Sohini explained that it really wasn't easy for her to do it. Up to that point she had only played with him and sucked him, which she didn't consider being truly unfaithful in today's day and age. She had thought long and hard about it that weekend, and almost didn't go to work that Monday, but she had decided that the future and welfare of our family was more important than her pride and dignity, and had elected to go with it on Monday and do what she had to do.

When I questioned her on where our marriage vows came into it, Sohini said that the whole time he was taking her clothes off in front of Pradip that first time, in the office again at work, she was thinking of our wedding and the promises we had made to each other. She broke down in tears at that point as she related the story to me, but for some sick reason I was still torn between feeling betrayed and feeling aroused.

I asked if his larger cock had made the decision to sleep with him any easier, and Sohini went bright red before wiping away her tears and honestly answering "Yes," in a quiet and embarrassed tone of voice. It was a curiosity, she explained. The first time he had exposed himself to her, in his car during one of those lifts home she had been shocked at the size of it. Sohini was only used to my modest cock, and the only guy she had slept with before me had been even smaller.

She had played around with a few lads while at college and college and had seen one or two larger dicks but she had never seen one like Pradip's, almost 9 inches when fully erect. "I did wonder how it would feel," she admitted. When they were both fully naked he had licked her married pussy to get her ready for him before turning her around and screwing her roughly over his desk. "And it felt magnificent," she admitted.

Sohini had thought it would just be the one time, and that with her 'out of his system' Pradip would leave her alone. Of course that was never going to happen. Because the sex had been so exciting and so electrifying, Sohini had let him have her a second time in the car on the way home the following night, and then that had led to a third time in the office a day or so later, eventually leading to it becoming a regular thing.

"I did want to tell you," she had sobbed. "But every time I got close to saying something, I panicked and changed my mind."

We fell asleep together on the sofa, wrapped in each others arms. We were lucky that one of the kids didn't wake up and come downstairs to catch us naked. When we woke up, we said very little to each other but not from anger - it was almost as though we were closer in some strange way and didn't need to talk. We had some supper and a drink and went to bed where we made the most incredible love yet again before an exhausted Sohini fell into a deep sleep.

I stayed awake for a while, pondering where this would go from here. We had come to an agreement that she would stay working with Pradip, and sleeping with him if she had to, but somehow we had also silently agreed that she could fuck him even if she just wanted to.

How could I begrudge her some fun? She was a very beautiful woman and she deserved much more fun than a normal house wife does. I had enjoyed many women before settling down, and I guess I felt guilty for making her settle down so young, before she had time to play around like most beautiful and gorgeous women does. Still, where did we go from here? Where would this take us?

It would lead to me finding out more and more about my beautiful Sohini, though I didn't know it at the time, she had a very dark side to her which I would never have imagined existed. This affair with Pradip had livened up our sex life, opening up a Sohini's desires and turning her from an acceptable lay into a real wildcat between the sheets. At the same time, it had opened my eyes to a new fetish which had been hidden in my subconscious until now - I enjoyed my wife fucking other men.

Now I just wanted to see it happen, in front of my own eyes. But how? If I could just find a way


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RE: UNFAITHFUL MOTHERS AND HOUSEWIFES by stranger_women - by Ramesh_Rocky - 28-04-2019, 06:59 PM

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