Adultery The adventures of an idiotic husband by ajaniv
The elder waved his trembling hand, inviting Vinod to come closer, while Kamna went to the other side. Vinod leaned closer as the man spoke “I heard you have a daughter, who does she resemble? You or Kamna?”

Vinod didn’t expect the question, so he paused for a moment before replying “She is a beautiful girl, just like Kamna”

While Vinod said it proudly, the elder seemed disappointed “A man must be strong, women don’t like weak men, you should take care of Kamna well, she is like my own daughter”

Vinod nodded, pleased that the elder considered Kamna as family “Of course elder, I will take care of her well”

The man looked at Vinod mysteriously before sighing “Let me speak with Kamna”

Kamna sat next to the elder’s head and leaned very close and spoke softly, making the others unable to hear her words “Father, how are you?”

Vinod moved away to give them privacy, taking seat a dozen feet away, the elder said “Not good my dear, it seems my luck’s running out”

Kamna teared “Please father, be strong. You will get well just like you did when I was a child”

The elder smiled wanly “I am nearing hundred years child, I’ve lived a full life, filled with money, power and women. The only regret I have is the lack of a suitable heir, all my sons are weaklings, foolish and petty, never knowing the proper way to treat a woman. Enough about my sob tale, are you happy?”

Kamna nodded “Yes father, I really am, my husband loves me a lot and takes care of me without fail”

The elder snorted “He looks weak, a pushover, does he fuck you good?”

Kamna didn’t blush at the words her own father uttered “Yes”

The man sighed “Don’t lie to me”

Kamna looked sad “We used to, father, but after Arushi was born, he seemed to have lost interest in me”

The elder nodded “It happens with many men, it is as if we have achieved everything there is with a woman, so we turn to another for something interesting. He doesn’t look like the type who strays and I know about you too well. You are a sexy and passionate woman, my child, don’t feel guilty about taking the pleasure, you rightly deserve, from other people”

Kamna teared “I can't help but feel guilty and depressed father, my body goes out of control sometimes but my mind is full of regrets afterwards”

The man chuckled “You are overthinking, a good fuck is good for the body and soul. If I was well, I would have fucked you hard to show you the fallacy of your useless guilt. Unfortunately, I can't even get hard anymore, I miss the regular blowjobs without it my balls are withering into nothing”

Kamna tried to console him “I pray that you will get well soon and fuck me harder than ever, after all you were the one who took my virginity and showed me the way of pleasure”

The elder became happy and bright “I still remember that day, you were so young and delicious, you still are, your pussy was so tight and tasty. I was so proud to have fathered such a sexy darling like you, you are still one of my all-time favourites. It’s a pity you are my own daughter, otherwise I would have married you”

Kamna smiled as she reminisced the day she lost her virginity, though she had fooled around with other men and boys of her age, she had always preserved her virginity to gift it to her father. In fact, she wasn’t the only daughter who had lost her virginity to him, what outsiders like Vinod didn’t know was that most of the men and women in the village were the elder’s own children. The elder, when he was young, was a famous playboy in the region, his deeds were notorious. He had immense wealth as well as powerful charm, his long, thick cock was icing on the cake. It was during one of his conquests, that the elder was forced to hide from an irate husband and create the village in seclusion. Kamna had heard many stories about her father, who when he ran away took with nearly a hundred beautiful women with him. The village was formed by her father and the hundred women, since he couldn’t manage the place on his own, he devised a plan where he would marry the women to many men and bring them to the village.

Of course, the husbands weren’t allowed to have sex with their wives, instead they were cuckolded by the elder. Being a proud pervert, the elder had ordered all women to wear the now customary sexy costumes. He loved fucking the women right in front of their husbands and show his absolute power over them. In a few years, the village was filled with little children and the family got bigger with many new additions, both men and women. The elder got more women married to weak men, who were willing to remain subordinate to him. But a crisis soon came when the elder, at the age of sixty became sick for a long time. With him bedridden, the first signs of rebellion happened amongst the men, without a strong, dominant leader like the elder, no man was powerful enough to rule over the others. So, the men splintered into factions, using combined power to fight against everyone. The women weren’t spared, many were forced to join a faction for their own safety, very few remained independent.

After being submissive cuckolds for a long time, the men wanted to be dominant, they started forcing women in their faction for sex and with it started many sex-filled nights. Drunk with their power over the women, the men started to act outrageously. But a miracle stopped everything, against all odds, the elder recovered completely and immediately put an end to the excesses, by punishing many and exiling the worst. The women cheered as the elder once again showed his prowess in bed by fucking nearly every woman in the village. Even at the age of sixty, the man was full of energy and vigour, filling many mouths, pussies and assholes with fresh semen. He birthed more children and even fucked those of age. But things again changed for the worse when he got ill once again after many years, with no sign of him recovering.

It was the reason why Pratima desperately wanted to find a groom out of the village, she had suffered enough and didn’t want her precious younger daughter to suffer the same. Many left the village leaving behind wives and sisters to search for a better life, though those left behind could only hope that their brothers and husbands would come back one day to take them to safety. Bimala was one such case, even though she was married to Basant’s son, she spent all of the time servicing her father-in-law instead. Even her little child was the offspring of her Father-in-Law, as she had little contact with her husband. Many daughters-in-law suffered the same fate, servicing the powerful older men and the uncles, some were lucky enough to sleep with their husbands periodically.

While Vinod watched his lovely wife speaking emotionally with the elder, one woman said “Kamna, it is time for the elder to eat, move aside and let us feed him”

Kamna nodded and let the woman sit right next to the elder’s face, her beautiful face was tinged with sadness as she watched the withered old man fighting with the debilitating illness wracking his body. Vinod watched a young sexy woman in her early twenties, shyly sit in the place Kamna vacated and was shocked when the woman unhooked her tight blouse. Seeing the expression on his face an older woman explained “Don’t be shocked beta, since the elder is weak, he can't digest many food varieties, he doesn’t like the taste of porridge, so only fresh breast milk is nutritious enough to sustain him. If not for the women of the village breast feeding him regularly, he would become much weaker. We also consider it our honour to suckle our beloved elder directly from our milk laden breasts”

Kamna perked up and glanced at Vinod before asking “Aunty, can I feed our elder this time?”

The women looked at one another trying to form a response when the elder croaked “Let her, I’ve always wanted to taste my dear Kamna’s milk”

With the elder’s approval, the women couldn’t deny Kamna so they agreed making her beam radiantly. She shuffled across the bed to once again sit by the elder’s head and eagerly opened her blouse which was already straining. Vinod watched as his wife bared her succulent tits making the full flesh jiggle enticingly, she squeezed her breasts once to spurt some milk out of her hard nipples before bringing them right onto the elder’s open mouth. The toothless old man latched onto the rock-hard nubs, making Kamna moan erotically, Vinod could even hear the sound of sweet milk spurting forcefully inside the man’s mouth, making him uncomfortable.

What was strange was when the old man turned his head with some effort and looked at Vinod while sucking Kamna’s breast. Though Vinod felt it impossible for a man of such stature to act that way, he somehow felt that the man really was laughing at him. Puch, puch, puch, puch, the toothless mouth made lewd sounds making Vinod uncomfortable, but he managed to calm himself by reminding himself of the man’s age. It felt silly to become jealous of an old man in his nineties, especially a father figure for many villagers. Still he felt something strange, not even when Kamna’s cousin molested her openly did he feel such weirdness, but he felt submissive in front of the old man at death’s door. He had immense trust in his wife and didn’t mind her light flirting and liberal attitude because of her loving nature, but at that moment he felt like he would lose his wife.

Thankfully the old man had small appetite, so he finished the suckling, but once again he shocked Vinod by squeezing Kamna’s milk-laden breasts and rolled the diamond hard nipples. The moans that came out of Kamna’s open mouth perfectly resembled those that he heard on his bridal night, when he fucked his darling wife for the first time. Feeling restless and anxious, he stood to stop the sexual molesting of his wife, but before he could gather the courage to say his words, the mature woman said “Beta, are you hungry? Let me bring you some snacks”

He turned to the woman, diverting his attention from his wife and said “No need, I just ate at another relatives house”

Before he could really say what he wanted, the old man released Kamna’s red tits with a loud smack of his lips “Tasty, if I can have such nectar everyday, I would recover in no time”

Kamna smiled gently, though her smile was full of love, her dark lustrous eyes glistened with passion “I will come here everyday to let you drink from me”

Vinod seethed, how can his dutiful wife promise without consulting him, her husband? But the old man’s next words made him relax “No need child, I have achieved what I wanted, you should get on with your life. Don’t worry about me, I have lived with no regrets”

Vinod was surprised that the man refused Kamna’s open offer, was the blatant taunting he had seen in the elder’s eyes his imagination? Confused, he was distracted as they took leave of the elder and the women at his side and walked back to Pratima’s house. Kamna was in two minds, her lovely face had a radiant smile mixed with bittersweet emotions. It was when they were quite close to their house when she notices Vinod’s gloomy face “What happened, why are you silent?”

Vinod wanted to remain silent, but he couldn’t “Why did you let the elder suckle you?”

Kamna stopped, the smile on her face vanished, she asked “What are you saying?”

Vinod sighed, knowing he had made his wife angry, he cautiously replied “I don’t like the elder, why do so many women live in his house, are they his family?”

Kamna’s eyes flashed with anger “Don’t talk about things you don’t understand, our elder is a great man, you don’t know him like we do. It’s better if you don’t talk about him”

She had been really sad that her father was dying, it made her happy to have seen him and even fed him her milk. The last thing she wanted was to hear her husband badmouthing her father, a man who was irreplaceable in her life, a man with whom she had shared everything. Vinod was aghast, never in the five years of his married life had he heard her speak like this, in fact it was rare to see her angry, especially at him. Kamna didn’t wait for him and walked forward, wanting to reminisce about her beloved father. A sullen Vinod followed her, reaching the house where Pratima and Aditi were playing with little Arushi. Seeing her Jijaji, Aditi got shy and ran to the kitchen to hide, but Pratima greeted him with a wide smile.

Vinod felt better when he faced his mother-in-law’s happy smile, she asked “Did you have a good visit? You must be hungry after all the walking”

She took his arm and pushed her huge breasts onto him, smothering him with the luxuriant flesh, since she never wore the ghunghat inside the house, he had the best view of her abundant cleavage spilling over the tiny blouse.

He said “I had tea at Basant uncle’s house”

Pratima purred “Oh, then you must have tasted Bimala’s milk, her father-in-law loves to boast about the flavour of his daughter-in-law’s milk. Do you want some more tea? I can make it just like Bimala does or do you prefer to drink some milk directly instead?”

Vinod blushed as Pratima caught his glance at her deep cleavage, no matter how much she said it still felt immoral to openly look at his mother-in-law’s tits. He looked instead at his wife, who was still angry, seeing her like that made him pissed off. If she can bare her tits publicly and let another man drink from her, why couldn’t he? After all he was the man of the house, he could do whatever he wanted. Still he didn’t know how to direct state that he wanted to suck Pratima’s tits, so he said “Drinking tea so late will make me lose my appetite for dinner…”

Pratima’s eyes gleamed, she giggled saucily “Oh I understand, let me remove my blouse, so you can drink the milk directly. But next time, you don’t need to be so shy, you can undress me whenever you want and drink milk directly”

Her words were too provocative, it made him hard in no time, Kamna too looked at them with an angry expression. But Vinod felt rebellious, he ignored his wife and watched Pratima unhook her tight blouse with some difficulty. Each release made her cleavage widen by a huge amount, her fingers struggling with the hook made the flesh jiggle erotically, until the blouse billowed open revealing the creamy mounds completely. Pratima made him sit on the chair and stood very close, pushing her naked breast right into his face. Vinod felt his body heat, his face turned red as he smelled the womanly aroma and her body heat.

His mouth watered automatically when he saw the long dark nipples hardened and oozing with milk. Pratima took the long nipple and tweaked it hard making a drop of milk fall onto the floor, without further ado, she pushed the nipple into his gaping mouth, moaning just like Kamna did a short while earlier, when Vinod closed his lips around the pulsing bud. His hard cock oozed precum, staining his trousers wet, it seemed like every mouthful of sweet milk transformed into precum, forming a large spot in his clothes. So involved in the pleasure, Vinod had no idea when Kamna left the room, taking Arushi with her. When he regained consciousness of his surrounding, he saw that he was alone with the purring Pratima. The rest of the day was awkward as Kamna ignored him, when they wrapped up at the night, Kamna slept some distance away from her husband, cuddling with her sister. But Vinod wasn’t alone, he realised the soft, hot body of his mother-in-law pressing him from the back.

When Vinod woke up the next day, he was shocked to find himself spooning Pratima’s lush body, feeling naked flesh all over. His hands were wrapped around her, squeezing both tits hard, while his rampant erection disappeared between Pratima’s ass cheeks. His trouser was unbuttoned and bunched around his ankles, Pratima’s blouse was nowhere to be seen while her skirt was around her knees. Him releasing the huge globes made Pratima giggle “You are so naughty, beta, I didn’t realise you are so dominating. If I didn’t resist at the right time, you would have fucked me all night”

Vinod blurted “Sorry aunty, it’s my fault, but I don’t remember anything”

Pratima rose and took her blouse from somewhere before hooking it once again, she said “It’s not your fault, you were sleeping, but your body was awake, doing naughty things to me. It’s not that I am angry, but I didn’t let you some things because Aditi was sleeping in the same room. She is still a virgin, so some things are still forbidden in front of her”

She stood gingerly and gasped in pain, he asked “Are you alright? Did I hurt you?”

She smiled “No, don’t panic for everything, it’s just that your cock was trying to penetrate my asshole all night. Otherwise I am perfectly alright, in fact I am so happy that I made my handsome son-in-law so horny last night inspite of my old age”

Vinod didn’t want to continue the embarrassing conversation, so he asked “Where is Kamna and the others?”

Pratima stretched her back, making her blouse nearly burst into tiny pieces as it struggled to contain her massive chest, thankfully nothing untoward happened “They have gone to bathe in the pond, let me get you something to eat”

Vinod asked “Is the pond too far away?”

He was full of guilt, he knew he shouldn’t have doubted his wife nor pried into her relationship with the elder. He had also nearly fucked her mother right in front of her, how can he face her again? He resolved to find her immediately and beg for her forgiveness, he loved his wife too much to fight her for petty things. Pratima tied the skirt around her wide hips “Just take the path next to the bathroom and you will reach the pond in no time”

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RE: The adventures of an idiotic husband by ajaniv - by Ramesh_Rocky - 08-05-2019, 02:38 PM

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