Adultery Innocent BIL And Husband by life is beautiful
Me:: Wow, a really wonderful scene and the director had detailed it very nicely. Are you ready?

Kishore: (hesitantly) Ok Anni.

We kept the camera in different positions to shoot us. I dressed in tight pink colored T with Jeans today. I just moved closer to him to perform the scene. He struggled to directly and fondly touch my cheeks. I stood in front and said come on Kishore please proceed.

He nervously held my cheeks with slightly shivering hands. He moved his face a bit closer to me. I moved a bit forward. He hesitantly not moved very close to me. He slight kept his body away and looked into my eyes with fear and nervousness and recited the dialog.

I see no emotion, romance or intimacy in the scene and dialog delivery from him. Physically he has not moved very closer (1-inch nose gap) to perform the scene. I kept silent instead of giving frequent annoying instruction and let him be as he is. I reserved to give my feedback later.

He completed the dialog delivery and scene.

Me: Ok, just to say in one simple word, the scene did not come well. Please re-do this scene one more time. He again repeated holding my cheek and etc.

I repeatedly requested for one more time, he did, and I stepped away from him, took a deep breath.

Me: Relax Kishore, are you fine now?

Kishore: Ah Ok Anni.

Me: Do you think you did the scene well?

Kishore: Not sure, I tried my best. I think it can be improved better.

Me: Ok, Thanks for feeling the fact that this scene can be made better. In my view, I will give a score of 0 marks for this scene. You made it terrible.

Kishore was disappointed with my comment.

Me: Hey, not saying this to discourage you. Giving you open feedback so that I don’t give you false hope. Let us watch the scene and I will explain to you each flaw you made. Please make note of the flaw I point you and correct it next time.

I sat on the sofa and asked him to sit next to me. We started watching the scenes on the big TV. I felt a bit different to see myself and him physically close in the scene. It was a different experience watching both of us on the TV, though it did not come well. I played all three takes. I walked and went close to the TV with remote

Me: Look Kishore at this scene

I paused the video with my remote and the screen is showing the scene where he kept his hand on my cheeks. And I pointed his five fingers in the scene and said.

Me: Your fingers show nervousness. You have not kept your fingers wide open to touch the cheek instead you made your fingers on the chin like taking a pinch of salt. You forgot that the scene demands you keep your five fingers open and spread it on the cheek. Do you agree and got my point?

Kishore: (swallowed air with tension) Ah Yes Anni, you are right. Sorry I was nervous.

Me:: Look, don’t need to be nervous. You are not doing anything on your own. Whatever scene demands you need to do that. This is the first flaw. Let me come to the next point

I showed the clip of his face closeup during his dialog delivery and paused the video.

Me:: Look at your face? No excitement in proposing love. No intense look in eyes. Your eyes appear as if you are in the security officer interrogation room. (I laughed here). Moreover, see what is this?

I zoomed and pointed his forehead.

Me:: See three dots of sweat, which completely indicates you are not romantic in the scene. You are in deep nervousness.

Kishore: Anni, I agree I could realize now after you tell all this. I see what you are saying. Sorry, Anni. Let me try to fix them.

Me: That’s a good spirit. Another last thing I want to point. Look at your body language.

I pointed a video in a bit long shot, which shows our full head to foot.

Me: Tell me what this scene demands in terms of our closeness, how close we should stand and what should be the gap. Remember the scene and tell me.

Kishore: (become nervous and hesitant) Ahh Anni, a 1-inch gap between your and my nose.

Me: Good you caught the point. See this video and tell do we have that gap or more?

Kishore: (smiled) Yes Anni, I think the gap is more around one foot

Me: Thanks for accepting. I don’t want to point out further things. Just I would remind you to remember the distance mentioned in the scene and do it. Are you ready for a retake? Kishore, we do not have plenty of time to focus on these smaller things.

Me: We have many many intense scenes pending to do. If we are going kill time on these things like this, our 3 weeks will not be sufficient. See we killed almost 2 hours on this.

Kishore: Yes Anni, I agree. I will do best this time.

We reshot the scene this time. He understood my feedback and courageously held my cheeks. He looked intensely into my eyes and he did 60% better in the first take after feedback. I encouraged him and said he improved tremendously. I asked him to do again and try further better.

He tried with confidence second shot and it came too good with 80% accuracy. As the accuracy is getting increased, I melted in his real emotional love dialog looking at me. I requested for another attempt. He emoted perfectly at 110% accuracy and love with a deep intense look into my eyes.

He held my cheeks with gentle strong grip keeping his nose almost at brushing distance to my nose. Emotionally and slowly revealed the intense love dialogues (I excluded to keep it simple, but dialogs are of very intense and lovely nature.) I started feeling as if he is really conveying his love to me.

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