Romance Landlord vs The Tenant Girls -Available for adoption
'Hey, I was eagerly waiting for you' he replied almost immediately.

'So fast' I typed back. I looked at the time, It was 1:13 am.

'Honestly I couldn't sleep. I was thinking about you all this time'

Maybe he was masturbating too, but could I blame him?

'You see I still think whether everything was a dream' he typed back 'I'm not usually like that but my hand just acted on its own'

Not the best defence if I had screamed "pervert" in the bus. I was too tired and too horny to beat around the bush, so I went straight to flirtation.

'I want to meet you tomorrow' I typed. There was a brief silence for close to a minute. I guess I had him tongue-tied.

I immediately added 'Don't have any wrong ideas. It's just a casual meet'

'Don't worry. I won't try anything you don't want. How about a coffee shop. Lets see where it goes'

A coffee shop was a smart idea but we only had good ones in the downtown mall and I couldn't chance bumping into anyone I knew. But then, I couldn't meet him in a private place like his house or a hotel room. That would imply I was there for a booty call. What if I got cold feet and wanted to bail out but he refuses to let me leave? What if he calls another friend to surprise me like Shrek did with Neha?

Then I remembered what Neha did today. The cinema hall. It's private enough, as it is dimly lit and everyone would be watching the screen. In case I felt uncomfortable, I could just come out and there will be ushers and security to make sure he won't try anything stupid. Although I would never ride him inside a theatre like Neha did.

'Jubilee Theatre' I typed after much deliberation.

'Ok' he replied, probably not sure why I chose that spot. He would have if he was a local. The Jubilee Theatre used to be an icon of our town's history and my father had many fond memories of watching movies there. But then the town expanded on the other side due to modern malls with multiplexes opening up. The owner of the Jubilee knew renovating would be a waste of money, so they started showing movies that had completed their run in the multiplexes.

The theatre was making money in a new way. Since it was part of the old town and on the national highway, it had become a favourite spot for young couples to chill out in the air-conditioned hall with no one to disturb them. And importantly, away from the prying eyes of aunties and uncles eager to report their activities to their parents. I didn't have a boyfriend during my college days, so I never ventured near that theatre. Going there in my 20's seemed strange.

'2:30 pm' I typed.

'I will surely come. Good Night ' he replied with a heart emoji, although he would be thinking of the eggplant emoji.

'Good night' I replied and then deleted all the chats. With the planning done, I immediately slept like a log.

I woke up late at 10 am and immediately checked my phone. There was no 'Good morning' message from him which was a good sign that he also didn't want anyone to discover the meeting. I had my late breakfast, helped my mom with some cooking but I was only thinking of the afternoon meeting.

My mind whirled. Should I just bail out? Did I make a bad decision in the heat of my lust, just like with Shrek? Will this give him additional leverage over me? Oh, god, why can't I just lift the phone and type I'm not coming? Anyway, why should I freak out? I'm meeting him in a theatre. Nothing bad can happen if I choose to stop. I know that the theatres will only allow some first and second base action - nothing more, so it must be safe.

I made up my mind to go. Next thing was what to wear? This was not a date and he wouldn't mind even if I wore a garbage bag. What's the most practical dress? A shirt and a skirt like Neha wore? No, that was a city theatre. Mine was a town so I should be a Roman in Rome. So I decided to wear a salwar kameez and use the dupatta to cover my face. It's not uncommon for women to do that while riding two wheelers or protecting their face from the sun. In that way, I could also protect myself from the stares of other men and women who might report my strange visit to my dad.

After lunch, I told my parents that I was going to meet my friend Mansi. We had a pact from our college days that we would cover for the other as an alibi, although it was her who had benefited the most. It was my time to use the card.

I took my scooter and rode it to the city bus stand and parked it. Then I took a bus to the theatre. I didn't want anyone to notice my scooter in front of the theatre famous for being a lover's hangout.

The theatre looked deserted, but I bought a ticket at the counter and went in. An usher guided me to my seat, which was in one of the rear rows. The movie had already commenced and I settled down to watch. The theatre looked kinda empty and I could just make out a few couples seating a few rows ahead. My row looked completely empty.
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RE: Landlord vs The Tenant Girls - Continued with extra chapters - by madiha.agarwal - 15-11-2021, 02:37 PM

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