Adultery A Wife's Journey Continues by abcxyz13
Once in the car we calmed down to figure out the situation. I decided to drop swetha at the office today, we needed some time to think this through.

“I never thought he would actually come here” swetha said

“Ya me too… it was crazy seeing him in our house” i responded

“He is probably here to try his luck with you again” i said unable to stop my smile

“Not probably, i am sure he came for me” swetha replied as i broke into a wide smile

“Anand, this is not funny” swetha said hitting my shoulder

“I know.. I know... It's just that he came all the way … looks like he really wants you” i said

“Shut up anand, tell me what do we do now” swetha asked

“I am not sure.. May be just wait it out and then he will leave on his own” i said

“Ok” swetha replied meekly after a minute

We talked some more and I dropped her at the office and headed to mine.

I made it to my office desk to find load of work waiting for me. But after what happened this morning my mind kept drifting. Did swetha knew yogendarji was coming?. I guess not, she was as shocked as i was. Seeing yogendarji and ganga triggered all the memories. It's been almost 2 months since we came back and i never expected to see them again. I kept working and drifting through the morning. Finally in the afternoon i texted swetha.

“Hello” i texted swetha


“What are you doing?”

“ [img]file:///images/smilies/smile.gif[/img] work.. Whats up”

“I was thinking…”


“You know we talk so much in the bed but never really can do it”


“Do you want to start again with yogendarji?”


“Anand, how could you even think of it, after all the problems we went through”

“I was just thinking”

“I dont think its a good idea. I don't want any problems between us”

“The problems only came up bcos i wasn’t sure what was going on between you two. If i know everything it will be fine”

“Anand i know it's turning you on. But it’s better we don't do it and i can't just keep telling you everything the instant it happened”

“Why not”

“Why not?”

“Why can't you just tell me everything”

“Anand, I have feelings. It might be fun but i also feel ashamed, guilty and worse feel like a slut..”

“I also don't want to go through that again where you suddenly feel jealous and insecure and we both fight”

“I am not jealous”

“Anand, let it go… let's just wait few days and we can get this over with”

“I gotta go now. Bye”

“Swetha…” i texted with no reply

Swetha is right. The village incident was strenuous on our relationship. It’s also not entirely swetha’s fault that we had a fight. I was the one who started it and nudged swetha to go out with yogendarji. I expected it to be hot and fun, but did not like the intimacy that came along with it. I was also jealous and felt swetha was getting too attached. I guess you can’t just have sex with a person and not share some sort of intimacy. Maybe it’s better to stop pursuing it. The rest of the day went by with work at office. I started late to pick swetha up.
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RE: A Wife's Journey Continues by abcxyz13 - by Ramesh_Rocky - 04-05-2019, 11:13 AM

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