint in the morning breeze. She reached the door and knocked the door, it was opened by a Sherpa who seemed to be just out of his bath. He was shocked to see such a lovely lady at his door. She looked at him through her dark glasses and asked for the bathroom.

 The man was standing bare chest in front of her. He had some good physique. He asked her to follow him as he took her to the back of the hut. It was dim in there with a small lamp burning. She saw the bathroom that had a wooden shattered door. Its cracks were large and one might be able to peep in it. But it was too dark inside. She thanked him as he smiled. She had to remove her goggles in order to see where she was entering. She stepped in and something banged her head, it was the low entrance of the door. The darkness ahead made her not realize it was a small entrance. She held her forehead in pain and sat down. The guy walked to her madam are you okay? Let me see, he came and stood near Nidhi. She was holding her head and he tried to see if it was anything serious. He removed Nidhi’s hands holding her head and tried to massage her forehead. It did not seem anything too serious just a normal bump one would have and pain for a few hours. 

Nidhi sat there as he stood there massaging her smooth forehead in the dim lit back of the hut. She realized she was in a dark hut with an almost nude local who was already touching her forehead. The guy was smiling as he rubbed her soft skin; he held her face in an angle that she was facing his cock that was wrapped in a towel. It reminded of the morning when vikas had come to her. The guy was feeling he was lucky to get such a sexy babe in this place in this situation early morning. He took a step closer to her as he kept massaging her forehead, realizing that the moaning lips of nidhi were just inches away from his cock. Nidhi realized a movement in his towel and could see a faint outline of the massive cock that the guy had trapped behind his towel. She was moaning in pain and yet it recalled how she was moaning last night when her face was as close to ranjeet’s cock.

 She quickly realized she was in a bad situation, she said I am okay and pushed away the hands of the guy softly not trying to be disrespectful for his concern. In doing so the back of her hand brushed the groin of the guy. She felt some hard meat behind the towel, she quickly pulled back her hand and held her forehead. It did not have any injuries. She felt the guy hold her arm in trying to help her get up. She awkwardly got up as his hands had a grasp on arms. He smiled and said. kuch nahi madam, you are fine. She smiled and turned to get in the bathroom, and turned to close the door. She saw the guy standing there and she could clearly see an erection he had. The sexy aroma of her perfume had made the guy want to fuck her. She closed the door and wondered if the guy was peeping from some crack. It was difficult to unzip her Capri and pull it down when she knew someone might be watching.

 She looked at the door trying to search for any crack that might have a sign of the peeping tom. She unzipped her capri and peeled off her tight pants awkwardly with the fear that she was being watched. She had her capri down her thighs when a light shone in the bathroom, she jumped at the sudden illumination as she heard a distant voice of the guy saying. mem sahib maine light jala diya hai. Nidhi thought the guy was gone as his voice seemed distant as he spoke. Totally unaware that the guy had returned to see the sexy lady from the crack of the wooden door, and now it was very clear as he had turned on the light. He saw the sexy lacy black panty come down over her smooth white skin. He saw clean pussy as she peed. This pervert rubbed his cock and removed his towel as Nidhi was busy trying to empty her bladder. She pulled up her panty and her delicate sexy fingers slowly covered it with the white capri. The guy quickly wrapped his towel and walked away as nidhi finished zipping her pants. she was out in a minute and saw the guy standing at the main entrance of the door looking outside the door.

 He somehow resembled the masked stranger at night in her dreams. She smiled for the 1st time since morning. She tied her hair properly as she walked to him and thanked him. She did not look back as she walked to the small tea stall. The guy watched the sexy woman walk away, it was surely a lovely morning for him. He started rubbing his cock as she reached the stall and disappeared inside.
Thanks & Regards,
One man's wife is another man's slut
I don't have a Religion, I am free. Do not impose your Morality on me
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RE: Vikas and his fantasy for his wife - by Givemeextra - 08-05-2019, 03:25 PM

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