Adultery A Wife's Journey Continues by abcxyz13
Originally Posted by breville1 View Post
Super!! Thanks for clarifying the details from Swetha's view. I like the fact that Swetha wants to leave the past behind, that she is back on the same page as Anand. I also like the fact that it is very important to her that she and Anand stay together.

But there is more to come, right???? Is the story over? If it is, then it is a good moment to stop. If not, here are some of my thoughts:

Looks like Anand is OK if Swetha just does stuff to arouse him, even fucking other men. However, any thing that he perceives as independent action by her or any attachment (liking a person on a continued basis or liking a sexual perversion) isn't OK. He prefers to be involved. Swetha leaving out details to preserve her marriage may have saved her for now but she definitely likes being with other men of her own accord, not just to mutually satisfy themselves or to satisfy Anand.

We understand her overriding desire to not lose Anand. However, the genie is now out of the long before she succumbs again to her new found desires? Or will she make an extra effort to make sure Anand is with her, is aware of everything she feels? Actually making sure that both are really OK with what she is doing, what they are doing?

By leaving out certain details now, she will only add to her dilemma as they continue their fantasies and she keeps leaving out the fact that she enjoys fucking other men, and in more ways than straight sex, actually feeling an attachment, more than Anand realizes.

To be honest, if I were in her position, I would do the same. I wouldn't want to jeopardize my marriage by spilling the real would only upset my partner. However, understanding the importance of her love for Anand and desire to stay with him, she needs to really, really cooperate with him in their fantasies.

But the way the writer explains all her lies, it looks like she will do it again.....she will soon feel the urge, it is like an addiction....why she cannot delete Yogi's number, why she cannot move on. However, knowing that Anand is likely to get upset at the points that she doesn't tell him, the important ones for him, I feel like I'm watching a moth slowly heading for the flame.....a flame that only burns.


I think not deleting Yogendra's number is a small gesture, which simply reflects that the wife did develop some feelings towards Yogendra. But more importantly, she has not contacted him at all, except for one message that clearly indicated that everything with him was over. This indicates that the love for the husband is far stronger. Looking at the other points in her POV, this is the logical conclusion, I believe.

Also, even if the wife were to delete his number, Yogendra would not delete her number. He keeps sending her texts. It would be more awkward to keep getting texts from an unknown number. It is better to keep the name in the contact list till the texts stop completely.
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RE: A Wife's Journey Continues by abcxyz13 - by Ramesh_Rocky - 03-05-2019, 12:24 PM

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