Adultery A Wife's Journey Continues by abcxyz13

OK the writer can write what he wants and we can read and comment as we like. But the truth is that a writer writes to be read. Therefore, the comments will flow, good, bad ugly. So keep calm and read on!!!

With the latest developments, I tend to agree that the hubby is going to be marginalized regardless of Swetha's admission of love and loyalty.

They are using their mutual desire to flirt (sex) with others now that Yogi is back in their lives. The plan was to do all that in Goa. Wife didn't suggest but husband did, so she agreed to reopen the old doors.

She is eager to continue with Yogi and she clearly expresses this. However, her clandestine gropings with Yogi at the fridge is a bad move. She obviously prearranged this by text, while right next to hubby. Strange why she just didn't tell hubby about her plans outright. They had clearly agreed beforehand that this time everything would be open between doubts. So why did she do this? And she only explains her meetings with Yogi at the fridge because when hubby asks what happened, it was obvious that she had gone for more than water!!!

So I agree with some commentators whether Yogi's sudden arrival was actually sudden and whether she had agreed to Yogi coming over before hand. I'm saying that a doubt arises in my mind now that she, once again, hid her activities from hubby, even though they had agreed on openness. But I do want to state that everything written about how Swetha feels about her hubby is with good intent. Just that hiding things can only lead to problems.

The simple fact is that when a loving couple agree to dally with others sexually, in order to enjoy, it is inevitable that some attachment develops. How else would you enjoy? No one is a robot. If you enjoy, you have emotions. Could be she enjoys the other man's strength or larger cock, could be he enjoys the way the other woman gives him a blow job or allows anal. These enjoyable actions make one long to return and enjoy again. When you repeatedly see these people, inevitably attachments develop. Will you actually tell your partner about your feelings for the other person?? Of course not!! So continues the hide and seek. Sooner or later, problems arise. Should you have given in to your fantasies in the first place?? Too late now.....

So here, Swetha doesn't reveal fully the extent to which she enjoyed Yogi in the village but she recognized that she had enjoyed very well but that she needed to move on to prevent problems with her hubby. That was a good move. Now with Yogi back, she is able to continue with hubby's blessing, at his request. Couldn't get any better could it?

The problem, as pointed out by others is that Swetha enjoys the best of everything. She can go with Yogi and enjoy as she/he likes and then come back and continue the life of a loving and loyal wife, satisfying hubby and driving him wild with her story. The foolish hubby likes it when she behaves in a slutty way but presumably when he can see and be involved in what is going on. What pleasure can a man get just knowing that his wife is having sex with another man? I don't know but obviously there must be some men that just enjoy knowing....I would have thought that the real pleasure would be in actually being there, watching, taking part....but who am I to say??!! So here, he has to wait and then enjoy with her only when she decides to tell him what happened....and there will always be a doubt as to exactly what happened and what her true feelings were. And in any case, what is the problem, Yogi is only here for a few days....what is there to worry about???

The trouble is that now that hubby has agreed to let her enjoy with Yogi, he knows that his enjoyment will be limited.....he can only enjoy with her AFTER Yogi has had his fill. Will he get enough enjoyment out of a worn out wife? Won't her actions with him be forced? She was excited by the prospect of fucking another man and truly enjoyed him, confident in the knowledge that hubby initiated it and fully agreed to it. This excitement means that she will look forward to fucking Yogi, not her hubby.....hell, all he needs a story and he'll forget every thing, including any doubts.

Realizing that wife will have her enjoyment with another man (as they had planned would happen in Goa), but that he wouldn't be able to bed another woman, he asks about enjoying with Ganga.....and Swetha releases more than an hour of negatives which stops only when he agrees not to have sex with Ganga.

Helllooooo.......folks, what do we have here??? Wife is happy to enjoy with another man, looks forward to it, albeit because of her husband's fantasy, but cannot accept that he would want to enjoy with another woman. So we understand that wife is happy to fulfill hubby's fantasy because she would enjoy fucking other men. But she would not accept him enjoying with other women. I guess the husband over came his natural jealousy over the thought that another man might take his wife, in fact he turned it into his enjoyment, he enjoys her being slutty. But he does not want any attachment and hidden agendas. She, on the other hand, seems to have no qualms about hiding anything from her husband and enjoying herself but will not tolerate him going with another woman. Mmmmm.....there is a conflict of interest here I think.

If we follow the line of argument taken by some other readers, then I can see her selfish interest. She prefers to control her husband by withholding information (how would he know unless he was there?), by not telling him the true extent of her attachment and enjoyment with other men, by telling him stories to arouse him and make him forget his doubts. The obvious conclusion will be that as she prefers the excitement and pleasure with other better endowed men, she will simply be passing the time when she is with her hubby. Inevitably, she will scorn his perversion and use it against him, perhaps humiliating him in certain can he tell her to stop when he had started it in the first place. Whatever his feelings, he will become a secondary interest in his wife's life and ultimately she won't even need him. See the story "Anitya - Cuckold Wife".

So for me, here it seems that all Swetha's previous good intentions are in doubt....she is excited by Yogi more than she cares to admit to hubby (and a doubt has arisen in my mind as to whether Yogi's arrival was really that sudden). If she really loved him and valued their marriage (ironically, indicated by her intense and lengthy refusal to entertain the idea of hubby fucking Ganga), she could have decided to stop her plans with Yogi. She would have proved that going with Yogi, was not as important as preserving her marriage. If the idea of her husband not fucking another woman was so important to her, why would she not simply agree not to get involved with Yogi? Wouldn't that make hubby back off? Hubby should have argued that if he couldn't have sex with Nanga then neither could she with Yogi. She wants to have her cake and eat it!!

So however Yogi ended up back with them, Swetha's refusal to let her hubby enjoy with Nanga speaks volumes about her own intentions. Before Yogi arrived, we were looking forward to encounters with strangers in Goa. They were both getting bored and wanted some fun. I assume fun for both but that was not clear in the story....Swetha could well have been thinking only about her enjoying with men and hubby just enjoying seeing her being slutty. I didn't see anything that indicated that hubby would also be enjoying with other women. So it looks like there was already potential for problems.

I am a little confused at Swetha's behavior. Is she preventing hubby from having sex with another woman because she would lose control over him? That even though he liked to see her with other men, his initial cuckoldism was hiding his real intention to go swinging? Pretty much like any other husband, the fantasy of watching your wife in sexual throes is tremendously erotic, but having the ability to fuck any other woman, with no repercussions is the ultimate goal, isn't it? For a wife, the ability to fuck another man with the husband's blessing is tremendously satisfying. If he doesn't know the details, he'll keep on blessing.

Humans were designed to procreate. We naturally want to fornicate. But we also want our own mate. Is swinging the answer?? Perhaps, if the husband and wife can truly just enjoy the sex without any attachments. Anyway, I think for most people, the desire to own your mate overcomes the desire to just fornicate with anyone else.

I want to point out that this is Xossip, and the writer will write as he/she wishes, notwithstanding the various arguments/comments from the readers. So I await eagerly to see what happens next as this may not turn out to be a normal cuckold/humiliation type story....Swetha loves her hubby too much!!! If she can fuck Yogi, hubby can fuck Nanga. Seems fair to me.....Will she let him fuck Nanga so that she can continue her real (clandestine) business with Yogi? Ha ha!!
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RE: A Wife's Journey Continues by abcxyz13 - by Ramesh_Rocky - 04-05-2019, 11:24 AM

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