Collection of the stories of Great Writers
Writer: Hardy Boys
29th January 2010
Part - 1
I woke up to the sounds of the maid in the neighboring house washing clothes. As I
stretched and yawned, I realized I had a morning wake-up hard on again. "Oh man", I
thought to myself, "I need to do something about this today". Every morning, now for
the one year or so, I'd been invariably waking up with a raging hard on. I am Jignesh,
a 19 year old, who had just finished Class XII, having missed an year, and was
waiting for his results. Summer had set in, and I was getting tired of masturbating at
least thrice a day.
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RE: Collection of the stories of Great Writers - by suthas - 26-11-2021, 04:28 AM

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