Adultery Indian Wife is a Diwali Night Treat by aurelius1982-COMPLETED
"Not out here!" she whispered.

"My car is here. You want to go to my place?"

"I can't tonight. My uncle and aunt are at the party. In fact they must be wondering where I am right now." Priya said and got up.

"They won't miss you for too long."

"Oh you don't know them."

Then as if on cue, her cellphone rang. It was indeed her aunt, asking where the hell she was. Priya said she was out on a walk and would be back soon. They asked her to come back right away because they were heading home.

Priya kept apologizing for having to leave so soon. But she gave me her cellphone number and asked me to call her up sometime where, in her words, "we could pick up where we left off". I was disappointed at not being able to go all the way with her on the first night. But it was clear she was into me. So with promises to meet her again soon, I escorted her back to the house. Priya's uncle and aunt were waiting on the porch when we went back and they shot me a dirty look when we walked back. Priya politely introduced us and they only curtly nodded. Soon they were all in their car and on their way.

I walked back inside the house. It was now well past midnight. Most of the families with kids had left. This included most of the guys I had talked to that night. The ones that were around had put their kids to sleep on the couches and divans in the living area. There were still a couple of dozen people around, but I could not see Yashodhara anywhere. I assumed she was engaged in her own amorous activities somewhere and made a mental note to get a full update from her. I was left in a living room full of people I didn't know. I refilled my drink and ambled around, watching a couple of card games still in progress.

A while later, I felt the need to empty my bladder and headed to the bathroom. But it was occupied. And I really needed to go. I guessed such a large house must also have bathrooms upstairs so I walked up the stairs. Found the bathroom, relieved myself, and walked out. I was about to head downstairs when I noticed a door on the higher level, presumably to the attic, was ajar and there was a hubbub of voices coming from there. Curious, I walked up the stairs and entered the attic.

I walked into a thick crowd of guys, standing, drinking and talking in dim light. I hadn't met any of them before, so no one paid any attention to me. I walked along the edge of the crowd and I realized they were all gathered around a table. I elbowed my way around the crowd until I could see the table. Seated at it were about ten guys playing cards. From the cards laid out in the center, it seemed like Texas Hold 'Em poker.

And that's when I spotted Yashodhara, about 20 feet away from me. She was sitting on the lap of a card player whom I recognized as one of the middle aged men she had been talking to earlier. She had a drink in her hand, and from her half-closed eyes, I could see that she was now pretty drunk. The man had his arms around her and was holding the cards so she could see them.

He kept fidgeting occasionally and whispering something in Yashodhara's ear and whenever he did, it almost seemed like my wife would shiver. She had a dazed expression on her face, but she kept sipping her drink, which meant she was still aware of whatever was happening around her. I looked around the room to try and figure out what was happening. Sitting at the table were these ten guys with cards and chips in front of them. Around the table were 25 or so more men, all watching the card game and talking among themselves. Yashodhara was the only woman in the room.

The man whose lap Yashodhara was sitting on whispered something else in her ear, and she nodded, picked up a couple of chips from the stack in front of his and threw them in the pot. Three other guys said "call" and one by one threw chips in. It was time to show the cards. A young man seated about 10 feet away from me on the right said,

"Woohoo!! Full house beats two pair! I win! Hand her over!"

What happened next almost made me yell out in surprise. The guy reached down and unzipped his pants revealing an erect dick. No one else seemed to find this unusual. The man whose lap Yashodhara was sitting on said something and lifted her off his lap and got up. As that happened, even in the dim light, I figured out what was going on.

The man himself was spotting an erection, glistening with juices. As he had lifted Yashodhara off, I had noticed that the back of her kameez, which till then was bunched up around her waist, had fallen down, giving me and everyone else a glimpse of her naked ass for a split second. The man had been fucking Yashodhara as she sat on his lap. Suddenly, the fidgeting and the expression on her face made sense.

"Come on here, darling. I've been waiting for you all night!" the young man said and a few of the spectators laughed.
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RE: Indian Wife is a Diwali Night Treat by aurelius1982 - by Ramesh_Rocky - 20-12-2018, 04:18 PM

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