Adultery The adventures of an idiotic husband by ajaniv
In a very short time, Ramesh had grown very close to the buxom beauty, in a rush of emotion he asked “Kamna?”

She nodded “Hmmm”

He said “I like you very much, you are very sweet and innocent, it is rare to find a person like you in my circle. If you are willing, I will make you my personal secretary with a large salary and all other amenities included. You would never have to struggle for money when you are with me, what do you say?”

Kamna paused and looked at him seriously “Uncle, what about my family?”

Ramesh jerked “Ah, of course they are welcome too, they can stay in the house allotted to you. Since you are my personal secretary, you will be required to be with me at all times. Don’t worry, my house is like a palace and full of modern amenities with cooks, maids and security”

She asked “I can't stay with my husband and daughter?”

He hedged “I mean, of course you can, but I am a busy person so I will be travelling most of the time. Unlike this trip, I usually take quick flights, so I always need a personal secretary to take care of my needs. You too can fly in first class, stay in five-star hotels with me and travel all around the world. In fact, when I take vacations to international beaches and islands, you can stay with me and enjoy the luxury. Don’t you like that?”

She whispered “Uncle, thank you for offering me such wonderful things, but I am a simple housewife with nothing other than my family. Though I know you have good intentions and my wellbeing at heart, I can't live a life without my husband and daughter. So please uncle, don’t make me refuse you”

Ramesh sighed “Fine dear, it was wrong of me to ask such a thing so quickly, let’s forget about it for the moment”

The ardour cooled down a bit after the serious conversation and Ramesh indulged in more work. The waiter came in with the breakfast, having eyes only for Kamna and her delicious body which was considerably more covered in her saree and blouse. She gave the man a small smile, which caused his face to bloom, but he knew his place, so he went off quietly. After breakfast, during which Kamna increased the temperature by acting coquettishly, she sat before him and let her saree fall off her chest, exposing her full breasts clad only in the thin blouse.

Ramesh couldn’t concentrate on his food as Kamna teased him mercilessly, bending to show her deep cleavage and then sat next to him and rubbed the sides of her tits on his arm. Though he had seen her completely naked and even fucked her ass, the sight of her half naked body made him go crazy with desire. She purred “Uncle, you shouldn’t eat so less, you need protein for more stamina”

Ramesh swallowed his saliva when he saw her hard nipples poking lewdly through the thin cotton blouse. She teased him more and more until somehow she got fully naked once again and sat on his lap, rubbing her dripping wet pussy on his semi erect cock. He got no work done as he kissed, sucked and licked the delicious treat before him, feeling like a young teenager after a long time. An hour after breakfast, a soft knock interrupted them, Kamna quickly wore her saree and blouse once again, looking respectable and homely. Ramesh put his shorts back on and opened the door to reveal a worried Vinod carrying young Arushi.

Kamna shot like a rocket to take her daughter into her bosom and soothed the cute young girl. She said “Did you miss mummy baby? You must be hungry, here drink mummy’s milk”

While Ramesh made Vinod sit and talked with the young man, Kamna unbuttoned her blouse and pushed a fat nipple into her daughter’s mouth. Vinod was surprised to see his wife expose her breast casually in front of the older man, but he was still intimidated in front of him. Also he had seen many young mothers not caring for their surroundings when they fed their kids, so he didn’t think on it too much.

With Kamna busy, Ramesh softly asked “Vinod, you are indeed a very lucky man to have such a dutiful wife, who is also very intelligent and capable. She has helped me a lot last night and this morning, relieving me off my worries and stress. She has impressed me so much that I am thinking of offering a job to her”

Vinod smiled proudly as the powerful, well accomplished man praised his loving wife to the moon, he said “Yes sir, she is really and runs my household things smoothly”

Ramesh said “Well yes, but I am talking about something more complex than that. I am offering her a job as my personal secretary with a base salary of twenty-five thousand a month, the perks amount to a lot more. Basically, she doesn’t have to worry about money, you too get a lot from this, so what do you say?”

Vinod hesitated “Uh, I haven’t thought about her working…”

Ramesh said “What are you saying? In today’s economy, it isn’t enough if only one spouse earns a living, how much can you do with one salary?”

Vinod nodded “True sir, but I don’t like my wife working”

Ramesh shook his head “You are just wasting Kamna’s talent for your pride, my offer won't be matched by anyone. Who else will offer such a sweet deal for an inexperienced person? But I like her intelligence and hard work and can't bear to see it snuffed out due to routine work”

Vinod was seriously tempted by the offer, free house, food, more money and health insurance and various other amenities, were mind boggling. But the only con was to nearly forget his wife, he wasn’t an idiot and has seen personal secretaries in his work. They are completely tied to their bosses, with no space for family and personal work, they have to travel, arrange and literally babysit their employers.

Seeing that his offer wasn’t well received, Ramesh dropped the matter and focussed on his work, letting the young family interact with each other. Soon it was time for lunch, Vinod joined them, sampling the fruits the higher fare gave. After lunch, they spent some more time talking with Vinod going back and forth to bring all the luggage. Finally, it was time for the young family to alight, Ramesh made one last effort to recruit Kamna, but was firmly refused.

Sighing he took a white business card with golden letters and gave it to Kamna “Here, take this. Using it you can shop for free at any of our stores and if you change your mind in the future call me anytime on this direct number and I will speak with you. Don’t hesitate to use this”

Kamna nodded “Thank you, uncle”

Vinod looked anxious as Ramesh and Kamna looked at each other emotionally, finally Kamna sobbed as she hugged the older man tightly. Vinod felt uncomfortable at the way his wife tightly clung to the rich man, whose hands were dangerously close to his wife’s soft, round ass. Though he kept an open mind throughout, it was difficult to ignore one’s wife kissing another man on the lips and the passionate embrace with hands roaming all over. Finally, the awkward embrace ended and Kamna nearly ran out of the coupe, sniffing loudly. Vinod sighed in relief as he followed his wife, carrying his daughter and the luggage, the older man’s presence was disconcerting for some reason.

Since it was the first-class coach, they got down hassle-free with no one pushing them around from the back impatiently. Kamna got down with a heavy heart carrying her dear daughter on her hip which pushed her saree to the side, exposing most of her belly, back, deep navel and a full heavy breast. Expectedly she caught the attention of almost all men in the busy platform, mouths drooled as they lustily looked at the creamy smooth skin and lush curves, making all hot-blooded men sport a clear tent. The porters swarmed around “Madam, can I carry your luggage? I will give you a discount”

“Sir, you must not strain your family with baggage, let me carry it for a low price of 20 rupees”

While Kamna ignored them, Vinod grew irritated “Get away, we don’t need help”

He pulled his wife’s unresponsive hand and walked quicker, leaving the irritants behind. As they came out of the small station, Vinod asked “Kamna, are you hungry?”

She shook her head woodenly, but he didn’t notice as he looked around the parking area “Mmm, there are no autos. Anyway, no autow,.'s will agree to come to your village, so our option is either bus or wait for an auto”

Kamna sighed as the searing heat singed her tender skin, living in the city had made her forget about the harsh conditions of her village. If only she had agreed to Ramesh’s offer, then she wouldn’t have had to toil under the sun, a life of luxury awaited her, only the cost was too high for her to pay. Putting the enticing offer to the back of her mind, she said “Bus is unreliable and too crowded”

Vinod nodded “So let’s wait her for an auto”

Kamna’s village was obscure and didn’t have proper connectivity to the nearby town, the local bus only had one service per day and was unreliable. The only other option was autos plying at a much higher rate and even after paying more, one would need to share it with other passengers. After waiting under the shade for some time, they finally saw an auto, Vinod shouted hurriedly for the vehicle to stop. Running to it Vinod talked for some time before agreeing to the price, Kamna took her kid and bag listlessly and sat inside the cramped auto, not paying any attention to the driver and the other male passenger’s lewd gaze.

Vinod sat in the middle while Kamna occupied the window seat as the auto trudged along on the dusty, damaged road that hadn’t been paved for decades. Vinod tried to make conversation with her, but she didn’t respond as she looked out at the barren land. The afternoon heat was searing and the dry sand blew right into the trembling auto, to protect her face, especially her eyes, she pulled her pallu and used it for protection. The transparent saree acted as a clear veil, letting her see everything even with her face covered. A while into the journey, Arushi started crying, both from the heat as well as hunger.

While the three men conversed about local and national matters, Kamna deftly unhooked her blouse catching the auto driver’s attention. She looked at the rear-view mirror and saw the dirty, dusty man looking at her creamy breast, rapidly disrobing right in front of him. Vinod was turned to the other side, talking with the other passenger, so he didn’t notice anything. Kamna kept looking at the driver even as she undid the third and the last hook on the blouse, though her saree covered both Arushi and her chest, it was too sheer to cover anything. With his attention completely on the full, heavy breast with a long nipple oozing with milk, the driver missed a huge pothole and nearly capsized the auto in a split second. Thankfully the man was used to driving in such roads for years and skilfully prevented anything serious.

The other passenger shouted “You moron, did you sleep?”

The driver shot back “With you droning like an old man, how can you expect me to stay awake?”

Vinod turned to Kamna to check if she was alright “Are you fine…”

He caught sight of her naked breast suckled by his hungry daughter, he quickly realised why the driver lost concentration. A surge of anger filled him and he bit out “This is why I ask you to wear decent clothes, but you never listen”

The loss of Ramesh’s sweet offer made her frustrated and she bit back “Do you want me to get cooked in this heat wearing thick clothes? You men have it easy, but only know how to lord over us poor women”

Vinod grumbled “Senseless woman, you never notice the way others look at you”

His voice was too low for her to hear, she barked “What?”

He shook his head and turned to the other side while glaring at the auto driver who was still watching his wife feeding Arushi. A man with decency would have been embarrassed by Vinod’s glare and looked away, but the driver was no such man, he kept looking at the heavenly sight through the mirror while keeping a bare minimum of attention on the deserted road. Perhaps it was because of his anger, but when Arushi emptied one breast and switched to the other, Kamna didn’t cover either breasts, letting the driver look at the delicious flesh freely. Vinod could only sigh in defeat as his wife protested his harsh words in her own way. After some time, the other passenger too realised what was happening and tried to look at the open feast, only to be blocked by Vinod.

Nearly half an hour later, Arushi was finally satiated and quickly went to sleep nestled over her mother’s bosom. Kamna patted her daughter gently, not making any move to cover herself from the two men’s rapacious looks. The breasts stilled contained milk, they bounced, jiggled and swayed erotically as the auto made its way on the dusty road. Sometimes due to the jerking a few drops of milk would spurt out of the long, hard nipples and splatter on the saree, forming many wet spots. The auto driver realised that Kamna had no thought of putting her blouse back on and got really horny. He kept looking at Kamna’s beautiful flawless face and her steady gaze which looked right back at him, taunting him mysteriously.

Finally, the driver couldn’t take it anymore and started to rub his erect cock over his pants, looking at the tent pointedly making her shift her gaze to it. His eyes turned proud as he successfully accepted her dare, she sniffed casually and looked out of the window, seemingly taking in the drab scenery, but her hand which was free slid slowly to her still naked breasts and stopped dangerously close to the erect nipple. The driver’s victorious look turned into defeat as he panted at the seductive woman, her long creamy finger with long nail painted with ‘fuck me’ red lipstick, moved closer and closer to the hard, diamond like nub. The man couldn’t take the teasing, he was a simple, crude man who had never faced higher pleasures in life.

To him only film stars were so beautiful and sexy, but even they never acted so brazenly, let alone the massive difference of a woman on screen to a woman sitting just a few feet behind him. The driver was a married man with many children, he would drink every day with his earnings and beat his family before pulling his tired, abused wife to bed and fuck her. In truth, it was more like banging, he paid no attention to foreplay or seduction as he spread his wife’s thighs wide and pumped into her dry pussy while crushing her flabby tits. The alcohol deadened the sensations making him even more forceful to get any pleasure, after humping a dozen times he would cum inside and promptly go to sleep. Of course, he was not monogamous at any stage, the poor region had many women selling their bodies for money.

He knew spots in which prostitutes waited and they were really cheap, fifty rupees would get him a blowjob and a quick fuck, though even the prostitutes nearly gagged at the sight of his dirty cock. For such a crude man, a heavenly beauty, who was capable of seducing even millionaires like Ramesh was an impossible dream. His simple mind took over as he unzipped his stained, dirty pants and released the dark, erect cock, lewdly grinning at Kamna as he stroked it openly. Kamna, at any other time would get absolutely disgusted at the sight of that piss filled, crusty cock, but the residual anger at her husband and the fresh frustration of refusing Ramesh’s offer made her contrary.
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RE: The adventures of an idiotic husband by ajaniv - by Ramesh_Rocky - 02-05-2019, 10:03 PM

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