Adultery The adventures of an idiotic husband by ajaniv
She pouted in a playful tone “Please, don’t look at me like that, I feel shy. I have never worn something like this ever, even before my husband”

Ramesh shook his head to escape from the web of seduction “Sorry dear, I was just surprised”

She came closer, still not meeting his eyes and boldly took his arm in hers, pressing it between her lush breasts “You are like an action hero, bravely saving a damsel, so I don’t mind wearing this for you. It’s just that I’m not used to men looking at me like that, like I am desirable”

Ramesh was once again firmly stuck in the web, he retorted gently “You are indeed very desirable dear, only a blind person can deny this”

She blushed “Uh, can I call you uncle, though we met only a short while back, I already feel very close to you. I won't if you mind”

He patted her shoulder “Relax dear, you can definitely call me uncle, it’s my pleasure”

She surprised him by embracing him tightly pressing her luscious body onto his front, while purring “Uncle, thank you so much. No matter what I do, I can never repay your kindness”

His hands rested on her waist naturally, feeling the naked body underneath “I was just doing my duty dear, it’s nothing”

She protested cutely “It’s not nothing for me, uncle, you couldn’t understand how scared and helpless I was, trapped in the room with that monster”

He jerked “He didn’t hurt you, did he?”

She shook her head, burrowing further into his arms “No uncle, you saved me in time. He forcibly hugged me and groped me threatening me all the time. Just stood with his dirty cock, fully hard and was about to bang me, when you intervened like a hero”

Though her experience was harrowing, the way she said made it erotic, with her in his arms his cock couldn’t help but lurch in reaction, making her push her fleshy thigh right against it. Alarmed, he tried to get away “Sorry dear, it…”

She grabbed him tighter, asking innocently “What happened uncle?”

Suddenly she released him and turned to the window, her shoulders shivered with her sobs “I understand now, you don’t want to touch me, because you think I am used goods. Please uncle, believe me, nothing happened inside because of you. Oh, my life is wrecked”

Ramesh was shocked by her reaction, her heartfelt crying made his chest full of pain, he placed his hand on her shoulder “Please dear, it wasn’t like that. I believe you fully, you are not used goods, don’t belittle yourself like that. It was my mistake and I apologise for that”

She turned in a flash, her beautiful face was streaked with tears, ruining her kajal, she clutched him once again “Please don’t apologise, uncle, I am not worthy. I was just confused and wayward after the ordeal”

Ramesh wasn’t alarmed when her thigh once again brushed on his cock, not wanting to make her cry again, he didn’t move even as she pressed firmly on his fully erect cock. Wanting to distract themselves, he asked “You must be hungry, let me order something from the pantry”

He gently pushed her to the side and pressed a small switch right next to the bed, she hung onto him once again. She asked “Uncle, will another passenger come to use this coupe?”

Ramesh smiled “No dear, I’ve booked both seats, so no one is going to come”

She nodded “Oh, but isn’t that costly?”

He laughed “Yes, but there will also be no one to disturb my work. I can always take the trip by flight, but I am used to spending a day in private working on the files and gathering my thoughts in train. I guess I am used to it for so long that it has become a habit”

She asked, “Do you travel by train regularly?”

He said “No, but I try to go on a trip every six month”

As they were talking someone knocked the door, Ramesh ordered “Come in”

A young man wearing a white pantry uniform respectfully bowed “Sir”

Ramesh said firmly “Bring a light meal for two”

The man nodded before looking to Ramesh side by reflex, he suddenly froze as he saw the lovely vision nearly naked right in front of his eyes. The sexy pouting face, the long creamy neck, the large tits nearly tearing the kurta and the hard nipples, the slim waist and flaring hips followed by smooth long legs, it was a dreamy sight. Ramesh noticed the straying gaze and sternly said “What are you waiting for?”

The pantry worker bowed again in fright and quickly went out closing the door behind him. Ramesh looked at a nonchalant Kamna standing by his side “That man, didn’t you notice his gaze?”

He became suspicious because of her standing boldly exposing most of her body, a normal housewife wouldn’t have done that in front of a stranger. Kamna asked “Uh, what man? I was just looking at you, did a man come in? Oh, did he see me like this?”

Her rosy face blushed further making her looked adorable, the doubt in Ramesh’s mind was erased as she tried to hide behind him. He laughed “Don’t worry, he is gone. You didn’t even see him? What was written on my face that you forgot the world?”

She shyly mumbled “Sorry uncle, I was just looking at your fine features, you look so handsome and manly like a hero”

He was pleased, not minding her once again pressing her lush body on his back, he was starting to enjoy her presence a lot more. He said “I need to do some work, will you be alright by yourself? The food will take some time to come”

She nodded “I won't disturb you”

He sat on the bed with the files and went through them seriously, taking notes on his laptop. Kamna sat on the opposite bed and leaned onto the side coyly, she bent her legs, tucking them like to the side like a mermaid. But the position made the kurta fall on either side of her fleshy thighs exposing all of the creamy legs and nearly her wet pussy. Ramesh’s attention was immediately grabbed as he glanced at the sexy woman exposing everything just for him. Kamna blushed “Uncle, please don’t look at me like that, I feel very shy”

Ramesh cleared his throat before looking away, his face burning with embarrassment, Kamna purred “But I like it when you look at me, it washes away the fear and shame I experienced a short while back. You are my saviour uncle, so anything you want it is my honour to obey”

Ramesh looked at her with a mysterious look, but she didn’t fidget, her lustrous dark eyes looked clear and innocent. He nodded “You are a precious treasure, it is my fortune to have met you”

Kamna smiled prettily, suddenly looking several years younger and virginal making his cock lurch with desire. She stood flashing her long legs once again, nearly giving him a view of her dripping pussy “Uncle, it is boring to just sit here while you work hard, is there anything I can do to help?”

He nodded “Sure, take this notebook and pen and write down what I say. Can you do that?”

She primly said “I’d gone to typewriting and shorthand classes before marriage”

She sat very close to him, brushing her voluptuous body on his side and sit as before giving him a closer and much better look of her flawless fleshy thighs. He could easily see the two dark nipples, fully hard and erect under the thin silk, making a thick drop of precum ooze out of his hard cock. Shaking his head, he turned his attention onto the file in front of him, ignoring the buxom beauty with some difficulty. Kamna had a lovely handwriting and she was competent in writing down his words, soon the duo immersed themselves in a warm, comfortable silence.

They both were startled when someone knocked the door, Ramesh called out by reflex “Come in”

It was the pantry worker, who had brought a trolley full of fragrant dishes, once again the man’s attention was completely on Kamna, who was exposing a lot more than earlier. With an eye on the lush creamy flesh, the man laid out the hot food on two tables taking his time to extend the process as much as possible. Ramesh closely observed Kamna, who blatantly let the server enjoy her nudity, but she always looked at Ramesh, completely ignoring the other man in the room. They started eating, with Kamna trying out everything playfully, making Ramesh give her a smile. She crossed her legs, nearly exposing her naked ass as she bent over the delicious food, prepared specially for the wealthy businessman.

Finishing the food, they washed their hands with the finger bowl, helpfully presented by the server and sent the man away. Just as soon as the door was closed, Kamna pounced on an unexpecting Ramesh, sitting on his lap, straddling him with her legs clasped on his waist, she kissed his cheek, very close to his lips “Thank you so much uncle. This is easily the best journey of my life, and it’s all because of you, I will never forget this my entire life”

Ramesh had his hands full of soft, silken flesh, struggling hard not to squeeze them, he was in heaven as Kamna started to kiss all over his face, leaving hot wet spots and trailing saliva. Finally she stopped with a hard smooch on his lips, surprising him greatly “I don’t want this journey to end uncle”

He smiled gently, hiding the rampant lust with difficulty “You are flattering me dear. But what about your husband, did you call him?”

She gasped “Oh, I am having such a good time that I completely forgot about my husband, let me call him now”
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RE: The adventures of an idiotic husband by ajaniv - by Ramesh_Rocky - 30-04-2019, 02:18 PM

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