Rahul grinned almost triumphantly and moved across the room to the couch, the couple that were already there quickly got up to give him Room. Sitting himself in the centre of the couch Rahul looked up at my wife with a raised eyebrow as though challenging her to back down. "Okay, who has a stop watch or timer?" Rahul asked as Poroma crossed the room to join him. As Poroma sat beside him one of the men produced a watch with a count-down timer on it, Arjun had the man set it for ten minutes then
Appointed Sutapa as the time-keeper. "One thing," Rahul said as Sutapa took the watch, "you don't start
The time going until after I start." "Okay." Sutapa replied.

"And no distractions, " Rahul added, "the watch has an end of time alarm so no need to count out the time." "Now just a minute," Poroma objected "you were the one that wanted to do this as it was done in the story, so Sutapa should count down the minutes like they did in the story." "Not feeling so confident?" Rahul smirked. "Don't you think you can Resist without the interruptions? " "Of course I can." Poroma replied sharply. "Oh what the hell, do it your way." "Mind you," Rahul said slowly, "I should get a bit of a head start seeing as the characters in the story were already turned on by having been playing a sex game, I mean fairs fair, I'll be starting from Stone cold." I couldn't believe the guys gall, not that I could blame him for trying for every advantage, but he had been the one that had been so adamant about doing things exactly as per the story. Around me there were mutters of accent to his comment, it seemed most, if not all Those watching agreed that Rahul should get a 'warm up' period. Poroma looked around nervously then her eyes came to rest on me, all I could Do was shrug. "How long a head start?" Poroma asked turning to look at Rahul.

"I thought ten minutes." Rahul grinned, obviously sensing he was about to gain another concession. "sod off," Poroma said firmly, "that doubles the total time. Two minutes." "Hmmm," Rahul frowned, "hardly a head start. Seven minutes might work; After all you haven't been excited by playing a game have you." "Maybe not," my wife responded, "but it's still too long. Four minutes." "Four?" Rahul sighed. "Well make it five and we have a deal." "Oh alright, five minutes but," Poroma agreed, "no touching under Clothing, on top only." "You're on." Rahul laughed. "We'll have a drink first then get at it. Sutapa change the stopwatch to fifteen minutes and yell out when the First five are up, okay." "Okay Rahul." Sutapa replied as she fiddled with the stopwatch in her Hand. Drinks were passed to Rahul and Poroma and while they sipped at them The others chatted and joked about what was about to happen, I heard One or two of them making bets with each other as to how long my wife would last. Sutapa was standing right in front of the couple on the couch and about three feet away from them and I placed myself at her shoulder. From this position I could not only watch events unfold clearly I could also keep an eye on the stopwatch. Fixing my gaze on the couch I noticed that Rahul seemed to be taking a hell of a time finishing his drink, Poroma had downed hers in one gulp and was already working on another. Then I noticed that Rahul had an arm along the back of the couch and that his hand seemed to be resting at the back of Poroma 's neck, a slight movement of her hair told me that the crafty Sod was gently rubbing at the erogenous zone on her neck. I was tempted to tell Sutapa to start the stopwatch, but held back since Poroma didn't seem to be worried about his touching her.

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