Adultery Crush
It was Friday afternoon and the last day of the lessons. He had learned a lot during the week and they spent the afternoon just dancing together. When they stopped to rest she said, "You are a really good dance partner. The girls at the prom are going to be jealous that they didn't go with you."

"I owe it all to you."

"You might want to give Gene some of the credit. If he hadn't agreed we wouldn't be going to the prom or you having dance lessons."

"I know, but it is you that let me relax enough to even try. I know how I get every time we dance and you didn't get pissed off or push me away."

"I don't know if relaxed is the right word, that thing has been hard all week." She smiled at him to show she wasn't mad. "I told you girls liked to feel like that too."

"I'm glad." He held out his hand to her as a slow song started on the cd. Could I have this dance?"

"Why certainly." She moved into his arms as if she had been there forever. She tucked her head on his chest under his chin and let his hand pulled her tighter to him. They slowly moved together to the slow music. She could feel his cock getting hard once again and this time she didn't just let it rest against her body, she moved her hips against it; even going so far as to stretch on her toes to let it touch her between the legs. She didn't pull back when his hand dropped to her hips and pulled her tighter to his hard cock. She tilted her head back and looked up at him. He was watching her with eyes wide open. She pulled his head down and kissed him. It wasn't a deep tongue in his mouth type kiss, but it sure wasn't a brother-in-law type kiss either.

The music stopped but he didn't want to release her. She pushed back out of his arms. "Don't take that for more than it was. You deserve a reward for all the hard work you put in this week. Consider that kiss as a graduation from Carol's dancing school. "I'm going to be proud to go to the prom with you." She pushed him from the room. "I need to get dinner ready."

He left her and went to his room. She could say the kiss wasn't anything extra but his stomach was still turn somersaults. Tomorrow night couldn't get here any too soon for him.

The prom started at 7:00 and at 4:00 she was ready. She wondered if he was going to remember the dinner before the dance or anything else she had made a stipulation of. He had told her to be ready at four and she was on time. Another look in the mirror and she knew she looked good. She had made a trip to the hairdresser, and had her nail and toes polished. She had even purchased a new dress for the night. It was a cream color that matched her black hair. She had talked to the sales person first to see what the style was for this year, she didn't want to embarrass Ray by being out of date with the others. This one she knew looked great on her. Low cut, showing a lot of cleavage, and stopping just above her knees, showing her long slim legs off to perfection. It was tight across her hips and made the thong she brought for it not only sexy but necessary. Her legs were encased in long silk stocking that were barely there. A pair of three inch high slippers completed her outfit. The sales people had said she would be the belle of the ball, she was inclined to agree. She wanted Ray to be glad that he was taking her to the Prom.

At four sharp she left her room and moved down the stairs. Gene and Ray were standing at the foot of the stairs and from their wide eyes she knew she was looking good. Gene spoke up first, Ray was speechless. "Would you go back upstairs and tell Carol her date is here?" He laughed. " Baby, I have never seen you looking better!"

She looked at Ray and did a slow turn for him to see all of her, "well?"

"God, you are beautiful!"

"Why thank you kind sir, so you aren't going to back out? You look really sharp in your tux."

"Not a chance!" He reached to hand her the flowers.

"Oh no, you have to pin them on me." She turned towards him and let him pin the corsage on her dress. His fingers were shaking. "Don't stick me with the pin."

He lined up the corsage on her dress just to the left of her breast. "Here?"

"Just a little higher. There, pin it right there." He had to slide his fingers under the edge of her dress and touch her breast with his knuckles to get the pin in place, he was shaking so bad that she wondered if he was going to make it. Finally he stepped back. "Just right, are you ready to go?"

He took her arm and guided her to the door. Gene followed them, "Hey don't I get a good nigh kiss?"

Her face lit up in a smile, "no, I have a date tonight. I wouldn't wait up for us either; we may make a full night of it."

"The prom is over at mid-night."

"Why Gene, you know that is just when the night gets started!" She winked at him as Ray ushered her out the door into Gene's Lexus. She stopped and came back to him. Pulling off her rings she handed them to him. "Wouldn't look to good for Ray to show up with a married woman." He didn't know whether to feel jealous are turned on that his beautiful wife was going to a high school prom with his brother.

Ray held the door as she slid across the seat. Her long legs flashed as she swung her legs into the car. She didn't miss the attention he paid her legs as she had made the move on purpose. She was going to make sure he enjoyed the dance tonight.

He had reservation at the niceness restaurant in town. He opened the car door for her and took her arm. In every way he was well mannered as he ushered her into the restaurant, even to pulling out her chair for her. "Thank you Ray, this is very nice." They made small talk as the waiter took their order and then left them alone.

"I can't get over how beautiful you are tonight."

"You are looking quite handsome yourself. Any girl in school would be pleased to be with you tonight. Tonight is special; you should be with a girl of your own."

"I am with the only girl I wanted to be with. You are a dream come true." Carol knew that he was telling the truth. His eyes were glowing and she could tell that he was the happiest she had ever seen him."

"I'm glad to be with you tonight. I hope this dress isn't too much, I wouldn't want to get you kicked out of school."

His eyes dropped to her breasts, "It is perfect, along with the rest of you."

"I want to be perfect for you tonight. It is your prom and I want you to enjoy every bit of it. Tonight I am you date; not your brother's wife, so that is the last time Gene will be mentioned tonight."

"I love you!"

"I know, and I love you. Tonight it will just be the two of us unless you find another girl you would like to dance with."

"Every dance will be with you!" She wondered if she had let things get to far along already.

The prom was perfect. They attracted a lot of attention from both boys and girls when they arrived. It didn't take long to see that there were a lot of young breasts on display that night and just as many hard cocks that couldn't be hidden. She thought to herself that time hadn't changed much since her prom.

During the early part of the night it was mostly faster songs but as the night on the songs slowed down as the couples were more inclined to spend more time in their dates arms. Carol was pleased that Ray had behaved to the point that he at least embarrassed by a hard cock. She had turned down several invitations to dance from other young boys. She saw that Ray was pleased that she only danced with him. The lessons paid off as he was now a very good dancer.

It was nearing midnight and the music was all slow love songs. A lot of kids had already gone but the ones still there were deeply enamored by their date and the closeness as they danced. Carol and Ray were no different. Dance after dance they never left the floor. His hands had her tightly against him and she could feel him now getting harder than he had all night. The fact that his hand was touching her tit didn't do anything to make her back off. She had started the night to make this the best night of his life; it was turning into more than that.
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Crush - by Darksam - 22-12-2018, 08:03 AM
RE: Crush - by Darksam - 22-12-2018, 08:31 AM
RE: Crush - by Darksam - 22-12-2018, 01:22 PM
RE: Crush - by Darksam - 22-12-2018, 05:31 PM
RE: Crush - by Darksam - 22-12-2018, 08:59 PM
RE: Crush - by Darksam - 22-12-2018, 09:00 PM
RE: Crush - by Darksam - 22-12-2018, 09:00 PM
RE: Crush - by Darksam - 22-12-2018, 09:00 PM

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