Adultery The adventures of an idiotic husband by ajaniv
The next day, they packed everything and were ready to travel to Kamna’s village, she was extremely excited and couldn’t stop smiling all day. Wearing one of the many sarees that Prakash gifted, she looked very sexy, Vinod asked “Is that saree new? I haven’t seen it before, I think it is not appropriate for the journey”

Kamna said “It was gifted to me by Prakash uncle, it is very light and soft, wearing any other saree would made the journey uncomfortable”

Vinod didn’t like the saree at all, it completely exposed her blouse and upper body, not to mention the thin blue blouse which revealed the white bra underneath. He said “Come quickly, let’s catch the local train to the station”

Kamna protested “But the local train will be too crowded, why can't we take an auto?”

Vinod shook his head “No, the autow,.'s will ask for a fortune. Come on, we don’t have time”

With him carrying a bag and Arushi, Kamna took the rest and followed her family to the station. Everywhere she could feel men’s eyes roaming all over her body, making her feel excited. As expected, the station was crowded, making her curse her stingy husband. Once a train rolled in, the crowd got thicker and unruly catching Vinod and Kamna in it as they struggled to find a place to stand inside. Kamna couldn’t breathe as male scent mixed with sweat filled her delicate nose, men pressed on her from all sides, pushing her away from her husband. She squeezed through the hard bodies, nearly losing her saree in the process and stood in a relatively calm place.

Once the train started moving, the crowd relaxed and turned to the sexy Kamna in their midst. In no time a hand snaked onto her ass, resting on it gently, a hard cock pressed her other ass cheek. The man on her side saw her and turned around, facing her, he looked at her intently and pressed his crotch on her thigh. She could feel his cock hardening quickly as he rubbed on her, soon she felt all the men around her doing the same, at least five hard cocks poked her all around. Once she calmed down, Kamna enjoyed the feeling of hard cocks surrounding her, but she didn’t show it on her face fearing for her safety. The hand on her ass squeezed her lush flesh gently, while another hand did the same on the other side.

Kamna found the smell of sex in the congested air, as the men became horny, her pussy moistened and a warm pleasant feeling filled her. She would have loved to get groped during the journey, but the hands became frantic squeezing her harder until she felt pain making her gasp. She glared at the men, begging with her eyes for them to be gentle, but the pain only intensified. With no other way, she pushed through determinedly until she went deep into the compartment, where it was surprisingly less crowded. She soon found the reason, sitting were a dozen burly men, who looked like goondas. She stood next to a man who looked like the most respectable of the lot and thankfully the silent glares of the goondas stopped the gropers from following her.

The goondas looked at her with naked lust, but they didn’t do anything other than banging her with their eyes. Kamna preferred it to the pain earlier, she stood closer to the respectable man hoping he would save her if necessary. Suddenly she heard Arushi crying and Vinod trying to calm her down, she strained to look above the crowd and was surprised to see her husband standing just a few feet behind her. Arushi kept crying due to the stale humid air and heat, Kamna shouted “Wait, she might be hungry, I have a soup stick, let me get it”

Holding the overhead railing with one hand, she opened her bag with the other, the jerking train and the lack of space made even the simple task difficult. Finally, she grasped the cover holding the soupsticks and took out one, just when the stick was out of the bag, it caught the bag strap and fumbled out of her hand. She watched in slow motion as the soup stick did several somersaults and landed on the man’s lap. Sighing in relief, she looked at the man thankfully, she extended her hand asking the man for it. To her surprise the man took the stick with a smirk, rubbing his fingers all over the doughy hardness.

As she stared at him with a growing sense of anxiety, the man placed the soup stick on his mouth, treating it like a cigar. He twirled it using his mouth making one end very wet and squishy with his saliva. The goondas and the men watched in fascination as the dry end of the soup stick came closer and closer to Kamna’s navel, which lay fully exposed. Originally, she had dbangd her saree properly, not wanting to be seen as a slut in public, but the unruly crowd had pulled and pushed at her, making her saree roll into a bunch at her shoulder. She stood completely exposed in front of the hungry men in just the blouse, which was thin and cut low enough to present more than half of her luscious globes to inflame their lust further.

Kamna felt her pussy moisten gradually until a thick, warmth spread all over herself, she rubbed her thighs together and found that her pussy lips moved freely with her juices. The heavy leering only made her hornier, standing partially naked in front of a group of sweaty strangers made her turned on. The man brought the soup stick closer and closer until it was only a few inches from her deep quivering navel, by then everyone realised what the man intended to do. Their end of the compartment quietened in anticipation as the stick came closer with excruciating slowness. Kamna felt a large drop of sweet nectar ooze from her juicy pussy lips and drip along her thighs.

Everyone gasped in agony as the soup stick stopped an inch before the juicy navel, unfortunately Kamna was standing just an inch farther and the man couldn’t reach her. Suddenly a dark, burly goonda stood with a menacing expression and went behind Kamna, just when everyone feared the worst, he gently pressed his body on her back and pushed her closer to the stick. Kamna gasped as she felt the goonda’s hard cock nearly penetrate her soft ass, but soon her focus switched on to the soup stick which gently grazed her deep rim. The intently watching crowd moaned with desire as the soup stick finally reached its destination and the man skilfully teased her trembling belly.

A low “ooh” came from the men as the stick slowly penetrated the deep navel, a light red blush spread from Kamna’s lovely face, moving along her neck, chest and her creamy belly, signalling the pleasure she felt from the teasing. Whispers of ‘slut’ ‘tasty bitch’ ‘cunt’ and several other crude derogatory terms only made her pussy wetter, several drops of her juices oozed out of her inflamed pussy, spreading a distinct aroma of sex in the stale, unmoving air. The soup stick didn’t pause as it teased and taunted the deep hole, first focussing on the rim and then the deep hole. Slowly half an inch penetrated the juicy navel, the men were so horny that a musky smell was in the air, clearly emanating from the dozens of rock hard cocks.

An inch-deep navel was normal, so the crowd didn’t react much other than for the erotic situation, but when one and a half inch of doughy soup stick disappeared, the level of excitement went through the roof. Even the man was surprised as the soup stick went deeper, the juicy hole eagerly swallowing the doughy hardness. An excited whispering went around the crowd when a full two inches went inside, Kamna’s body shivered as she got belly fucked by the stick in public. The excitement reached a fever pitch when the third inch disappeared into the seemingly bottomless pit. Several men were openly stroking their cocks while watching the stunning scene, Kamna was in a sea of bliss, enjoying the rapacious gazes as well as the stick fucking her sensitive navel. Her face was rosy, the red lips parted, inhaling the thick air full of sex, her flawless creamy skin turned light red with her arousal and her thighs rubbed against each other, dripping continuously.

“Wow, what a navel” one man exclaimed as the fourth inch gradually went inside the tight hole.
Another lamented “Fuck, my four-inch cock would completely disappear into her navel”
One more said “If her navel is so deep, imagine how deep her slutty cunt would be. Only monster cocks should be able to fill her up”

The goonda behind her watched everything with a wide-open mouth, unable to believe his eyes, his thick hard cock speared into her ass, pulling the thin saree with it, digging deep into her cheeks. Kamna was in heaven, one huge cock grinding her back while the soup stick speared her front, her pussy quivered desperately in need for a thick cock. Meanwhile Vinod relaxed as the pressing crowd finally calmed down for some reason, a thin breeze cooled Arushi, who stopped crying. He impatiently looked through the window, praying for the train to go faster and reach the destination soon. He was starting to regret going by the train, instead of an auto or a cab, as suggested by his wife. He turned to the sides to check on Kamna, but he couldn’t find her, instead he held his daughter tight while carrying the heavy bag on the other.

The respectable man, who was also the leader of the goondas, was stunned when the soup-stick finally stopped at the four-inch mark. More than half the doughy stick was inside her, he gently fucked the navel with it, making the slight red flush deepen into a full-blown symbol of an impending orgasm. Just then the lust reached fevered pitch, the man stunned everyone by pulling out the stick and placed the wet squishy end in his mouth into her navel. Marinating in his saliva for a while, the stick had turned into a gooey mess, it smeared her juicy navel with the wet dough while pushing inside lewdly. Kamna couldn’t take it anymore, her pussy erupted in joy releasing a flood of bliss and juices, making her body shudder in pleasure.

The scene was so erotic with Kamna’s orgasm so obvious, that several men came right there, releasing fresh cum into their hands. The air was thick with the smell of semen as the stick finally merged into her navel in a mess. The man thrust into her navel forcefully until the remaining hard stick penetrated the deep hole, pushing out the creamy dough. He then licked the goo, leaving only half the stick buried in the navel.

The goonda next to the man asked “Boss, shall we bring her to your house for more fun?”

The man looked at a rosy Kamna who looked really sexy “No need, I am sure she lives in our area, we don’t have time for this now. Let us focus on our mission, if you all do a good job, then everyone can select whoever you wish from my brothel for a night of relaxation”

The goonda’s eyes became wide “Uh boss, my first dibs on Megha”

The man suddenly turned frigid, out of nowhere a sharp knife rested on the goonda’s neck, who quickly realised the danger he was in and apologised “Sorry boss, it is my mistake, I thought you meant ‘anyone who caught our fancy’, I will never dare to even dream about your women. Please forgive me boss”

The man nodded, though the murderous glint in his eyes never faded away, Kamna on the other hand was frozen with fear. The sudden appearance of the knife made everyone fearful, if even the goondas were scared into submission, then the normal men were no match. Everyone was startled when Vinod shouted “Kamna, where are you? Get ready, our station is next”

The man smirked “Kamna, a very apt name. Enjoy your freedom, Kamna, for when I find you in the future, you will have to serve me completely”

Still enjoying the unexpectedly massive orgasm, Kamna was scared to wits by the man’s ominous words. Previously respectable, he now resembled a villain who preyed on young beauties, with the soup stick still submerged in her navel, she took her bag and quickly reached her husband. Everyone had seen the man’s murderous anger when the goonda asked for his woman, none were stupid to do the same to Kamna. Oblivious to everything, Vinod smiled when he saw his beloved wife, he frowned when he saw her usually perfect saree, crumpled into a mess. But before he could say anything, the station arrived making him prioritise getting down, rather than complain about her saree.

It was an ordeal trying to navigate through the crowd while carrying the luggage and a child, but somehow, they managed to do it. Kamna faced the worst as all the men near her tried to get a feel of her luscious body, but it wasn’t something new, so she ignored the pinches and tweaks to follow her husband closely. They both sighed in relief when they got out of the crowd, Kamna gasped “Vinod, I need to go to the bathroom, can you wait for a moment?”

Vinod nodded watching his dishevelled wife go into a common bathroom to relieve herself. Kamna gave some money to the female attender and went to the hand wash area and looked at herself through the mirror. She was dishevelled and rosy from the orgasm, her navel looked like a mess from the mashed soup stick. She wanted to clean herself with water to remove the stickiness, but didn’t want to wet her saree. Looking around, she found that the bathroom was empty, even if someone comes in, they would be a woman, so she removed her saree and placed it on the clean table nearby. Since the bathroom was administered by a private company, it was maintained well, but the cost to use it was higher than normal.

Without the saree, her abused navel looked a lot messier, using a finger she gently scooped the mashed dough, examining it mysteriously. The image of the man placing the stick in his mouth appeared, just the memories of the men watching her ignobility made her horny once again. In a fit of lust, she placed the dough thoroughly mixed with the man’s saliva in her parted lips. She sucked on the dough tasting the familiar, yet unfamiliar flavour, a thick heat spread all over her body making her crazy with desire, prompting her to suck her finger like it was the man’s hard cock. Unbidden, a very erotic moan escaped from her lips, echoing inside the empty restroom, one scoop of the dough wasn’t enough, she took another tasting it thoroughly.

Immersed in the taste of a stranger’s spit, she didn’t notice a figure watching her intently and coming closer. Kamna gasped in fright when she felt a hand on her smooth belly, opening her eyes she saw that it was the female attender. The woman leered “Sshhh, no need to be afraid, from the first glance I knew there was something odd with you, so I followed you in. My suspicions were right, is the man standing with a kid, your husband?”

Kamna was scared of the woman, who was thick and stocky without an ounce of femininity, she could only nod in fear. The woman said “Ha, I knew it. So, did you like the smelly men groping and pawing your beautiful body? I am sure beautiful women like you are all sluts inside, the prim public profile is only to fool the others. Look at your heaving tits and your…”

The woman looked at Kamna’s navel and became nervous “I… I… Was it Raju bhai who did this to you?”

Kamna was surprised by the woman’s sudden change in behaviour “Who is Raju bhai?”

It was the woman’s turn to be surprised “You don’t know him? But your navel? Wait, what did he look like?”

Kamna described the man, who had caused so much trouble, in detail, the woman gasped “Oh it is him. You are in big trouble, listen to me and go away from the city, if you get caught then everything is over”

Kamna was shocked by the urgency in the woman’s voice “Why? What happened? He didn’t seem so interested in me”

The woman led her to a room where all the cleaning supplies were stocked “You don’t know about him, he controls the muscle power in the city, all politicians are indebted to him and even the security officer are toothless. If he gets hold of a sexy voluptuous woman like you, then the only fate ahead of you is being a whore. He likes to seduce beautiful women, enjoying them every way, and once he gets tired of them, he then sends the poor things to his brothel. Your only hope is to leave the city before he finds you again”

Kamna couldn’t believe her ears “But, if he is such a bigshot then why was he travelling in a local train?”

The woman lowered her voice “Haven’t you heard? There was a murder of a rival gang member in the train, perhaps that’s why he was travelling with his goons”
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RE: The adventures of an idiotic husband by ajaniv - by Ramesh_Rocky - 29-04-2019, 07:37 PM

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