

We were sitting down to a late dinner after we had got the twins to bed and I was just going to help myself to a second helping when I felt Deepti's hand take hold of the one I had the serving spoon in.

I looked up


Deepti circled me. Suddenly it came to me... Like a lion round her prey.. Leaning in at times so close I could smell her perfume. Kissing my arms, hands, neck. Back. It was maddening. Running her nails down my back...

'Oh my, look who has a bulge...

‘I blushed’.
You watch TV for 20 minutes and then come to upstairs and in the mean time I am going to finish my work.

I did as instructed but only to find that Deepti, who must have been tired out, had fallen asleep on our bed.

NOOO. I was so frustrated.

I just could not believe it, but I could see she was sound asleep.

I decided the best thing was to try and think of something else. Clean my teeth. Get some sleep. As I went into our bathroom I noticed a small note by my tooth brush.

Thought it might be better to sleep tonight so took a sleeping pill. Try not to 'wank' like a little boy... but if you must why not imagine I've just returned from seeing my lover and I am so exhausted I had to go to bed and sleep... without giving you any 'attention'...? You have my permission...

This was madness. I was hard as rock again as I looked and re-read those words. Again. The ending 'You have my permission'..

What's that about? Anyone would think she controlled me. At the thought my stomach twisted and pre cum leaked from my cock. Already.

I must be twisted. I want this. I don't want it. I found my hand had been working and I was already cummming...

As I got into bed thought occurred to me I was just like a puppy being trained This is ridiculous... but something about the idea of being Deepti's puppy stirred me..

(To Be Continued)

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RE: UNFAITHFUL MOTHERS AND HOUSEWIFES by stranger_women - by Ramesh_Rocky - 08-05-2019, 03:04 PM

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