The Talk (By = sirajahmed10) - COMPLETE

The Talk 
Ch. 02
The sun was shining brightly when Mala awakened the next morning. Seeing the clock showing 11 A.M she was surprised. Having a bath as she came out she saw a note struck on the fridge informing her son was out to receive Rashmi who was arriving by afternoon flight.

Unable to believe his words she rang him on his cell.

Adithya was thrilled when his cell rang. Knowing who it was 'how are you Mom?' he asked.

'I am fine but where are you?' she asked.

'I am on my way to the Airport to pick up Rashmi' he replied.

'How sweet of you' she said.

'It's because of you I have asked her to come' he said.

'That is really very thoughtful of you' she replied.

'I am looking forward to reach home soon Mom' he said.

'Why don't you have to go office?' she asked.

'Have applied leave Mom' he said.

'What for?' she asked.

'I want to be close to my Mom' he replied.

'Why, Why do you want to be close to your mother?' she asked

'I want to kiss her' he said softly.

'You want to kiss me, what if your wife sees?' she asked.

'What's wrong is kissing? Can I not kiss my mother?' he asked enthusiastically.

'Yes you can only kiss your mother and nothing else, have you thought of it?' she asked.

'No I have not thought of it' he replied suddenly loosing his enthusiasm.

'Why what happened?' she asked and feeling him go silent 'come soon I am waiting' she said to cheer him up.

'Yes Mom I will' he replied.

'But don't forget to pick Rashmi' saying it she put down the phone.

Adithya was thrilled when he heard the last sentence. Thinking about her he drove to the airport.

It was around 4 P.M when Mala finally heard the bell ring. Getting up from the couch she cautiously moved to the door and taking a deep breath when she opened the door she was delighted to see a smiling Rashmi. 

Hugging her daughter-in-law she gave her a rousing welcome and moving indoors she casually enquired as to how she was and how they had missed her.

Adithya joined them and they all sat for the evening tea. It was while they were having tea that Adithya started eyeing his mother. Sitting opposite he was keenly observing his mother waiting for her to make the move.

It was not long before she started the conversation. 'I think I unnecessarily made you come back' she said looking at Rashmi.

'No Ma even I had planned so' she said looking at her husband.

'Yes I think he missed you' she said looking at Adithya.

'Why would I miss her?' replied Adithya teasing his wife.

'As if you did not' shot his mother and looking at Rashmi she said 'I had a tough time yesterday.'

'Why what did he do?' asked Rashmi smilingly.

'Ask what he did not do' she said and looking at shocked Adithya 'he was kind enough to buy me a sari' she said softly.

'How nice of him' replied Rashmi.

'Why don't you wear that sari Mom?' said Adithya feeling reassured.

'No not that' saying it she stopped and looking at Rashmi 'why don't we ask Rashmi to wear it' said his mother.

'No Ma as he has brought it for you wear it' replied Rashmi casually.

'Rashmi you don't know how translucent it is' she said.

'So what wear it Mom' insisted Adithya.

Seeing her husband insisting 'wear it Ma' added Rashmi.

'Well if you both want me to' saying this she went to the room. Once inside she hurriedly undressed and putting on Rashmi's bra and other inner wears she dbangd the pink sari on and looking at her reflection and on being satisfied she slowly walked out of the room.

Adithya was enchanted when he saw his mother appear wearing the pink sari. She looked gorgeous in the fading light and when she came closer Rashmi took a deep breath as she felt it was too flashy a sari to wear in front of her son.

Getting up from the couch Adithya moved towards his mother and slipping an arm around her waist 'does it not look great on her' he asked Rashmi.

'Yes it does' replied Rashmi though she thought it was showing off all her curves.

'Don't you think I am a bit old to wear such a sari?' asked his mother.

'Who said you are old Mom. You can even wear saris which Rashmi does' saying it he tightened his hold on her waist.

'What kind of saris does she wear?' asked his mother.

'Some of them are very flashy' he replied.

'No Ma he is telling a lie' replied Rashmi shyly.

'Why what's wrong in you wearing them? You are still a bride' said his mother.

'Eight months have passed since we got married Ma' she said.

'So what?' she said.

'Why don't you change into something else' intercepted Adithya his hands firmly lodged on his mother's waist.

'What are you talking of Adi?' said his wife shyly.

'Wear the sari which you bought recently' he said.

'No Adi, how can I wear it in front of Ma what would she say' she said softly.

'What would I say? If your husband wants you to, then wear it' said Mala hugging her son.

Seeing her mother-in-law hug her son Rashmi got excited and as she got up she heard her husband say 'wear that matching blouse too.'

'Adi how can I? You know about it' she said.

'Mom she has got a new blouse stitched which looks great as it leaves her back fully naked' said Adithya.

'Wear it dear you need not feel shy. I think it's his wish' saying it she kissed Adi on his cheeks.

Seeing her peck a kiss on her son Rashmi got thrilled and when her husband embraced his mother a warm feeling crept up her body which made her rush into the room. Shedding all her shyness she quickly changed and putting on the new sari and blouse and letting her hair loose she walked into the living room graciously.

Mala was pleased to see Rashmi dressed up in the translucent sari. Her appearance was dazzling and as she crossed over looking at her long tapered almost naked back she felt aroused. 'You look stunning dear, no doubt my son missed you so much' she said looking up from head to toe.

Her words made Rashmi to blush and before she could reply she heard her husband say 'even you look gorgeous Mom' which prompted her to add 'yes Ma you look very attractive in that sari.'

'But I am not as young as you are dear' she said to please her daughter-in-law.

'What has age got to do Mom? It looks good on you' he said drawing her closer which prompted Rashmi to add 'yes Ma you do look very charming.'

'Now you both are pulling my legs' she said.

'No Mom you do look good' saying it he kissed her cheek passionately.

'Do you know whom you are kissing? Have you mistaken me for Rashmi' she asked teasingly.

'What's wrong in him kissing you Ma?' said Rashmi mouthing the words which he wanted to utter.

'Yes what's wrong in kissing you Mom' repeated Adithya grasping her in his arms.

'No there is nothing wrong in kissing me but the way you kissed I thought you had mistaken' she said cuddling closer.

'No Mom I wanted to kiss you from a long time and holding you close I could not stop myself' he said.

'Well if you both feel the same then its okay I suppose' said his mother.

'So sweet of you' saying it he kissed her again and this time he let his lips linger for a longer time on her cheeks which excited Rashmi. She wished he would kiss his mother on her lips and to encourage him she said 'you two look like love birds.'

'Yes we are love birds' saying it he smacked his mother's face with wet kisses which were very erotic.

Rashmi was excited seeing her husband kiss his mother passionately and as she sat straight watching them she was thrilled when her mother-in-law took hold her son's face and kissed him back. She felt aroused watching them and her hand slipped down to her thigh.

On kissing her son 'are you happy?' she asked.

'Yes but I want to kiss you. . . .' saying this he placed his finger on her lips and caressed them.

'You want to kiss me on my lips' asked his mother which jolted Rashmi.

'Yes Mom I want to kiss you on your lips. You know you have very promising lips' he said caressing them.

'Are you sure you want to kiss my lips not hers?' she said smiling at Rashmi who was observing them keenly.

'Yes I want to kiss your lips, they are so beautiful' saying it he brought his lips close to his mothers.

The scene aroused Rashmi, her hand which was on her thigh went up and when she saw her husband place his lips near his mothers and nuzzled closer she hoped her mother-in-law was not joking.

'Oh Adi do you really want to kiss me' said his mother when she felt his lips near hers.

'Of course Mom I do want to kiss those lips' saying it he held her in his arms and facing his wife he kissed his mother on her lips.

'Adi my boy' saying it she hugged her son and when she looked at her daughter-in-law's crimson face 'now I understand how you have missed her' she said.

'No Mom it is you that I wanted to kiss' saying this he seized her and pulling her up he kissed her again.

'Oh! My boy, oh my boy' she moaned and looking at Rashmi whose face had turned red 'you are very naughty today' she said.

'Yes having you in my arms has made me naughty' he said and as he moved a little Rashmi was shocked on seeing her husband's engrossed cock tenting up in his pants. She was spellbound for a few moments and as the scene was so very arousing she hoped that they could continue necking.

'Then shall I move out of your arms, what do you say Rashmi?' she asked looking at her.

'What can I say Ma? I think he is very mischievous today' she replied wanting them to continue.

'Yes he has become mischievous and I think it is because he has missed you' she replied.

'No it is not that. I always dreamt of having you in my arms and kiss you Mom' saying it he drew her again in his arms.

'You want to kiss me again are you not satisfied?' she asked moving closer. . 'No Mom I want to keep kissing you. I love kissing these lovely lips' saying it he caressed her lips and when he felt his mother encircle her hands and embrace him, he opened his mouth and placing it on hers he ravaged her lips which made his mother to shudder in his arms.

Seeing her husband ravish his mother's lips Rashmi was certain that his mother was enjoying his kisses and she was also assured of the fact that she was playing a game with her son. This aroused her and wished that her husband could carry on. It was a sight which had already sent hot waves through her body and the more intimate they became the better it would be she thought. Her body sizzled at the very thought of her husband playing with his mother's body and she sat waiting with abated breath.

As Adithya continued kissing he felt his mother embrace him. Grasping her tightly 'you are very gorgeous Mom' he said and as she moaned he slipped one of his hands down onto her buttocks and gripped them, watching this Rashmi had the first orgasm of the evening. She let out a deep moan as her body shook with pleasure.

Mala heard her daughter-in-law's low moan. This upped her ante and kissing her son passionately 'do you find me attractive dear?' she asked.

'Yes Mom you are very attractive and it's nice to feel them' saying this he caressed her buttocks and squeezed them lightly over her sari.

'Do you know what you are doing? Do you know what you are fondling?' she asked.

'Yes Mom, they are very luscious' he said fondling her buttocks.

'You are crushing my new sari Adi' she said.

'I will buy another Mom' saying this he continued fondling her buttocks over her sari squeezing them roughly.

Mala was thrilled by his words and actions. 'But be careful as it is a present from my son' she said to tease him.

'Then why don't we remove what your son has presented to you and keep it safely?' he said taking hold of her sari.

As soon as he uttered those words Rashmi was stunned and she sat dazed.

'How very cunning you are as if I don't know what your intentions are?' she said.

'What intentions could I have?' he asked.

'You want to fondle what you are fondling without the sari on' she said.

'Yes and also for the fact your sari may get wrinkled' he replied pulling her sari.

'Look how your husband is behaving today do you want him to?' she asked.

Rashmi was shocked when her mother-in-law suddenly put the question to her. In a dazed voice 'yes Ma otherwise as you said it may get wrinkled' she said very softly.

'I think you both are playing a game' she replied.

'No Mom' saying it he slowly pulled her sari out and looking at her sleeveless blouse struggling to cover her robust bosom which was bulging out he got excited. Placing a hand at the top of her bosom he drew her up and kissing her passionately 'Mom it feels great to have you in my arms' he said.

'Is it because I am not wearing a sari?' she asked.

'Yes and also these are gorgeous' saying it he again placed his hand on her buttocks.

'For you it feels good but my feet are aching standing' she said.

'Why don't you come and sit here Ma' injected Rashmi getting excited at the prospect of having them close.

'Yes dear your husband is crazy today. I don't think he will ever stop kissing me' saying this she moved out of his arms and sat beside Rashmi on the couch.

Adithya standing in front looked at the two beautiful women sitting side by side on the couch. He kept staring at them which prompted his wife to lift her eyebrows and question him.

'Does she not look gorgeous?' he asked his wife standing in front of his mother.

'Yes Adi Ma looks gorgeous as she has a beautiful figure' she replied.

Hearing both them praise her 'I don't know what you both are up to' she said.

'Nothing Mom I just love the way you look' he said.

'Is it because I am not wearing sari?' she asked.

'Yes without your sari on you look great' he replied.

'You naughty boy what's there that looks so good?' she asked.

'You have a well endowed body and it is pleasing to the eye' he replied.

'You are becoming very naughty Adithya. I should not have allowed you to kiss me' she said.

'It's because you are so beautiful that I want to kiss you again and again' saying this he leaned forward and kissed her.

'When are you going to stop kissing me Adi?' asked his mother.

'I want to keep kissing you forever Mom' he replied.

'What about Rashmi, don't you want to kiss her? She will feel bad if you neglect her' she said looking at her.

'No Ma it is okay with me' replied Rashmi shyly.

'Kiss her Adi, kiss your bride' said his mother.

'Yes Mom' saying it he moved in front of Rashmi and looked at his wife.

'What are doing Adi, Ma was just joking' she said getting excited at the prospect of being kissed in front of her mother-in-law.

'No dear Mom is serious, she cares for you' saying it he held her trembling body in his arms and pushing aside the loose hair from her face he brought his face down and kissed her passionately.

On being kissed in front of her mother-in-law Rashmi felt as if the earth had shattered. A strong current ripped through her body. It was totally a different sensation she felt and her body shuddered in her husband's arms.

Adithya too got excited. He too felt it different to kiss his wife in front of his mother. Hugging his wife he pushed her towards his mother and leaning on her he started to kiss her again while his hands pulled her sari.

Mala on seeing her son pull her sari said 'yes dear remove her sari' wanting to see her daughter-in-law without her sari.

'Yes Mom' as he uttered those words 'no' cried Rashmi and not heading to her words he put his hand on her waist and pulled her sari out.

'What are doing Adi?' moaned his wife softly as the light sari slipped away from her body.

'You look beautiful dear. Does she not Mom?' asked Adithya.

'Yes dear she looks lovely as she has a beautiful body' she said staring at her daughter-in-law's lithe figure writhing with pleasure. Placing her hand on her blouse and feeling its soft texture and looking at her petite breasts under the thin layer of her blouse 'I don't think she is wearing a bra Adithya' she said.

'Yes Mom she is not wearing a bra. Her blouse is just a piece of cloth tied at the back' he replied seeing his mother feeling the texture of her blouse.

'And I suppose it's very easy to undo. Is it not so dear?' she asked moving her hand on her blouse.

'It is his fancy Ma' replied a shy Rashmi.

'How nice do want me to undo it dear' she asked softly.

'I feel ashamed Ma' replied Rashmi as excitement took over her body.

'I just want to release the knots dear you look very pretty, you are very pretty dear' saying it she slipped her hand behind her blouse and undid the knot.

Rashmi's body trembled as her mother-in-law undid the knot. Her petite breasts became more visible as her blouse was loosened. Squirming in pleasure she moaned softly.

'Look how beautifully they are Adi?' said Mala on seeing the small breasts nuzzled inside her blouse.

'Yes Mom her breasts are very beautiful' saying it Adithya pulled his wife's blouse denuding her breasts.

'Oh! They are so lovely, so small and so tender' said his mother feeling the small mounds of her daughter-in-laws breasts.

'But you have gorgeous ones Mom' said Adithya straining to look at the exposed parts of her breasts.

'Are they visible dear?' asked his mother.

'The swollen part is quite visible Mom' said Adithya staring at her bosom.

'Are you not getting naughty again' she said as she cupped her daughter-in-laws breasts.

'No Mom I am just comparing them' he replied placing his hand on his mothers blouse and unhooking it.

'Now what are you doing?' asked his mother.

'I want to have a look' he said.

'Why do you want to see them? Are you not satisfied with these' she said cupping her daughter-in-laws breasts.

'I am after yoursMom' he said pulling her blouse out and looking at her gorgeous breasts in the filmiest bra he was excited. Caressing them 'they look gorgeous in this bra Mom' he said.

'Do you know whose bra it is? It's your wife's bra I am wearing' she said.

Hearing those words Rashmi turned to face her mother-in-law and looking at her bra she felt excited. 'It looks great on you Ma' said she when her mother-in-law smiled at her.

'Yes dear you have a collection as lovely as you are' saying it she kissed Rashmi on her lips.

'That looks exciting, kiss her again Mom' said Adithya.

'I always wanted to kiss your bride Adi' saying it she pulled Rashmi up and holding her in her arms she kissed her lips passionately and when she felt her lithe body tremble holding her tightly she slipped her tongue inside her mouth and ravished it. 'You are so beautiful dear that I want to kiss you again and again' she said repeatedly kissing her.

'You too are very beautiful Ma' said Rashmi nuzzling closer in her arms.

'But not as lovely as you are dear' saying this she hugged her naked breasts on to hers and feeling the heat generated from her naked breasts she had a huge orgasm. 'It feels lovely, it feels lovely dear' she cried her body writhing in desire.

'Yes and I see you both are enjoying' said Adithya who are aroused on seeing his mother kiss his wife passionately. To encourage his wife 'why don't you remove mother's bra' he said. 

'Yes dear I think the bra she is wearing is small, though it looks good on Ma' saying it she leaned on her mother-in-law to unhook her bra.

'Yes dear I wore it as I was attracted but now it is really troubling and moreover your husband I think wants to have it removed' she said as Rashmi slipped her hand behind her back to undo the brassiere.

'Yes Ma, today he is indeed very naughty and these lovelies do attract him' saying it she unhooked her bra and removing it out of her body and pushing her mother-in-laws breasts up 'are they not gorgeous dear' asked Rashmi looking up at her husband.

'Yes dear they are gorgeous and how fortunate you are to have them in your hand. Why don't you kiss them dear?' said Adithya staring at his mother's breasts.

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