Incest Flash Back... (By = sirajahmed10) - {COMPLETE}

'Coz you look good without it' he replied.

'Is it because I look good or you can look at something that is good' she asked.

'It's one and the same. I want to look at something which looks good on you' he replied.

'Very nice, because you want to look at something that looks good you want me to remove my sari, is it so' she asked.

'Did I not allow you to see' he replied.

'What did you allow' asked a puzzled Mayuri.

'Did I not allow you to see my bare chest? 

'You always go without a shirt, what was there that you allowed' she said.

'Did I not allow you to kiss them' he asked tweaking his nipples?

'I allowed you too, remember' she replied memorizing the way he had sucked them.

'But not when they were fully exposed' he said moving closer.

'Yes not fully exposed but I am sure you were able to feel them' she said.

'Yes but what I could not see then, would like to see now' he said.

'And for that you want me to remove the whole sari' she asked in a teasing tone.

'If not, at least allow me to slip the top out' he said taking hold of the top of her sari. 

'No, I will neither allow you to do that' she said smilingly.

'Why, what would I do' he asked getting closer.

'I know what you would do' she said.

'Tell me' he said.

'You would do what you did at the restaurant' she said.

'What did I do at the restaurant' he asked gripping her sari in his hands.

'Slip your hand inside' she said.

'Inside what' he asked as he had most of her sari in his hand.

'Inside my petticoat' she said as passion took over her.

'Why? Don't you like my hand there, inside your petticoat' he asked as he slowly started pushing her sari.

'No not where you intend to' she replied as wave after wave of excitement rushed through her body.

'Why what's there that you don't want me to touch' he asked pulling out her sari from her body.

'Something which is out of your bounds to touch' she replied.

'Well if not touch, can I see it' he asked removing her sari.

'Neither you can touch nor see it' she replied.

'Why, is it so precious' he asked gripping her shoulders.

'Yes it's not only precious but beyond your reach' she replied pinching his cheeks.

'How long do you think it would be beyond my reach' he asked placing his hands on her back.

'It is well guarded and don't forget your promise' she said looking at him.

'What promise' he asked caressing her back.

'That you would stop when I would say so' she said kissing him on his cheeks.

'But what if you want me to' he said seizing her up.

'What would I want you to do' she said as her body trembled with desire.

'What if you have a feeling that you want me to touch it' he said slipping his hands further down till they reached the top of her buttocks.

'No I would never have such feelings' she said kissing him.

'Are you sure? What if your body demands it' he asked gripping her.

'I know how to control my body' she said as she felt it tremble again.

'What if your body craves as it is doing now' he said as he caressed her buttocks.

'No nothing of that sort is happening' she said pressing her lips hard on his mouth.

'Then why is your body trembling? Are you not enjoying? don't you want me to fondle these' he spoke softly gripping her buttocks in his hand.

'No I don't' she screamed as her body started to thrash with the desires mounting inside her.

'And don't you need this too' he said moving his abdomen forward.

'What, what' moaned Mayuri as her body started to perspire with excitement.

'That which is poking at you' said Amar as he let his hard cock nudge her waist.

'No Amar you are not going to let it out' saying this she hugged him and shoving her tongue inside his mouth kissed him passionately while she climaxed.

Amar could not believe that his swollen cock had touch his mother's waist and when Mayuri hugged him and his cock got plastered on her body; he felt it throb and as his mother slipped her tongue inside his mouth and kissed him fervently he shot his load. 

Mayuri did not let him go. She had his body plastered on hers and when she felt the dampness of his warm cum seeping through his pants reach her naked waist, pushing him back and looking at the stain getting bigger and bigger 'you have stained your pants' she said.

'Oh! Mom' saying this he ran to his room.

As Amar left Mayuri had a flash back of all that had taken place between them. Recalling it she felt that things had gone beyond her wild imagination. She thought she had to discuss this with Naina. With this thought in mind she went to her room.

Next day after seeing her husband and son off Mayuri dressed up to go. She was so keen to meet Naina that she made a grave mistake. She dashed off to her flat without informing her and in her excitement she even forgot to confirm whether she would be at home or not and when she pressed the bell, she felt the earth below her feet give way when she saw Nithin open the door.

'What a pleasant surprise come in, come in' said Nithin making way for her to enter.

With heavy feet Mayuri stepped in. Nithin closing the door and guiding her to the sofa said 'how nice of you to have come.' 

'I I I I wanted to meet Naina' stammered Mayuri standing in front of him.

'Why don't you sit down and relax' said Nithin seeing her perspiring.

'Where is Naina' she asked sitting on the edge of the sofa.

'Has gone out' he replied.

'Gone out, then I shall come again' saying this as she stood up she heard him say

'Sit down; she will be here any moment.' 

As Mayuri sat down he said 'I see that you are tired, let me get you a glass of water.' 

By the time Mayuri could say no he was out of the room.

Mayuri waited anxiously for Naina to come. Sitting on the sofa she was getting tensed and as she covered her bare arms she cursed herself for having worn a sleeveless blouse. 

She was feeling nervous when Nithin strode in with a glass of juice and handing over as he sat down beside her she felt she was cornered.

Nithin started the conversation 'how is Amar' he asked.

'He is fine, has gone to college' she replied.

'Yes college. Don't you think he has grown up' he said.

'Yes, only last month he completed eighteen years' she replied.

'He has outgrown his age. I think he has become more of a man' said Nithin.

Those words troubled Mayuri. Her thoughts went to the previous evening and thinking of how he had acted confirmed with what Nithin was saying. Unable to let it out she said 'boys grow up fast.'

'Yes boys grow up fast but Amar has even beaten me in the race' he said.

Mayuri not knowing what he was speaking of 'beaten you in the race' she repeated.

'Yes he has already reached the post when I am still trying to catch up' he said.

'I don't understand' she said her face showing sings of not understanding what he was implying at.

'Yes you don't understand as you were not here' he said thinking of the evening when Amar had come to drop Naina and he had feigned asleep.

Mayuri tried to make some sense of his words 'you were not here.' Does he know about Amar and Naina? Was he awake, had he seen them? As these thoughts crept into her mind she was scared thinking of what if he had.

Nithin saw her expressions change. He knew she was thinking on the lines on which he was trying to draw her attention. Seeing her having reached half way mark he said 'he seems to be quite attached to Naina.'

That was it. It then struck her that he knew it. Though it was now out in the open she did not feel as scared as she thought she would be. Boldly she replied 'yes he helps her out.'

'Yes he helps her out and he is fast paced, not like us' he said smiling at her.

Those words made her smile and as she smiled he said 'don't you think we should learn from him.'

'What is there to learn from him' exclaimed Mayuri trying to cover her son?

'How to reach to the bottom? He is master of that art' he spoke softly as he blew her hair from her forehead. 

Mayuri understood what he was trying to communicate and as she prepared to brace up she heard him say 'if he was in my position don't you think he would have been miles ahead by this time.'

Mayuri could not reply nor was she able to shift her position and on being silent 'don't you think so' he asked again.

'I don't know what you are speaking and I can't speak for him' was only what she was able to utter.

'Don't you think he would have done something by now? Don't you think he would have taken you in his arms' he said looking up?

'How can I say, how do I know what he would do' she let out the words in quick succession.

'I know what he would have done. He would have held your face like this' he said cupping her cheeks in both his hands.

'How do you know' she stressed as she wanted to confirm whether he knew something about her son and Naina.

'I know because I saw him kiss my wife and he kissed her knowing I was here. Do you still think he is a child' he asked.

Mayuri at that moment felt as if lightening had struck her. She could not find words to reply. 'I don't know it' she said.

'Yes you don't know as you were not here. You should have seen him how he took hold of my wife and kissed her. He had me wondering' he said.

'Why did you not stop him' she asked gaining some courage.

'I did not stop him as my mind was focused on his actions. I felt I had to learn a lot from him' saying this he caught hold of a few strands of her loose hair.

'Was it for that or did you have any other reason' she asked softly.

'What other reason could I have? He was playing with my wife' he said as he moved his hand on her cheek.

'Yes he was playing with your wife and you kept quiet because you wanted him to continue, is it not' she asked.

'You mean I wanted him to continue playing with my wife, why would I want that to happen' he asked touching her cheek with his finger tips.

'There could be two reasons for it' she replied.

'Two reasons? When I can't think of one how you could say there are two reasons' he asked caressing her cheeks.

'I think you did not stop him as you enjoyed watching' she said.

'You mean I enjoyed watching your son undress my wife and play with her body. Yes it could be one reason and what is the other one' he asked getting excited.

'The other is you knew one thing would lead to another and you could take advantage' she said.

'Take advantage of whom' he asked.

'Of the person whose son kissed your wife and played with her body' she replied.

'Yes you could be right there. He has such a gorgeous mother no wonder anyone would do anything' he replied feeling her cheeks lightly.

'In what way is she better than your wife' she asked getting bolder.

'There can be no comparison between the two' he replied.

'Can you give an example' she asked wetting her lips with her tongue.

'For one, these lips they are very promiscuous. They cannot be compared with my wife's' he said feeling her lips. 

'So what do you have in mind now' she asked in a coarse voice.

'It is my desire to kiss you as your son kissed my wife' he replied.

'Do you want to kiss me because my son kissed your wife or do you have any other reason to kiss me' she asked.

'What other reason could I have to kiss you' he said.

'Is it not a fact that you want to kiss me because I am your brother's wife. Is it not for this you both are baiting my son' she asked.

'No, I want to kiss you not because you are my brother's wife but because you are Mayuri, a woman blessed with a gorgeous figure' he replied.

Hearing him call her by name and hearing him say she had a gorgeous figure sent a hot wave up her spine. Squirming in pleasure 'is it because of that you want to kiss me. Is it because of that you are after me' she asked with a teasing smile on her face.

'Yes and I have waited too long for it' he said holding both her cheeks and bringing his face close to hers.

'You want to kiss Mayuri knowing very well that she is your brother's wife. Are you not ashamed of it' she asked in a husky voice.

'Yes I want to kiss Mayuri, not just because she is a gorgeous woman but because she is my brother's wife' saying this he locked his lips on hers.

Mayuri was thrilled to have heard that he wanted to kiss her because she was his brother's wife and when she felt his harsh lips on her delicate ones she felt a tremor rise in her body. Leaning over she kissed him back and looking at his pensive face said 'how does it feel to have kissed your brother's wife.' 

'It was most thrilling' he replied.

'What was so special about it' she asked pecking kisses on his cheeks.

'My brother's wife kissing me back that was so special' he replied.

'Why? When you can kiss her, can she not kiss you' she asked.

'Yes she can, but I was not expecting it' he replied.

'Don't you know the reason for it' she asked nibbling his ears.


'She did it as she had to pay you back for what her son did to your wife' she put the words in his ears.

'Your son not only kissed my wife but played with her body too' he said kissing her cheeks.

'It was so kind of your wife to have allowed him' she shot back.

'Will you not repay me back in the same coin' he asked.

'No' she said slipping away from him.

'Why' he asked moving closer.

'I think your wife got interested in him' she said.

'How can you say so' he asked.

'Then why would she allow him to play with her body when you were at home?' she replied.

'Yes it could be, like you were interested in me' he said.

'When did I show any interest in you' she asked pecking a kiss on his cheeks.

'When we were having the dinner along with your husband' he said.

'But you chickened out' she said smilingly.

'I am not scared anymore' he said.

'That's because he is not here, what if he was?' she asked him softly.

'Even if he was' he said.

'What would you have done' she asked getting excited.

'I would have had you in my arms' he said.

'You want that to happen' she asked.

'Yes, I would love to' he replied.

'Whom do you want in your arms, Mayuri or your sister-in-law' she asked.

'It would always be my sister-in-law' he said.

'You like your sister-in-law so much' she asked.

'Yes I crave for her' he replied.

'Okay tell me what happened between my son and your wife' she asked changing the subject.

'Why do you want to know' he asked slipping his arms around her.

'Curious to learn' she replied shyly.

'I know why you want to' he said.

'Why' she asked getting excited.

'It stimulates you, isn't it' he said.

'You know better, tell me' she said.

'I will on one condition' he said.

'Now what is it?' she asked gently.

'I would like to have you in my arms' he said deftly pulling her up.

'Is it necessary to have me in your arms' she asked moving closer?

'Yes it is a chance which I don't want to miss' he said slipping his hand around her waist and drawing her.

Mayuri's body sizzled when it came in contact with his masculine body. It was ages since a male had taken her in his arms and when Nithin started drawing the top of her sari, 'now what's that for' asked Mayuri.

'That was how your son started undressing my wife' he said.

'And you have to show it to me, can you not tell me' she asked.

'It is to make you understand better' he said pulling the top of her sari.

'I see. It is for my better understanding, nothing for you in it' she asked.

'What's there for me' he asked.

'Are you going to close your eyes when you remove my sari' she asked making faces at him.

'Not even when you are fully clothed? I have waited 5 years for this' saying this he held her at arms length and stared at her heaving breasts.

'Do you see anything that was worth waiting for' she asked getting excited by his close inspection?

'Yes more than my wild imagination' he said unhooking her blouse.

'What did you see that is so wild' she asked heaving her breasts again.

'The sight of your swelling breasts they are scintillating' he said feeling the top of her breasts.

'How does it feel to touch them' she asked.

'Have no words to describe' he said pushing aside the flaps of her blouse to have a better look.

'Don't you think I am dark' she asked seeing him staring at her swelling breasts.

'Your skin is perfectly blended and they are gorgeous' he said caressing the top of her breasts with his fingers.

'And don't you think you are lucky enough to feel my gorgeous breasts' she asked.

'Of course I am' he replied.

'And you love feeling them' she asked.

'Obviously and moreover I am excited' he replied.

'Are you not excited more than my son could have been, is that not true' she asked.

'Yes you have the most voluptuous breasts ever imaginable' he said cupping them in his hands.

'And they were what that attracted you' she asked taking a deep breath.

'It was something else which attracted you to me' he replied.

'What could that be' she asked leaning back on the sofa.

'I will tell you, why don't you get comfortable' he said reclining her on the sofa.

'You mean you want me to lie down on the sofa' she asked.

'Yes that would make you comfortable' he replied.

'Then do I have to remove my foot wear' she asked.

'Not only your footwear, you need to remove a lot' he said pulling her feet up and removing her sandals.

'What other things' she asked?

'Why don't we start with your sari' he said pulling it out of her body.

'Why my sari' she asked.

'Because it may get crumpled' he said removing her sari.

'Yes, it could' she replied.

'And your blouse' he said leaning over.

'For the same reason' she asked looking at him.

'Yes for the same reason' saying it he slipped her blouse out of her body.

'Now what' she asked.

'It is the turn of your bra' he said.

'But my bra would never get crumpled' she said.

'Yes it would not get crumpled but you will love the fresh air on your breasts' he replied.

'I think it is hot' she said allowing him to unhook her brassiere.

'Yes your body is perspiring and it requires attention' saying this he unhooked her bra and lifting the cups of the bra he exposed her breasts. When her dark large breasts with darker nipples were bared he brought his fingers down and feeling the contours of her breasts let out a moan saying 'my my you have the most stunning breasts. They are so warm and so full.' 

'If they are so good what do you intend to do' she asked.

'I would love to kiss them but let my eyes have a feast first' he replied.

'You want to kiss them; can you kiss your sister-in-laws breasts' she asked?

'Yes I can kiss my sister-in-laws breasts' he replied bringing his face down.

'Who gave you permission to kiss them' she asked ruffling his hair.

'I don't need permission' he replied caressing her breast.

'Don't need permission, may I know why' she asked.

'When he does not take care, being his brother I am bound to' he replied.

'Take care of his personal things too' she asked.

'Personal things need more care' he said wiping her perspiring breasts with his handkerchief.

'Is that why you are so attentive' she asked as her body shook with pleasure.

'Yes and because a few things need to be handled with soft hands' he said.

'What other things have you in mind' she asked.

'The vast area of your waist line, it needs more attention as it has to be fondled delicately' saying this he slowly started to caress her waist.

'Why delicately' she asked breathing heavily.

'Because the area is so gorgeous it needs minute attention to feel the curves, the upheaval and the fleshy part of the waistline' he said as his eyes devoured each and every pore of her waistline. 

'If you have finished can I get up now' she asked.

'No you cannot' he replied.

'Why' she asked.

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RE: Flash Back... (By = sirajahmed10) - by usaiha2 - 08-05-2019, 11:08 AM

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