It was a fine morning in the princely state of Balanpur. Days started pretty early in this part of India. It was another pleasant morning in the royal palace of Balanpur. The royal palace reminded of olden British days but the servants and guards no longer dressed in uniforms. The servants were still from nearby villages but the guards largely comprised local security officer and goons. Antara Devi, an early riser, was up as usual and was at her breakfast table skimming through her newspaper. A sumptuous breakfast - completely vegetarian - prepared by her personal maid was in front of her. Antara Devi, usually preferred solitude on her breakfast table as she rummaged through the local news or her business documents while having her breakfast. She was a hard working lady who perfectly juggled her responsibilities of a mother and sole breadwinner of her family. She ran her father's vast business ranging from timber, tea plantation, and local construction meticulously and diligently. Her husband, Vivek, while well and hearty didn't have the courage nor the ability to take care of their business. He assisted her on routine tasks and ensured that their ten year old daughter got all the needed attention and care.

Antara Devi -- as many called her -- was not your usual fifty year old woman running her empire with an iron fist. Rather, she was a beautiful young lady who had recently turned thirty. Hailing from a princely  family, she was gifted with an extremely fair complexion and gorgeous features. She hid her assets under luxurious silk Saree and blouse - her regular attire, which was plain and simple. Her simplicity outlined her beautiful features and in some sense adorned her. It was futile to hide her beautiful eyes behind light weight glasses, as a glimpse of her eyes would convey how beautiful she was. Her luscious pink lips that she never bothered to highlight with a lipstick would attract every male who visited her. Although, a picture of delicacy, she carried herself in a stern and emotionless fashion. Her responsibilities and the people she dealt with on a regular basis demanded that vigilance from her. When she was with her daughter you could see her lips frequently curl into a lovely smile embellishing her beauty even further. There wasn't a single male working in the palace who was immune to her beauty. Yet, none of them ever dared to look in her eye longer than a moment. She epitomized beauty and femininity for them. Antara stood a little over 5' 5" and with her medium heeled sandals she appeared to be 5' 6", quite tall by Indian standards. Her slender waist and slim body accentuated her breasts, that had increased in size from her first pregnancy, and her height.

She had to take responsibility of the business at a very young age due to her father’s ill health. Although, she was married at the time, neither her father nor she believed in Vivek's capability. It’s because Vivek was at least 5 years younger than her. Antara’s father wanted to see her daughter married before his death due to cancer. So he arranged his daughter’s marriage with Vivek, his childhood friend’s son. Vivek lost his parents in a terrible motor accident when he was just 13. When Antara married Vivek he was just 14 and Anatra was 19. Antara looked after her business from her office that was located in the palace and traveled to meet customers and/or factory locations regularly. Due to the increasing workload, she was contemplating sending her daughter to nearby boarding college, although, an ulterior motive was to keep her away from the corrupt environment she lived in.

Her daily routine was predictable. She would be up in the morning at 6:00, and after her yoga and meditation routine, she would be at the breakfast table by 7:30. She would reach her office at 8:00 and spend time alone reviewing documents, contracts till 11:00. From 11:00 to noon she would spend time with her uncle and discuss some business issues or have a light hearted conversation with him. Her lunch would be over by 12:30 and after a little personal work she would be back in the office at 1:00. She would meet her business associates or clients to discuss about projects, tenders until 4:00. After 4:00 until about 6:00, she would entertain her local people to discuss and resolve local issues. She firmly believed in keeping the locals happy and never let go of any opportunity to please them. Evenings were reserved for her daughter and husband.

Antara, however, never contemplated on actually taking a lover or allowing liberties to special few men in order to further their business. She was content with her sex life, although she missed not having a second child. They had never used any kind of protection and in the past eleven years and yet Vivek couldn't impregnate her even once. Ayesha was fathered by another person, who entered her life quite accidentally and then vanished suddenly after planting his seed in her. The ecstasy she had experienced with him was never matched again. Vivek was a good lover and made every attempt to satisfy her but no matter how hard he tried he couldn't take her to the peaks she got used to very early in her sexual life. Vivek was an average man when it came to his penis, while Ayesha's real father was hung like a horse and knew how to make love to a woman. In fact, he transformed her into a woman at the tender age of nineteen, after her marriage to Vivek. True, it was him who took her virginity and it was him who had enjoyed her thoroughly during their brief honeymoon. Vivek would sometimes, inadvertently, remind Antara about this person and every time it would result in a shattering orgasm for her. Antara had no inhibitions inside the bedroom and engaged in oral sex with Vivek on a regular basis. Her episodes were rarely brief and always lasted at least half an hour. She enjoyed being taken from behind and the regular missionary style sex. Antara's softer side was mostly known to her family but everyone in the house believed she was a very strong willed woman. It was important for her to portray this image and hence while in public, she would give hardly any regard to Vivek, her husband.
Over the years at least half-a-dozen eligible men proposed Antara for mating with her and every time she said no to them. Though she fantasized silently about starting steamy affairs with them but she couldn't risk it with any of these folks as they were men in powerful positions and would not easily give up a privilege once received. Moreover, it could also threaten her business and the stronghold she held over her men. She wondered if one of them could keep a secret so that she could have an affair without worrying about the consequences. She never discussed this with Vivek, because he was very emotional and not mature enough to handle the situation, but it was always at the back of her mind. Quite surprisingly Vivek and Antara’s relationship was cheerful. Antara and Vivek were deeply in love and never regretted their decision to marry. They still had an active sex life but the sexual excitement and perhaps fulfillment had diminished over the years. While Antara never wondered about the men around her, she nevertheless was amused by their sexual interest in her. She was certainly the most beautiful woman in the whole of Balanpur and it was no wonder even the most powerful men - regardless of age - were attracted towards her. Gradually, Antara understood her inner demands that she needs more in bed, more than what Vivek could deliver, ever. Antara justified this as a privilege of the bread winner.

Returning to the current day, she was working in her office. While deeply engrossed in her work, she heard her husband yelling for her. In a few seconds she realized that he was running towards her office and soon barged into her office. Antara never liked to be disturbed and she certainly didn't appreciate anyone entering her office - even her husband - without seeking her permission. She muttered to herself, "This better be urgent!"

"He is here," he said, "He is here," repeating himself, lacking coherency, a mature woman like Antara would expect.

"Who is here?" she asked calmly. Still shocked with what he had seen, he just kept on repeating it, not paying attention to Antara's question.

"He..." mumbled Vivek trying to recollect his name but it simply eluded him. Antara couldn't understand -- if it was so important, why couldn't he recollect his name?

"He..." mumbled Vivek and realizing that the name wouldn't just pop up said, "He, whom we met during our honeymoon!"

(To Be Continued)
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RE: UNFAITHFUL MOTHERS AND HOUSEWIFES by stranger_women - by Ramesh_Rocky - 04-05-2019, 12:05 PM

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