Adultery The adventures of an idiotic husband by ajaniv
Seeing that there was no way she would leave, Vinod blushed profusely as he removed his shirt and shorts, turning around to get some privacy. Thankfully Pratima kept busy mixing the powder and didn’t look at him disrobing, he put on the towel first before removing his briefs. He stood before her feeling completely naked though a towel covered his private parts. Pratima nodded “Good, let’s start with the oil, it is important to give it time to seep inside”

Vinod nodded and sat on a small stool, taking care to cover his hardening cock, Pratima washed her hands first before stunning him. He watched with his mouth agape as his mother-in-law removed the ghunghat, the abundant breasts overflowed, spilling out of the tight blouse, showing him a great view of Pratima’s mature body. She said “The dress would get spoiled if the oil spills on it”

Next was the skirt, which she lifted and tied it above her knees, showing the thick fleshy legs. Vinod’s cock was rock hard in milliseconds, his situation worsened when she stood right in front of him and poured the oil into her palm. Smooth, golden flesh filled his vision completely as she placed her hands on his head and rubbed the warm oil deep into his scalp. He had to admit that her hands created magic as she kneaded the oil into him, all the stress and worries dissolved into vapour and disappeared out from his pores. Closing his eyes to enjoy the feeling, he suddenly felt a soft butterfly touch on his cheeks and immediately opened his eyes. He nearly moaned at the sight of his doubly blessed Mother-in-law’s breasts tantalisingly close to his face. Few drops of oil had stuck to the thin cotton blouse forming transparent spots on the fabric.

Pleasure, guilt and shame filled his body equally, seeing and touching his MIL’s nearly naked tits was such a turn on, but never in a million years would he find the initiative to touch them on his own. Just as he was caught with indecision, the mammoth breast pressed firmly on his face and held on for a few seconds before pulling out. Vinod couldn’t believe the sensations, just a little firm touch brought inside his body and subconsciously he longed for more. After all his situation was much worse than Kamna’s, at least she had cheated on his several times to take care of her needs, but he hadn’t done even once. Having had sex regularly for several years, he experienced a prolonged dry spell making his body hungry for sex like parched earth aching for rain.

Being indecisive by nature, he could only enjoy the touches and the sensations it brought passively, as long as it wasn’t the one who initiated the touch, he would be guilt-free in enjoying it. To his delight, the constant touches became longer and much frequent, apart from her hands massaging his scalp, it felt like his face too was massaged by her prodigious breasts. Pratima murmured “The back of the head is important, don’t be nervous beta, I will apply to longer and firmer strokes on that area”

Before he could understand her words, Pratima clasped her arms around his head and pulled his face firmly into her bare cleavage exposed in the very low-cut blouse. Her hands squeezed the scalp and the muscles at the base of his head, but all of Vinod’s attention was on the massive warm pillows his face was submerged in. It was truly a wonderful feeling, one he wanted to enjoy forever, the warm jiggly flesh moulded around his face and he could nearly smell and taste the tender skin between her tits. After more than five seconds, Pratima released him, making him take deep breaths to replenish air. Suddenly she gasped “Oh no”

Vinod was alarmed “What happened, aunty?”

She pouted “Look at my blouse, it now fully spoiled, the oil stains will never go away. This is why I removed my ghunghat, but I didn’t expect my blouse to be the victim”

He said “Sorry”

She smiled, patting his cheek in a maternal manner “Why are you apologising, beta? It was my mistake, don’t worry there is a solution, but I need your help for that”

Vinod answered, not trying to look at the oiled breasts gleaming under the sun “I will do it”

She nodded “You are such a dear man. Just like I removed my ghunghat, the solution is to remove my blouse as well, but I feel very shy to stand topless in front of my own son-in-law. You would also be disgusted to see my wrinkly tits”

Vinod could only gulp as his slow mind struggled to understand her words, she smiled “But if you agree to close your eyes, then I won't have to be worried”

He was dumbstruck “Ah, you mean…”

She used her hand to gently close his eyes and whispered “Don’t open them, for some reason I feel very shy, even though we are doing nothing wrong and I am just doing my duty as a healer. Please don’t mistake me, beta”

He replied, with his eyes closed “I understand, aunty, you are doing for my own sake, so how can I mistake you? I am only glad that you are so kind and caring towards me”

Pratima smiled “If not you then who will I treat like this? You are the only male in my family and the head of the house, anyway I am so fortunate to have a son-in-law like you. Kamna is very lucky to have married you, if only I find someone like you for Aditi as well, then I would die without regrets”

Vinod gulped as he heard hooks getting undone and the rustling of her blouse getting removed “Don’t say such things aunty, Aditi is very pretty, she will surely get a good husband as well”

Pratima placed her hands once again on his head, meaning that she was topless “Oh that girl is not like Kamna, who is obedient, she says she wants to study college before marriage. I don’t know what to do with her”

Vinod said “Nowadays all girls opt to study degrees after school, Aditi is not different. If she is really interested in studying then we must help her”

Pratima pouted “You too are taking her side, it is not like I don’t want her to pursue her dreams, it is just that I want to save money for her marriage and can't spare any for her studies. It is not just the fees, she also needs money for food and lodging, that too in a trusted place, if only there is a relative who can let her stay with them, it would be nice”

Vinod remembered the young teen’s lovely features, perky tits and especially her slim nubile body, how nice it would be if such a beautiful teen lived in his house. He hesitated, his salary wasn’t extravagant and it would be too tight financially to accommodate Aditi’s dreams. Also, he didn’t know about Kamna’s intentions, he felt hesitant to commit on anything without consulting his wife. Just when he was ruminating about the decision, he froze like a statue when Pratima once again pulled his face into her breasts. Unlike earlier she was naked and Vinod felt a wave of soft flesh gently assault him from everywhere. Pratima massaged the back of his neck, her strong movements made her soft tits jiggle, sending vibrations full of pleasure into her son-in-law’s face.

His cock was at full mast, pushing against the towel valiantly, the flaps spread wider from the force exerting underneath. Feeling him freeze, she asked “Are you alright, beta? I am doing it hard?”

He shook his head and immediately realised his mistake as his face buried deeper into the fragrant valley, he blurted “No”

Once again, he blundered, as when he opened his mouth to answer her, his lips nearly sucked and licked the tender moist skin in the centre. She said “Just relax, I am a healer, there is no need to be anxious”

She released him and went to his back, giggling “Now, I am behind you, you can open your eyes if you want, but don’t turn around, I am still feeling shy for some reason”

He licked his lips, tasting the sweet flavour of his mother-in-law, feeling extremely guilty at the same time, but the kinkiness was addicting. He opened his eyes and saw the blouse hanging on the door, accompanied by the saree, the feeling of her being naked right beside him made him really horny. He moaned when her hands slid from behind and caressed his neck, her huge mammaries pushed on his back, letting his perfectly feel the softness and the two hard pinpricks caused by her nipples. Both the sensual feelings and her strong hands kneading his tight muscles, joined together to send him adrift in a river of pleasure.

As the time went on, it felt like she started to use her breasts a lot more to massage him, when compared to her hands. The soft pillowy flesh slid erotically all over his back, making his very erect cock slip out of the towel several times in hunger. He kept pushing it back and covered the erection with the towel, hoping his mother-in-law didn’t see the embarrassing scene. After all she was doing it out of love and kindness, and there he was mistaking it for sex and enjoying illicit pleasure.

She purred “Your muscles are too tight, don’t worry I will loosen them for you, can you stand, beta?”

He nodded and stood facing the door, nearly losing the towel in the process, Pratima took some oil and massaged his arms, once again using both hands and breasts to do it. Gradually his upper body was fully massaged, Vinod was dazed with desire not knowing what went on anymore, he was putty in his mother-in-law’s experienced hands. He lost strength in his legs and could only standing by holding on to the wall, he dimly heard Pratima say “Now it’s time for the skirt too, wait beta while I remove my skirt”

Vinod felt hot, his breath scalded his skin, a dull buzzing sound filled his ears and his vision was hazy, only his skin and flesh was hypersensitive, he could feel the air getting displaced when Pratima removed her skirt slowly. He moaned when she hugged him from behind, feeling her naked body from her top to her feet, except for the part covered by his towel. Huge drops of precum dripped down, each feeling like a spurt of semen as it oozed out of his inflamed cock. He really wanted to grind against the wall hoping for some relief, but propriety stopped him, he still felt that everything Pratima did wasn’t sexual and it was only due to his perverted mind that he mistook it as erotic.

She whispered right next to his hot ears “Turn around beta, but keep your eyes closed”

He hesitated, not wanting to show his lewd erection to the pure motherly woman, maybe he should stop the bathing and cool down before he showed his face to her. She asked “What happened? Come on, turn around”

He closed his eyes, not wanting to see the disappointment in her clear eyes as he used his hands to cover his erection and turned slightly. She said “Oh, what… Ah I didn’t realise it sooner. Don’t worry beta, it is nothing to be embarrassed about, in fact I am so happy that my old body can cause such a reaction”

His anxiety was relieved slightly by her kind words, still years of strict morality couldn’t be erased in a moment. She purred “It is a normal biological reaction, so you don’t have to worry. Deep massage is known to cause an erection in men, I would have only worried if your cock was soft inspite of everything”

Hearing the motherly woman say a crude word like ‘cock’ sent a jolt of pleasure, her soft words slowly reduced the nervousness and guilt as he let her move his hands away from his crotch. She whispered “There is nothing sexual about massage, but oil massage, particularly, is known to cause such reactions. After all there is body contact, so the mind will mistake it as something illicit, it is natural and normal. Come on, relax, we need to finish it soon”

Though she said it was normal, it felt weird to stand with a rampant erection in front of his mother-in-law. Still he obeyed her and tried to relax as much as possible, she said “It is time to do your cock and balls, don’t be nervous when I remove the towel”

He could only nod as her fingers deftly removed the towel leaving him fully naked in front of his mother-in-law. It was a surreal situation, one he never thought of even in his dreams, but the waves of pleasure, kinkiness and illicit touching made him compliant to her words. Though her reasoning was hollow, his mind forced him to believe it as it didn’t want to stop the pleasure and the kinky fantasies fuelled by her. He moaned when her oily hands grasped his cock, one stroked him gently while the other slid to his heavy balls. She purred “I shouldn’t say this, but your cock is lovely, beta. My daughter is really lucky”

Her unthinkably lewd words turned the simmering heat inside his body to a raging fire, another huge drop of precum oozed out of his cock, aided by her stroking. She said “Most men don’t do this, but it is very important to clean every fold in this region. Don’t mistake it as sex, beta, I am a healer and am just cleaning and examining you, Ok?”

He nodded automatically, but all of his senses were on her hands, which expertly teased him inch by inch to a massive orgasm. She was really careful not to allow him to cum as she skilfully used her hands to increase or decrease the sensations. She said “Your balls are too heavy, do you relieve stress periodically?”

Her question was too private and intrusive, not a question a mother-in-law would ask to her son-in-law. She said “It is not healthy if the semen stays inside for a long time. Trust me, as a healer let me say that you should natural dislodge the semen at least once a week otherwise your reproductive and urinary system will get damaged”

He was alarmed, although she was stroking his cock without any pretence, her words were like that of a doctor. Hearing about the damage he was causing to his own body made him ask “But what about the yogi’s, don’t they practise brahmacharya?”

She smiled, though he couldn’t see it “The yogis are different, they have many secret methods to use the energy inside and turn it into divine force. But we ordinary people don’t have access to such methods, so we can only turn to natural ways to prevent damage. Relieving stress regularly is good for the body and mind, don’t think this crudely as sex, but it is a very important function of life. I am saying so much only out of affection for you and for my own daughter’s wellbeing. If you get sick then it would be my daughter who will suffer”

He asked “What should I do?”

She said “Unfortunately, I can’t help you jerk off, it is inappropriate, but let me check on another concern. Turn around beta”

He obeyed immediately, showing her his pale ass, he froze as her hands spread his ass and fingered his asshole. She soothed him “Relax dear, I am going to examine an important gland that is present only inside men. It will feel weird at first, but calm down”

Dipping her finger in oil, she caressed his virgin asshole giving him pleasure he had never imagined before. He had no idea that fingering his asshole could be blissful, his cock moaned in pain as litres of hot blood surged inside the hard rod, becoming as hard as steel. Using more oil, her finger slid inside his asshole making his cock ooze drops of precum continuously, somehow the boiling semen inexplicably stayed inside his balls.

Pratima murmured “Hmm, looks like there is little damage, still it is critical that I heal it properly. Hold on, dear, let me massage the gland to increase blood flow”

Vinod had no idea about prostate glands and the pleasure it will bring to men, he wasn’t interested in learning it anyway. But her long oily finger teased his asshole deftly, penetrating deeper and fucked his ass gently. Vinod was slowly going crazy with desire, the sudden pleasure overwhelmed him completely, all it would take for him to orgasm was a light tough on his cock. But Pratima was too experienced to let him cum so easily, her finger pushed in and out of his ass, fucking his asshole openly.

She nearly licked his hot ears, whispering very close “Let the cum boil in your balls, beta, since you haven’t used it for a long time, it is necessary to clean the organs and tubes, so don’t cum”

He nearly begged her “Please aunty, just a bit more”

She sighed “I am sorry beta, but you are mistaking my actions, I am not doing this to pleasure you or to jerk you off. I am your mother-in-law, equal to your own mother, how can I do that? I am here as a healer who is concerned about your health, so ignore the perverted thoughts and stop cumming”

Vinod couldn’t hold on, he needed relief immediately, he was ready to even fuck the brick wall with his steel cock in hope for a cum. He blurted “Please aunty, just once”

She purred “Seeing you in such distress makes my heart clench with pain, hmm, though it is really inappropriate maybe I should allow this once. After all you are the man of the family and it is my duty to satisfy all your needs, still, beta, jerking my own son-in-law makes me feel strange”

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RE: The adventures of an idiotic husband by ajaniv - by Ramesh_Rocky - 04-05-2019, 11:41 AM

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