For ten years since leaving college I had a great job at a local law farm, fantastic hours and even better money but when they let a lot of staff go, I lost my job and suddenly realized that I was in big trouble. I had a wife and two lovely kids, a big house with a big mortgage, a nice Maruti car and all the other financial concerns that go with being part of a family.

Even though I was only in my mid-to-late twenties I had difficulty getting another job as I didn't really have any particular skills, apart from administration and I had to settle for a simple office job where the wages were only half of what I had been on before.

My wife Sohini, who was two years younger than me at 25 decided to find a job to help out financially as my earnings just weren't enough to cover all of our outgoings, and this worked out okay as our youngest child had just started college. It was only an office job again, for a marwary chattered farm and they didn't pay all that well as she could only work hours when the kids were at college but we were that broke that every single rupee helped.

We managed for a while, but soon it became apparent that we were still struggling. We had a couple of furniture sales and sold some electronic stuff on eBay which earned us a little bit more money but it was only a short-term fix. Our banks loan manager called me one day to say we had gone too far into our overdraft, and that if didn't do something soon, our mortgage might be in danger.

It was time to work something out. We couldn't move into a smaller house because of the children and all their stuff, so it was crunch time. Did we get rid of the car? The problem that gave us was that Sohini's job was quite a distance away. I had been letting her use the car, while I jumped on the bus as my job was only around the corner. I cut down on my life insurance and pension scheme payments, and we made other savings in other areas with our cable TV and such things but we were still coming short by quite bit of money each month.

I kept looking around for a better job, but without any particular specialized training it was difficult. I couldn't go back to any technical institutes because we couldn't afford it, so I just kept hunting and keeping my fingers crossed that something better paid would come up. The worst thing about it was seeing Sohini so worried. My beautiful wife tried to put a brave face on it, pretending that everything was fine but I could tell that she was no longer the lovely carefree girl that I had met 8 years ago. The final straw came when I found her crying alone in the bedroom one night. Several unpaid bills were scattered across the bed, and a bank statement was in her hand.

I felt such a failure, like I was letting her and my family down. The next day I pulled by boss and explained the situation to him. At first I asked for a pay rise, but when he told me that there wasn't any spare money in the business for that, I asked him for a loan. Again, he flatly refused even though he sympathized with my situation. There weren't any extra hours to be had or any other ways that he could help me out. I went to work that day full of hope and determination, but came home completely flat and disappointed.

I had told Sohini of my plans, and it was crushing when I came home and had to explain that my boss had said no to all of my requests. I expected her to start crying, but she just smiled a sad-looking smile at me.

"Don't worry, sona," she took my hand in hers, "We'll be fine... Somehow."

"I don't know," I said disconsolately, "I think we'll have to sell the car."

Sohini scratched her head, ruffling her black hair and looked at me. "But what about..."

I interrupted her. You'll have to get the bus, same as me. Think of the money we'll save on insurance and everything, as well as what we'll get for it."

Her light brown eyes gazed into mine for a moment, but she saw the reality of what I was saying. "Okay, I might be able to get a lift home anyway."

Sohini had mentioned to me before that Pradip Agarwal, her boss, lived quite close to us. He had offered her lifts home before, but she didn't feel comfortable taking him out of his way. She especially didn't want to risk upsetting him or taking him for granted for fear of endangering her job. If we lost her income we would be in even bigger trouble than we already were.

"Will Pradip be okay giving you a lift home?" I asked.

"I don't know," Sohini admitted, chewing her lip. "I'll let him know that we've had to sell the car, and we'll see if he offers again. If I let him know we're struggling, then he might even listen to me if I ask him for a rise."

"Do you think there's a chance?" I said hopefully, "You haven't been there all that long."

Sohini shrugged her shoulders. "I can try," she said and then gave me a small smile before speaking again. "He's quite fond of me, if you know what I mean." She went very quiet as she said the last part, and I noticed a blush come across her cheeks.

"He fancies you?" I said. It was more a statement than a question, but Sohini nodded gently, her face now bright red with embarrassment. "That's why he offered you the lifts home?"

Sohini nodded but placed her hand on my arm reassuringly. "Don't worry, he knows I'm happily married. I told him right away when he asked me out."

"He asked you out!" I spluttered and Sohini's expression of embarrassment turned into one of indignation.

"Why wouldn't he?" she said, hands now on her hips and a dark look on her face. "I'm still attractive, you know!"

I stared at her, and then sighed in agreement. She was still attractive, far too good-looking for me if I was totally honest. Sohini was a similar height to me, average for a woman at 5' 6" whereas I was shortest for a guy. However, she was much thinner than me, and had a great figure for a woman that had given birth to two kids. I had put on a bit of weight after getting married and settling down, but Sohini was still just a size 6 and had a body shape that most women would kill for. Her breasts were a 36c but looked bigger on her smaller frame, and from her narrow waist she flared out at the hips with a great ass and then lovely slim legs. Almost the perfect hour-glass figure. I knew how lucky I was. Whenever we went on holiday, I would always see guys giving her the once over when she was on the beach with her small dresses. So why wouldn't her boss fancy her?

I said as much to Sohini, and she calmed down and then coyly ran a hand through her shoulder-length black curls and asked me if I really still thought she was attractive.

"Of course I do!" I told her, and with that she took me by the hand and led me to the bedroom. The children were at my mother's house, so we had the place to ourselves for an hour or two. She closed the windows, and then lay on the bed.

"What exactly do you find attractive?" she said, invitingly undoing the buttons of her white blouse.

"Everything I always have," I joined her on the bed. "These, especially," I said as I helped her take off first her blouse and then her bra. Her breasts were still full, if not quite as pert as when she was when I first met her, back when she was 18. Sohini had only ever slept with one guy back then, although she had played about with a couple of others. Her only ex was a kid she went to college with, and I don't think he had much experience either because Sohini was still pretty inexperienced when we first had sex. She had no idea how to give a blowjob or much else to be honest, and looking back she wasn't that great in bed at first. She was shy, but she turned out to be a diamond-in-the-rough. As her confidence grew and she discovered how to please a man as well as herself, she became better and better in bed, and was a real tiger by the time we got married, two years later.

I was pleased about that because I had slept my way through many girls in our locality (despite being pretty chubby now, I was quite good looking when I was younger) and had enjoyed some great sex along the way. I always had a high sex drive, and saw good sex as being important in a relationship. I sometimes wondered if Sohini still fancied me, but if I had any doubts right then they were washed away when Sohini slipped off her petticoat and panties and told me to make love to her. I did, and for the next hour we had the best sex we had enjoyed in some time.

Afterwards, relaxing together and enjoying the brief time we had before the kids came home, I found myself curious about her situation at work. I ran a finger across her bare breasts, stroking a still-erect, big black nipple and asked her when her boss had her asked out.

"I'd only been there a few days," she confessed. "I told him I was married and showed him this," she wiggled her left hand at me and her golden ring twinkled in the dim light filtering in through the closed bedroom windows. "He was fine about it and apologized."

"That was ages ago," I pointed out. "Is he fine with you now?" I knew Sohini worked closely with her boss. They were a small company, with only around 20 employees, so if you didn't get on with someone, working could be difficult. I also knew that sometimes men, especially wealthy or powerful men, didn't take rejection well.

"Oh yeah, Pradip's fine with me," Sohini giggled, "I think he tries it on with all the girls. It's just part of the course." There were only 5 girls there, compared to 15 guys, and Sohini had told me in the past that they had quite a high staff turnover. Girls didn't last long there, and now I thought I could understand why. A lot of women didn't like the boss trying it on, especially if he was trying to use his position to influence them. Luckily, Sohini was a pretty strong character and so she had found it easy to rebuff his advances.

"You said he was sort of fond of you?" I phrased her earlier statement as a question. If his asking her out was so long ago (several months) then why would she think he was still 'fond of her?'

Sohini paused for a moment, considering me with those brown eyes of hers before replying. "Well he still flirts with me a little, but that's all it is. Just flirting." She drew my wandering hand down across her navel and down on to her lightly furred mound. Against the current fashion, Sohini didn't shave her pussy but it wasn't very hairy anyway. Her pubes were a slightly brownish, slightly lighter than the hair on her head, and they were quite sparse and fine, so it wasn't a huge bush or anything. Despite having two kids, her pussy was still quite a nice, neat slit, if not quite as tight as when we first met.

"That's yours - nobody else's," she reassured me as I started to run my fingers through her pubes, and down to her sensitive clit. Unfortunately, she stopped me when I got there and reminded me that the kids would be home soon. I sighed in mock disappointment as we got up and got dressed. Nothing else was said about her boss after that, but we had somehow agreed that Sohini could flirt with him a little, if it means getting that all-important rise.

The next day we got up for work and kissed each other goodbye without saying anything further on Pradip and her situation at work, but all day my mind burned with the thoughts of what might be going on. When I finally got home that night, Sohini told me that she had spoken to him about our financial problems, and the fact that we might have to sell the car. Pradip had repeated his earlier offers of a lift home, which was great but said that he would have a think on what he could offer her in the way of a rise, if anything. Sohini said that he had promised her an answer on Friday of that week.

I asked her if she had flirted with him at all, and she rolled her eyes at me. "No! Well, no more than all the girls flirt with him. No more than normal, anyway," she said, trying to relax me.

I held my hands up in surrender. "Just checking, that's all!"

Sohini smiled at me and then promised to tell me if anything was said but as the week went along, she didn't tell me that anything untoward had happened, until Thursday night. While we were washing the dinner pots, she admitted to me that Pradip had noticed her bra strap sticking out of the shoulder of her kameez. Sohini always wore nice underwear and today's bra had been a black lacy number. Pradip had cheekily asked her if she had matching panties on.

"What did you do?" I asked her, quite taken aback.

Sohini looked around to make sure the children weren't in earshot before replying. She told me that she lifted the back of her short kameez with one hand, and with the other pulled down the waistband of her salwar just under her ass.

“I just showed him my panties for few seconds and then pulled back my salwar quickly." She chuckled at my raised eyebrows. "That's all. Don't worry. Remember, I've got a meeting with him tomorrow, so it doesn't hurt to have him on my side."
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RE: UNFAITHFUL MOTHERS AND HOUSEWIFES by stranger_women - by Ramesh_Rocky - 28-04-2019, 06:57 PM

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