Adultery The adventures of an idiotic husband by ajaniv
Poor Vinod had to wait patiently as the ardour cooled off, Kamna came in wearing fresh clothes in the local village style, a small tight blouse barely covering her full breasts and a low tied skirt ending a few inches above the knees, she also wore an obligatory ghunghat which did nothing to cover her lush body. Her entire back was fully exposed showing that she clearly wasn’t wearing a bra, the blouse was tied by a few strings at the back and looked obscene, ending right under her breast. A large expanse of skin from her chest bone to the top of her hip was exposed with her deep navel forming the centre. Just like Pratima’s, Vinod could barely make out the dark dots in her blouse made by her nipples, he was sure he could see them clearly if they became hard.

The costume was positively vulgar, similar to the ones wore by item dancers in movies, it was definitely not one normal women would never wear. While he didn’t like his wife strutting around like a cheap whore looking for customers, he couldn’t say anything as all the women in the village wore similar costumes. On one hand he hated his wife’s exposure in it, but on the other he absolutely loved seeing Pratima and especially Aditi revealing their mouth watering bodies. Feeling hypocritical, he stopped himself from expressing displeasure watching Kamna tidy the room and their beds. He suddenly realised something and blurted “Ah Kamna, I… actually your mother spoke to me about Aditi, I…”

Kamna looked at her husband quizzically “What happened, Vinod?”

He steeled himself “I shouldn’t have promised without consulting you, but I didn’t know what to do. I volunteered to let Aditi stay with us as she goes to college in our city, I… also said I will take care of her educational expenses. I am sorry”

Kamna paused and spoke cautiously “You mean her fees and all?

Vinod nodded nervously, she was silent pondering on the ramifications “I am happy that Aditi will get to experience her dreams in reality and proud that you are so generous to my sister, but can we really cope up with the situation, financially? With the birth of our daughter, your salary is barely enough to run the household but all of our savings are gone due to medical expenses. We can manage Aditi’s daily expenses like food, travel and other things, but can we really afford to pay her fees and other educational expenses?”

He hung his head down with shame, he realised he had been blinded by the lust for his nubile sister-in-law’s body “I should have thought more before I promised, but I think I can ask for an increment from my manager, maybe it’s enough”

Kamna sighed, but touched his shoulder tenderly, with a gentle, loving smile she said “Don’t worry, we will somehow manage it, I am so happy you are so loving and kind. Perhaps I can do a part time job to earn some money, after all it is my own sister’s dream, so I should contribute towards it”

Vinod didn’t like her working, but it was a hole he dug himself, he hoped he would be lucky to get a promotion which would solve the pressing issues considerably. He looked at her clear, lustrous eyes “Thank you Kamna, maybe we can achieve this without you going to work. I will definitely work for a promotion”

They both knew that what he proposed wasn’t possible, there was no way they could support Aditi’s education with his salary, even if he got an increment, but Kamna was silent supporting her husband in his decision. The breakfast was silent as both Kamna and Vinod ate with a preoccupied mind, later Aditi came in carrying a sleepy Arushi making Kamna ask “Where were you?”

Aditi blushed when she saw Vinod, but she answered softly “I went outside to let Arushi play with the other children, she is tired and sleepy”

Kamna nodded fussing over her daughter for a few seconds before letting her sister take care of the sleepy child. Once the young teen came back, Pratima said “Aditi, I have good news, thanks to Vinod, you will soon be attending college”

Aditi gasped “Really Ma?”

Pratima nodded “Of course, Vinod has graciously volunteered to let you stay in his house and even take care of the fees. Don’t stand there like a statue, thank your brother-in-law”

Vinod nervously looked at a placid Kamna before giving a flickering smile to the excited teen who quickly rushed to kneel before him and touch his feet. He couldn’t help but look at the small, yet perky apple sized tits that peeked out of her scandalous blouse. His cock lurched automatically at the thought of seeing such heavenly sights everyday in the near future, his mouth watered, dreaming of a day when he could suck those delicious tits just like he did to her mother. So, involved was he in the scene and the subsequent day dreaming, his cock hardened in a flash and poked his dhoti lewdly, drawing the attention of the two older women. Poor Aditi was looking at his feet not noticing the reaction her lithe body caused, but Kamna and Pratima were two experienced women who could solve a crime thriller with a single hint.

Jealousy filled Kamna as she saw her husband respond readily to her younger and much slimmer sister, the much-expected reaction, for which she had toiled day and night was easily obtained by the younger girl. The hard work she had put to slim down her body after pregnancy, the sweat she spilled to exercise every day to keep her body firm and yet lush, the multitude homemade creams and facials she used to keep her skin young, glowing and full of vitality. What’s worse was the burning desire she felt every second, dealing with her body which had become really sensitive after pregnancy. Every time she needed relief, her husband was nowhere to be found, when the strangers in public leered at her and groped her, the accompanied desire her body felt was unquenchable. Even a year after childbirth, her pussy had just been used once by her husband, she had kept small marbles inside her pussy all day to tighten up the always wet hole, making it tighter than ever. But there was no use, the man for whom she had done everything wasn’t interested in her anymore.

She could make any man pant for a single look from her lustrous eyes, but she was helpless against her own husband who was treating her like a close friend and not a sex partner. She longed to once again taste her husband’s hardness and feel it pumping inside her, feeling lust mixed with love always gave her the best orgasms and satisfaction. While Kamna pined after her husband’s tenting cock, Pratima’s eyes gleamed, finally she saw light at the end of the tunnel. Aditi’s future, which had troubled her quite a bit, again seemed bright, no longer did her younger daughter faced a destiny of being tied to the village and restrict herself to rural plight. Like she had said earlier, Pratima came from a time and culture which didn’t bat an eye when a man married more than one woman.

Though her visits to the city weren’t numerous, Pratima was no sheltered woman, she knew that the city life was much more free and comfortable for a woman, than the village life filled with restrictions and patriarchy. Being born beautiful, Aditi’s future in the village was bleak, since Pratima had little money or influence, she could only stand to the side when her beloved younger daughter got picked by a rich old man as his next wife. With a pleased smile she said “Aditi, is this the way you show your gratefulness? Vinod is not a stranger, he is your Jijaji, so thank him properly”

Kamna’s eyes flashed as she looked at her mother, who seemingly ignored the dagger-like gaze piercing her. Vinod looked at his mother-in-law in confusion when Aditi blushed and bit her lips for a moment before standing in a flash and embracing him tightly. His arms flapped like the wings of a flightless bird as he struggled to come to terms with a hot, tight body covered all over in feminine softness clutching him intimately. He nearly moaned when he felt the two firm apple breasts crush on his chest followed by the nubile body entwining all over. As he gaped in a state of ecstatic confusion, Aditi surprised him once again by kissing his lips, pressing her soft, thin yet perfectly shaped red lips. He struggled for a moment before surrendering to the bliss, enjoying being kissed by the sweet teenager of his dreams.

Aditi was too shy to kiss him with an open mouth, still his cock lurched again, digging into her body as he tasted a hint of her sweetness. Suddenly he froze as he realised the presence of his beloved wife, he quickly glanced at her, seeing her standing stoically but inexplicably with no anger in her glittering eyes. He asked her with his expression ‘Is this fine?’

She too said nothing, but her eyes softened, letting him know that she didn’t mind him kissing her own sister. Vinod relaxed and enjoyed the feel of the teenager’s sexy body, he was still confused about the entire situation, in fact right from the morning. But knowing that he had his wife’s permission made him enjoy both the encounters with the older Pratima and the much younger Aditi. After what seemed like a long time, Aditi finally released him, her lovely face and much of her exposed body was red with shyness, she looked at him with wide eyes full of gratefulness “Thank you so much Jijaji”

Vinod cleared him throat “Uh, it’s nothing, actually I am just doing my duty. Isn’t it my responsibility to take care of my wife’s sister?”

Pratima said “See how generous and kind your Jijaji is, you should always obey him completely and take care of all his needs. Don’t ever forget the kindness he had shown for you”

Aditi nodded obediently giving Vinod a respectful glance, with a satisfied smile Pratima said “OK, you must be bored staying here all the time, Kamna, why don’t you take Vinod and visit your uncles?”

Kamna nodded “Sure Ma”

While Vinod changed his clothes, Kamna pulled her mother aside and glared angrily “Ma, what are doing? You can fool my husband but not me”

Pratima sighed “You must understand Kamna, you are well settled and live away from the brutal life in here. With your father weak and sick I don’t have the optimism that Aditi will also have a happy life like you do. Don’t think of me badly, I know you are angry at me for this, but Aditi is an obedient girl and will never betray her own sister. Just think of her as bait for priming your husband, we both know that he lusts after your sister, so it is prudent to use this to achieve both our aims. Let Aditi tease your husband and build pressure while you reap the benefits and in the meantime let her enjoy the city life. Hopefully she will catch the eye of a good man and settle in the city permanently”

Kamna shook her head in defeat, she knew that things weren’t as simple as her mother’s assumption. She really wanted to disappoint both her husband and mother by refusing to accommodate Aditi, but at the same time she couldn’t deny her own sister her dreams. She still remembered the happiness that was on the young teen’s face just a short while earlier. She said “You are playing a dangerous game mother, one of us will get hurt by this”

Pratima shrugged “I don’t see any other option, dear, I have to say your husband is too gullible and easily led. You must take steps to rein him in, after all not all women will have his wellbeing in their hearts”

Vinod strolled out breathing in the clean village air, he turned to his wife who looked really beautiful with light makeup and her sexy dress “Where are we going first?”

Kamna said “Basant uncle’s house, it’s closer”

They entered Basant uncle’s house and was immediately greeted by the sight of a thin man in his fifties sitting on an easy chair wearing just a dhoti, while reading a newspaper. Kamna smiled “Uncle, how are you?”

Startled, the man looked up from his newspaper and beamed “Ah it’s you, how are you dear? I’ve heard about you coming here yesterday, is that your husband?”

Kamna nodded and pointed at her husband “Yes uncle, I’m fine”

The man stood causing Kamna to kneel and touch his feet in respect, Basant uncle patted her head with a smile, while Vinod was awkward not knowing how to greet the older relative. Basant pulled Kamna up and embraced her, rubbing his hands all over her bare back “Ah, it’s been too long dear, you look beautiful. How is city life?”

Vinod stood twiddling his hands as the man completely ignored him while enquiring everything about Kamna who was still in his embrace. Basant’s hands slipped inside the flimsy ghunghat stroking the warm, satiny skin which at times strayed right over her full, soft ass. Vinod ignored the long embrace, assuming that his wife and the uncle were probably close during her childhood. Finally Basant put his arm around Kamna’s waist and pulled her tight to his side before turning to Vinod “Son-in-law, how are you?”

Vinod answered respectfully and sat on the other chair while Kamna perched on Basant’s armrest, with the older man’s hand still around her waist. Once the pleasantries were over, Kamna asked “Uncle, where is aunty and cousin?”

Basant sighed “Your cousin went to the town to find work, he is working in a shop and couldn’t find time to come here frequently. So your aunt has gone there to take care of him, she constantly worries about his diet and health”

Kamna asked “Then who is taking care of you?”

Basant smiled “Who? Of course, it is Bimala, who else”

Even Kamna was confused “But uncle, isn’t Bimala staying with your son, her husband?”

Basant shook his head “No, no, he is still struggling to establish himself in the strange city, how can he support his young wife and kid. Also with your aunt staying with him, I need someone to take care of me, so I made Bimala stay here”

Vinod was utterly confused by the logic, the mother is staying with the son while the father is with the daughter-in-law. Wouldn’t it be sensible if the young couple stayed together while the parents remained at the village? While he pondered the strangeness, Basant said loudly “Bimala, your sister Kamna and her husband are here”

A few moments later Vinod heard the gentle tinkling of anklets and turned to look at a slim young woman carrying a small kid on her waist. Just as he was admiring her beautiful face, equal in loveliness to Kamna, he was shocked to see her blouse open with her breast hanging out. The child’s hand stretched towards the long thin nipple smeared with droplets of milk, wanting to suckle it in hunger. Vinod quickly turned, hoping the others hadn’t caught him watching the naked breast, but he couldn’t ignore when the young woman said in a sweet voice “Kamna didi, jijaji, how are you?”

Kamna said with a smile “I am fine, how are you Bimala? Is that your son? Let me hold him”

Like any young mother, Bimala’s already beautiful face turned bright at the mention of her child “Yes Didi, I was just feeding him”

Vinod looked at Basant, trying not to look in the direction of the half-naked woman, Basant said “Get some refreshments for our guests, Bimala”

She nodded obediently and asked Vinod “Jijaji, would you like coffee or tea?”

Vinod turned to her automatically, his face burned as his eyes automatically dropped down to her still naked and hanging breast “Ah, I... Tea”

She smiled and went to bring a tea set in a large tray, Kamna said “Do you mind if I feed your son, Bimala?”

Bimala shook her head, but Basant said “Go ahead Kamna dear, it is good if my grandson drinks milk from many women, it is healthy and will build immunity”

Vinod could only watch as Kamna untied her blouse with a smile, since the blouse was tied at the back, she had to remove the knots and push the blouse up, revealing the two heavy orbs full of milk. She looked happy when the hungry boy latched onto her nipple immediately, with a gasp, she said “Ah, he bites. I didn’t feed my daughter in the morning so my tits are full of milk and they are starting to become painful”

Though she had only revealed one breast fully, a major part of her other breast too was exposed, making her nearly topless. Vinod didn’t mind his wife feeding other children, he knew she was always kind and generous, just as he looked up, he became anxious when he saw the old uncle looking intently at Kamna’s naked milk filled breasts, especially the long nipple that was suckled by the child. Vinod got uncomfortable, not knowing whether to ask Kamna to cover herself or leave it be.

His situation got worse when Basant commented “Kamna dear, your tits have become much bigger than I last remember, you’ve put on weight in the right places, especially your wider hips and sexy ass”

Vinod couldn’t believe his ears, how can an uncle comment so crudely about a much younger girl, especially when her husband was sitting right in front of her. Kamna didn’t seem to think much of it “Oh uncle, don’t say that. I’m hating about the weight I’ve put on, no matter how much I try I can't lose any more weight”

Basant said “You don’t understand dear, men like extra padding, it’s beautiful to look at and is quite helpful to hold onto. Look at Bimala, she was so thin when she got married, with small tits and pert ass. When I went to her house for the first time to see about matchmaking, I openly said this to her father. If not for her lovely face and gentle disposition, I would’ve opted for another girl. But thank god, I agreed, now after pregnancy she has put on weight at the right places and looks sexy. Still I prefer a curvy voluptuous woman like you, with big tits and ass”

Vinod felt that the world was spinning, what kind of a man would talk about such things openly, that too with the concerned parties right there. Poor Bimala paid no attention to her father-in-law’s blathering and prepared the tea with hot water. He couldn’t help but glance at her again, looking at the still exposed luscious breast which had a small drop of milk oozing out. Suddenly Bimala looked up and caught his gaze with a smile making him freeze like a thief caught red-handed. Basant with his eyes still on Kamna, said “Bimala, don’t put milk in my tea”

The bahu nodded “Yes papa”

Vinod couldn’t help but let his eyes flicker back to the lovely breast, miraculously even after childbirth Bimala’s breasts were still perky with high placed nipples that looked perfect for a full year of sucking. She caught him once again “Bhaiya, do you like your tea light or strong?”

With a red face, he blurted “Light”

She nodded with a sweet smile, making no movement to cover her breast even after noticing him ogling her. What happened next made him absolutely lose his mind, with a naughty smirk that looked incongruous on her angelic face, Bimala took the tea cup and placed it right in front of her exposed breast and squeezed the mammary full of milk making a thick jet of syrupy white liquid squirt forcefully into the cup, mixing with the tea and turning frothy. What the hell was happening, Vinod looked around in complete shock to see both Kamna and Basant being casual. A loud spurt of another jet of milk drew his attention as he looked back to see the teacup slowly filling with Bimala’s breastmilk.

Basant laughed “Hahaha, Kamna look at your husband’s face, I’ve never seen such expressions before”

Vinod was gawking like a fish out of water, absolutely struggling to comprehend the bizarre situation “Kamna, she… what?”

Basant wiped the flying spittle with the end of his dhoti, still chuckling he said “Let me explain before you die of a heart attack. You should know that our village is not suitable to raising cows, the only milch animals are the mountain goats, whose high fat milk is good for making butter and cheese, but not for drinking. So, our village and even several in the region have the tradition of using fresh breastmilk for making tea and coffee. Don’t get weirded out Vinod, just try it once, it tastes really good”
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RE: The adventures of an idiotic husband by ajaniv - by Ramesh_Rocky - 07-05-2019, 11:14 AM

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