Adultery The adventures of an idiotic husband by ajaniv
The next morning Vinod woke up fresh and full of energy, he opened his eyes and looked at his cute daughter and a radiant Kamna, both sleeping. Looking at his wife, he realised she looked more beautiful than usual, was it because she was happy about the vacation? Wait, he didn’t quite get the chance to tell her about his manager’s approval, so why did she look different? Even after thinking about it he couldn’t come to a conclusion, so he stopped worrying about it. Over breakfast, he finally divulged the happy news to his wife, who squealed in happiness “Oh, that’s great. I can't wait to visit my village and meet my mother. I have so many things to prepare”

Kamna went to the bathroom for a hot shower, unhooking the blouse and bra revealed her heavy milk-laden tits and the usually flawless creamy skin, full of little love bites. Even after a good night’s sleep, her body was pleasantly sore especially her tits, nipples, navel and pussy. Ever since the pregnancy, her body had changed a lot, due to the abundance of female hormones raging through for nearly a year, her skin had become softer, more radiant and sensitive. Standing under the hot water, she caressed her swollen tits feeling a wave of pleasure mixed with a tinge of pain. Her little nipples had become long and thick, puckered and erect, it was almost an inch long and oozed with fresh milk. Her hands moved lower to the soft padding on her belly, feeling the extra girth made her both happy and sad. On one hand, it made her loving husband reject her completely, but on the other, she loved the penetrating gazes and hungry looks from the men, whenever she went out.

Guilty about enjoying strangers’ appreciation, her hands moved lower to the small landing strip and the clean-shaven pussy that was slightly swollen from the blissful abuse of the previous day. Teasing the clit lazily, she enjoyed the pleasure while reminiscing about the thick cock sliding in and out. She felt really happy and satisfied after nearly two years of abstinence, a tendril of guilt shot through shattering the happiness. Perhaps she should have just continued to masturbate instead of cheating on her husband with Rahim. When she saw Vinod’s happy face in the morning, she couldn’t meet his warm eyes looking at her with love. She felt bad at destroying the faith and trust her husband had for her, just for an hour’s worth of pleasure. Her eyes teared and she felt disgust at herself, especially when she thought about Rahim’s ugly face leering at her and his pawing her body.

Suddenly she felt that the happiness and satisfaction she had felt since the last evening was just an illusion. Steeling her heart, she resolved to forget and bury the incident deep inside her and promised to herself that she will be faithful and worthy of her husband’s trust. Her finger pulled out of her wet pussy, she decided to break all relationship with the dirty tailor and turn a new leaf. She quickly finished bathing and patted herself dry, opening the wardrobe she looked for something that would present her in the proper way and cover her delicious assets from others. Unfortunately, a few moments searching presented a stark truth, all her clothes were too small and tight. Even the most conservative blouse exposed a lot of cleavage, perhaps she should ask Rahim to stitch blouses that will cover all her chest.

With no other option, she chose a red saree and blouse and started wearing it, standing in front of the mirror, she couldn’t help but admire her own body, she was gifted in all the right places. So why did her husband remain blind to her beauty, was it her fault?

Leaving his wife at home, Vinod went to his work intending to finish everything quickly to keep his manager happy. While he was at work, a visitor in the form of the house owner came to his house, Kamna opened the door “Mishraji, please come in”

Prakash Mishra was a wealthy man in his fifties, owning several properties in the area, his two sons were married and settled abroad. Prakash was known to be a religious man, holding an administrator post in the local temple and made generous donations for its upkeep. He was also well connected with the elites of the area and had considerable power and status in all matters relating to the community. Fully bald and with a round pot belly, and a penchant for wearing spotless white kurtas, he had the aura of an amiable elderly man. Kamna smiled warmly as she led the man to the sofa “Hello Mishraji, how are you?”

Mishra looked at Kamna with an equally warm smile, no matter how old one was, the sight of a beautiful woman never failed to bring happiness to a man’s heart. Just as he was about to reply, he froze, Vinod and Kamna rented the house from him for more than two years and Prakash visited them from time to time. He had always known that Vinod was very lucky in having a beautiful and dutiful wife. Somehow Kamna looked different when compared to the last time he saw her, her beauty was still the same, but he suddenly found an aura of sensuality around her. Her hair was loose and shiny, her eyes sparkled, the cheeks were rosy, the lips looked redder and juicier, and even the way she carried herself had a trace of sensuality. What happened in the short time after his previous visit? Subconsciously his eyes slipped from her face to her voluptuous body, which unfortunately was fully covered by the saree.

Kamna noticed his gaze and asked “Mishraji?”

Prakash shook his head “Ah nothing dear, I am getting old, blanking out during a conversation is a clear sign”

She smiled “Don’t joke Mishraji, You are not old, you still look young and handsome”

Prakash laughed “Handsome? Me? I know you are just kidding, but I will accept it gladly. Is Vinod here?”

Kamna said “No, he had just left for his work”

Prakash nodded “Oh, well, I just came here to inform you about the rent increase from next month. I haven’t raised the amount for the past two years and it is already overdue”

Kamna’s smile froze “Increase?”

He said “Yes, it is just a ten percent increase”

Kamna felt bad ‘Mishraji, please wait, let me bring you some water”

She rushed inside thinking about the sudden setback, a ten percent increase in rent would cut through their monthly budget. Knowing Vinod, it became clear to her that he would ask her to cancel the vacation and use the money for the rent. Kamna didn’t like it at all, she had been really looking forward for a trip and meet her friends and mother in her village. Her hands clenched as she struggled to come to terms with it, she didn’t know what to do. By reflex, she took a clean glass and filled it with water, putting it on a tray she walked to the hall like a robot. She stopped at the threshold and looked at the wealthy old man with resentment, he was already filthy rich, so what was the need to earn more money. Why can't he raise the rent every five years? It is not like he would starve with lack of funds, what kind of a pious man was he, wringing every paisa out of hardworking people like herself and her husband.

Amid her mental rant, she suddenly realised the look on his face a short while earlier. She was not a naïve virgin to mistake an expression of lust for something else, perhaps she could use it to get out of the bad situation. It wasn’t the first time she had used her beauty to get a few concessions, but will it work on a religious man like Mishra? Well, there was no harm in trying it out, she can always pretend everything was an accident if it didn’t pan out. She quickly adjusted her tits to make them look even more impressive, the saree was pushed to the side to reveal her round breasts, the waist was tied lower to expose her deep navel.

With a determined stride, she reached the old man “Mishraji, please have some water”

As she bent, the saree slipped slightly revealing the creamy tits and delicious cleavage catching Prakash’s attention. Kamna held the bent pose for several seconds, letting the man enjoy her heavenly assets. Prakash was stunned when he saw the lovely cleavage revealed right in front of his eyes, it didn’t fail to produce a reaction in his old body. But what captivated him was the juicy navel, that looked deep and wide. From his younger days, he had always been a navel man, admiring the heroines’ cute navels and even formed a clipping collection out of all the photos cut from magazines. He had great hopes when he got married, unfortunately his wife felt nothing during navel play and was even disgusted with his requests.

Since then he had buried his little fetish within him with no chance of experiencing them in this lifetime. The only enjoyment he got was by peeking at the various women who wore their sarees below their navel. Kamna was surprised when the man skipped her best point, her milky tits and instead stared at her navel. With a knowing smirk, she said “Mishraji?”

Prakash jerked out of the trance “Oh, sorry dear, I was lost for a moment there”

She smiled and sat opposite to him, taking care to cover her navel from his eyes ‘It’s nothing Mishraji. About the rent hike, can’t you reconsider?”

Prakash wiped his mouth “No dear, I am increasing the rent for everyone, it won't be fair it I act biased”

Kamna’s face turned sad “But… but we are already struggling with the expenses of living in the city. With a little kid, the cost has risen further, now with the hike I don’t know how we can manage”

Prakash felt bad at making the young lovely woman sad, but he was firm in his decision “I am sorry dear, but I can't help you”

Kamna sniffed “A year back, we could have managed, but now with Arushi, it is very difficult to make the ends meet. Did you know I haven’t gotten a single new saree all this year? I have been wearing the same ones again and again, even though I’ve put on weight after child birth and my blouses and petticoats have become a lot smaller”

Prakash felt uncomfortable “Sorry, but…”

Kamna stood “You are like my own uncle, so I don’t feel bad about telling you my woes. Look here Mishraji, my blouse is a couple of sizes smaller for my chest, I can't even cover them properly”

Prakash automatically looked at the place she pointed, which was her cleavage, but before he could turn away, she said “Even my petticoats have become shorter, so I am wearing it lower than normal. Can you imagine the looks people give me when I go to the market? Though I try very hard, I can't help but feel their gazes on my breasts, waist and navel. I feel like a piece of meat every time I go out, look here Mishraji at my navel. You won't believe what one man said about it, he said it looks very deep and juicy that he could slide an entire finger inside”

Though she was on the verge of crying, Prakash couldn’t help but visualise her words, the image of his finger sliding into the juicy navel made his old body shudder with bliss. Kamna stepped closer still pointing at her exposed navel “I can understand about other womanly parts and the fascination men have about them, but what I can't understand is their craze about navels. Don’t men have the same? So why are they so obsessed about a deep, juicy navel like mine? You are such a wise man, Mishraji, please tell me”

Prakash could sympathise with the other navel lovers, being one himself, though he couldn’t openly reveal the reason to her “I don’t know dear, perhaps there is a reasoning behind their obsession. I have read many ancient poems, where poets praise various parts of a woman. As they say, beauty is in the eyes of the beholder”

Kamna looked at him with a hint of awe “You are so learned and wise, Mishraji. Maybe you have a point, but I still don’t understand, ever since I heard about the man’s crude comment, I became curious to find out why he was so fascinated with my navel. I even slid my finger into my juicy navel to find the answer”

Prakash gasped “You did?”

His cock started to become fully hard after a long time, he gazed intently at the sexy navel as Kamna teased him by gently running her finger around her navel. She nodded ‘Yes Mishraji, I wanted to know why. But the man was right, my navel was really deep and wide swallowing all my finger. I even felt a little warmth and tingling while I did it, but nothing more”

Prakash breathed faster, his mind nearly blew at her open admission of fingerfucking her navel. He couldn’t stop imagining the erotic sight, gradually all the deeply buried fantasies emerged one after the other. His mouth watered and his hands itched, wanting to bring the fantasies to life at least once in his lifetime.

Kamna taunted him “Perhaps I was doing something wrong, maybe I should have asked my husband to do it for me. Like everything else it may feel different if a man does it. What do you think, Mishraji?”

Poor Mishraji was in no position to form a reply, his eyes were glued to her finger which was slowly circling closer and closer to her navel, so he could only nod. Kamna sighed “But I can't ask my husband about such weird things, I don’t know how he will take it. If only I had a nice man who could do it for me, just to finger my deep navel once and show me the pleasure that the man in the market implied”

Prakash’s beady eyes went wide as he heard her erotic request, he was dying to volunteer himself for the noble task, but his status in the society stopped him at the last moment. A pang of hunger and pain crushed his heart, to see the forbidden fruit dangling right in front of him as he stood there helpless was too cruel. Meanwhile, Kamna mused “I don’t have a male in my family other than my husband, otherwise I could have asked them. Mmm, who else? Mishraji… Oh I am so stupid. Mishraji, like I said earlier, you are like my own uncle, so please don’t take this the wrong way…”

Prakash heart beat faster, as a rush of hot blood made him feel a lot younger by several years “I…”

Kamna stood very close, as if she was offering her navel to the old house owner “Please Mishraji, I have been dying to know the reason, you know I can't ask this from anyone else. Every time I wear a saree I am filled with doubt, should I wear it comfortably below my navel or should I be prim and proper by covering it? When I bathe and the water runs all over my naked body, it even pools in my navel, I have to slide my finger inside to take it out. It gets worse when I put soap, I do love it when my finger slides in and out of my navel smoothly”

The poor old man was assaulted with a series of vivid images involving the very navel that was right in front of his eyes. Her suggestive words kicked his imagination into an overdrive, the benign appreciation he had for Kamna’s beauty quickly transformed into illicit lust ignoring social boundaries. After all she was half his age and was happily married with a child, but how can a man control himself in the face of such provocation. Her sweet voice had turned sultry and was dripping with sex, the intricate imagery she wrought with her words assaulted his weak point. He could have managed if he was seduced in other ways, after all to a man with so much money and power, it wasn’t the first time a beautiful woman tried to seduce him.

She moved closer and closer until his hot breath washed directly on her navel making her shiver with goosebumps “Though the soap made it pleasurable, I still get the feeling that a man’s simple touch would feel far better. Please Mishraji, don’t make me beg you, a light touch on my juicy, deep navel isn’t a bid deal”

Prakash’s usually clear mind had already turned numb, he couldn’t see or hear anything other than her navel and honeyed words. His old body could no longer bear such titillation, his heart thumped faster than ever before, vainly trying to send more blood to his brain. His hands shook and his finger automatically stretched in and out when he heard about the soap in her navel. The unrequited fantasies of his life begged him to accept her offer, what was status and prestige when compared to fulfilling his fetish. He inhaled her sweet womanly scent mixed with a tinge of sex, it was a heady aroma, one that set all his nerves on fire.

Seeing him wavering, Kamna used the final trick in her book, Prakash’s jaw dropped when her tantalising finger slipped into her navel while she gasped in pure pleasure “Ahhh”

Something snapped in the respectable old man’s mind, all the resistance and willpower was washed away in the torrent of desire. Kamna pleaded in the most sexiest voice “Pleaseee… Mishraji...”

Prakash Mishra, a stalwart of the society, gave into his body’s demands. With a trembling finger, he touched the beckoning hole that was right in front of his eyes. His fingertip felt the silkiest warm skin that descended into a deep hole and a huge drop of precum dripped out of his hard cock. Kamna moaned loudly, while her body shuddered due to his lightest touch “Oh my god”

It seemed as if she had orgasmed from just the little touch, to Prakash it felt like he had drunk an entire barrel of the strongest aphrodisiac. Making a woman cum with a single touch would make any man proud and strut like a gay peacock and Prakash was no different. Kamna stood between his legs and placed one knee right between his thighs, dangerously close to his dripping cock “Please Mishraji, I need more. Don’t be cruel to me and tease me like this”

A little proud smirk blossomed on his face, it felt really good to hear a sexy woman beg him to touch her “Just touching the navel is nothing dear, there needs to be something special to ease the finger into the delightful hole. Do you have some honey?”

Kamna gasped in shock “Mishraji, you are too naughty. You knew I came a little when you first touched me and now want the sweet honey dripping down my pussy too?”

Flabbergasted at the unexpected question, Prakash fumbled “What? No, no?”
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RE: The adventures of an idiotic husband by ajaniv - by Ramesh_Rocky - 28-04-2019, 07:33 PM

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