Adultery The adventures of an idiotic husband by ajaniv
While Vinod was sorting his thoughts out, Kamna sat with her legs spread, letting her mother insert a finger inside her sore, gaping asshole. A thick blob of semen fell onto the floor making a wet splat, Pratima took her finger coated with semen and sucked on it “Mmm, delicious, I love fresh cum”

Kamna complained “Mother, that was inside my asshole, how can you eat that?”

Pratima said sagely “You shouldn’t let such petty things come between yourself and pleasure. The dirtier the act it, the kinkier it feels, oh how I would love to get fucked with my husband right next to me. Unfortunately, I am not so lucky, so I can only live vicariously through you. Go forth my daughter and bring home all the cum you can find”

Kamna rolled her eyes at her mother’s disgusting yet comical performance, she moaned as she felt her mother licking her sore asshole and drinking the loads of cum still inside. Little sparrow had cum many times, filling her ass full of semen, Pratima’s wet tongue soothed the soreness making Kamna sigh in relief.

As the mother ate the cum out of the daughter’s ass, Kamna sighed “I am such a slut, I totally don’t deserve my darling husband. If only my body was a little more cooperative, I can resist the temptation. This is the last, from now on I will not cheat on my husband and remain dutiful towards him”

Pratima slurped the semen hungrily, not minding her daughter’s asshole “Naïve child, tomorrow is the flower festival, did you forget what happens during the festival?”

Kamna’s solemn mood shattered “Oh, I forgot, maybe I can start it once I leave the village, it’s very difficult to control myself in here. Everywhere I see there is temptation, I wanted to fuck the uncles just for old times’ sake and I couldn’t stop after one. Mother, will my ass heal quickly? I don’t want it sore during the festival”

Pratima finished eating the last dregs of semen and applied the soothing ointment “Don’t worry my child, your mother’s medicine is very effective. You will be fully healed and good to go for the festival tomorrow”

Later, once the soreness subsided, Kamna went to soothe her wallowing husband, she sat next to him and ignores his body freezing in response. She said “I am sorry husband, its my fault, I didn’t realise how it must have look to you from outside. I should have been more thoughtful and explained everything to you in advance”

Vinod said “No, no, I am the one at fault, time and again I fail to show trust in you, always jumping to the worst conclusions”

Kamna smiled and laid her head gently on his shoulder as he wrapped his arm around her “I don’t deserve such a good husband, I feel like I am letting you down. When we go back home I will be dutiful and show you my best side”

Vinod kissed the side of her head, making her cuddle closer “You were always dutiful and faithful, it is I who have been lacklustre in showing my faith and trust. I am sorry about Jayanti, it was a misunderstanding, there was nothing going on”

Kamna nodded “I know about you, so I wasn’t worried”

Vinod looked at her in wonder “How can you be so casual? It must have looked worse, we weren’t wearing any clothes below and were tight”

Kamna smiled “Because I trust you, even if your cock was inside her, I will still choose to believe that you are innocent”

Vinod shook his head in disbelief “I don’t know what to say, I am just grateful that the God has given me such a jewel as my wife. From now on, I will be more considerate and understanding, I won't jump into conclusions and will trust you fully. Though the male inside me is unwilling, I can't help but reciprocate your words. Even if you were fully naked with a man’s cock inside you, I will still trust you”

Guilt overflowed making her throat clench in emotion, her eyes watered as she promised “I promise I will behave in such a manner that you won't have any cause for suspicion, don’t worry husband. I love you so much”

Vinod smiled “I really mean it darling, I will pay back in full the trust and faith you have on me, those weren’t empty words”

They stayed silent for a while, enjoying each other’s presence and feeling the love and affection they had for the other. Vinod asked “I feel like I have been ignoring you and taking you for granted for some time”

Butterflies fluttered inside her heart, making her delirious with happiness, Kamna felt like the sun had appeared, washing away the darkness from her life. She consoled him by saying “No, you are perfect, I am very happy with you”

Vinod shook his head “No, I have been thinking for a while, we haven’t had sex in a long time, I think from after Arushi was born. I haven’t fulfilled my marital duties”

Seeing him so sad and self-accusatory, Kamna tried to downplay “I am satisfied just by being with you husband, I don’t need anything more than this”

Vinod looked at her in surprise “Don’t you get horny at times? We used to have sex so often earlier, don’t you miss it?”

Not knowing how to explain her burgeoning passion to her husband, who was already depressed, she chose to lie “Ah, after Arushi’s birth I am so busy that I don’t have time for such things. I don’t even feel the need anymore”

Vinod nodded “I remember, the doctor said that your body will experience changes due to the hormones, I think it has lessened your needs. But really, don’t you get horny anymore?”

Kamna panicked and cursed herself, with a single lie, she had dug herself into a huge pit without knowing how to get out. Still she couldn’t take back the lie, what if Vinod remembers the things she had done for the past few months and got suspicious once again? The only safe path was to reinforce the lie “Yes, I don’t feel like having sex anymore”

Vinod exclaimed “Wow, you used to be so horny and passionate before Arushi, cheering the heroes removing their shirts and then pouncing on me for sex. Don’t you feel anything during those scenes now?”

She nodded, he asked “What about the romantic scenes? Those made you really horny, especially the kissing and bed scenes”

She bit her lips and nodded “I don’t”

Vinod didn’t stop, pushing many hot knives into her weeping heart, he looked around before asking softly “What about the sex movies we used to see?”

Kamna hardened herself and lied “I saw one in the TV a month back, but I lost interest”

Vinod was surprised, he still remembered the passionate insatiable nights after seeing blue films, Kamna was very demanding after seeing raw sex. His voice became softer “Are you saying that you will not feel anything even if a dozen well-muscled, male models staying inside a room with you fully naked?”

Kamna was exasperated, she said in agony “Even if I see my favourite heroes fully naked and begging to fuck me only once I won't be horny, satisfied?”

Of course, Vinod smiled “So I was really worried about nothing, I had been fretting about ignoring you for so long, I am satisfied now. Though it is sad that you aren’t horny, at least I haven’t been failing my duties”

Kamna could only go in a corner and cry, in a flash she lost the opportunity regain her husband and worsened her situation. They went back into the house, where Vinod, finally resolved of his worries, enjoyed the dinner with his sexy mother-in-law and shy Aditi’s company. Kamna slept at a normal distance from him during the night, which said that she wasn’t angry at him. The next day Vinod once again woke up clutching Pratima’s naked tits, while his hard sticky cock had slid inside her ass cheeks. He didn’t know what he did again, thankfully Kamna was sleeping behind him and hadn’t noticed his indiscretion. Pratima whispered “Are you awake, dear?”

Vinod released her tits and nodded, fearing he would disturb his wife’s sleep, Pratima said “It seems you like my old body too much to leave it alone during the night. I am so happy a young handsome man like you still finds me desirable”

Vinod blushed and whispered ‘Sorry aunty”

Pratima turned pushing her heavy tits on him and giggled “It’s nothing, I like waking up like this very much, can you do me a favour dear?”

He nodded “Sure aunty, please tell me”

She said “My tits are full of milk, can you feed on them to relieve pressure?”

He agreed and sucked the milk laden teats, she pushed into his mouth, she sighed in pleasure and said “Today is the day of the flower festival, you must wear white clothes this afternoon”

He stopped sucking the hard nipple and asked “What festival is this?”

Pratima bade him to continue sucking and explained “It is an old festival used to thank the gods for keeping the earth fertile and well-watered. There will be lots of singing, dancing and great fun”

Kamna piped from behind “I am excited too, can you suck my tits a little too? My breasts are full”

Vinod’s heart calmed down once he realised his wife wasn’t angry, giving his mother-in-law’s breasts a final suck, he turned to his wife. Kamna was more excited than Vinod, she sensuously removed her blouse, letting her firm yet, full round breasts bounce and jiggle, she tweaked her high nipples to make them stand proud. It was a long time since he had sucked her tits, he almost forgot how they looked, he realised Kamna’s tits were slimmer and shapelier than right after pregnancy. He realised that his wife wasn’t as fat as he had imagined, feeling a tendril of desire, he took the beautiful nipple into his mouth and tasted the sweet flavour, making her moan.

At that moment he felt as if he was home, right where he belonged, when the thick syrupy milk spurted he drank them greedily, though he was nearly full after draining Pratima’s tits. Kamna’s milk was really full of flavour, his cock rose like a flag hearing her moan passionately. He realised he had missed many things in the past year, things used to be simple and comfortable. Suddenly he stopped sucking, the milk was too sweet for his tastes and he lost his appetite. He looked up at his wife, who struggled to conceal her disappointment “Is this enough?”

Kamna nodded and turned away, taking her blouse and went out to bathe, Pratima sighed at seeing her daughter unhappy and not satisfied. She tried to help her “Beta, why did you stop so soon?”

He shrugged “Her milk is too sweet, I was already full from drinking yours”

After a splendid oil massage, where he begged Pratima for release and nearly fucked her wet pussy by force, Vinod was left hanging and dry, but he had grown to love the feeling of denial. During the afternoon, the village was unusually busy and full of activity, men and women went about decorating and constructing makeshift sheds and brewed some drink. Kamna, Pratima and Aditi were locked inside, doing makeup, choosing dresses and many more things he wasn’t allowed to witness. The atmosphere turned festive making even an outsider like him expectant and excited.

By four o clock in the evening everything reached a fevered pitch, wooden sticks were heaped on various locations as the temperature dropped after sunset. Many earthen pots and big jugs were brought one by one in unending series, the small sheds were thatched and converted into cosy little rooms, bright fragrant flowers were tied from one house to another and rangolis were drawn on the freshly watered ground. It was nearly five when the door opened and the three women came out giving him a heart attack. Vinod felt like he was watching a movie in the theatre seeing a sexy item dance. All three women wore a tiny for their body, blouses that had no buttons or hooks, instead they were knotted in the front. Deep cleavages were visible all around, even teenaged Aditi with her little perky breasts showed too much flesh that was red with shyness.

Lines of gaudy necklaces and chains tried valiantly to preserve some modestly, but the very fact that even a small step made the boobs bounce outrageously defeated that purpose. The blouses were short, ending barely below the breasts, leaving a long expanse of shiny, moist skin from the chest bone to the hips perfectly visible. All three women had stuck some jewels in their navels, reinforcing the slutty item dancer effect. The skirt was predictable, a short-pleated affair that floated in the air, threatening to reveal everything with the slightest breeze. Anklets, small chains added beauty to the long silken legs, the hair was let down, ending in tiny ringlets, a big bindi and large earrings completed the dick raising picture.

He stammered “What is happening?”

Pratima said “We are performing a dance, so we need to wear the right costume, do you like it?”

He looked at a very delicious Aditi, who blushed at his rapacious gaze and nodded “Yes”

Kamna gave him a plain white kurta and asked him to put it on before joining them outside. Wearing the thin, slightly transparent costume, he washed his face and neatly combed his hair before joining the others. His hesitation at letting the women wear such slutty clothes evaporated when he saw the scene outside. All women, from teenagers to mature aunties wore similar costumes, many were downright obscene, making him flush with embarrassment. All the men wore the same white kurtas and assembled before a huge table full of pots filled with a milky liquid.

Basant and the other uncles greeted him warmly “Come Vinod, we were waiting for you. Here drink this first, it is traditional”

Vinod took the small pot and sipped the white liquid and immediately coughed, his tongue became numb for a second as a warm current filled his body. He exclaimed “What’s this?”

One man proudly said “This is special bhang, prepared from special ingredients from the mountain. You should drink it fast, only sissies sip it”

The others nodded making Basant say “Finish it off in one gulp, Vinod, our honour is at stake”

Forced to defend his honour Vinod gulped the tasty and spicy bhang in on go, struggling not to cough. The men clapped when he put the empty pot down, feeling a rush of energy and exhilaration pulsing inside him. His vision shifted and his body felt light, everything seemed loud and happy, beautiful smells assaulted his nose and his face sprouted a wide smile. Basant grinned “Do you like it?”

Vinod smiled dumbly “Yes”

One of the men gave him another pot while he gulped another “Drink more”
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RE: The adventures of an idiotic husband by ajaniv - by Ramesh_Rocky - 08-05-2019, 02:42 PM

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