Adultery Indian Wife and the Nukkad Guys by shiprat
I was convinced I had been authoritative and forceful enough to put all his thoughts to rest. He was, after all, my husband's employee. But after a few minutes, I noticed that he was slowly sidling closer. I looked at him questioningly. He just grinned.

"Stay on that side, Raza." I snapped.

But he ignored my command and slid a little closer.

"You know memsaab, you can deny everything as much as you want. But there is no smoke without fire." he said. And then he moved his right hand and put it on my bare left knee just below my skirt. I felt weak for a moment, but I was still in control of my senses.

"Don't touch me!" I slapped his hand away, focusing on the road. I was going about 80 kmph and didn't need this distraction.

"Whether the rumors are completely true or not, there is something happening. And you are completely at the mercy of Billa's men. They could even drag your nice husband into it. I have a solution for you. We can offer you protection."

He put his hand back on my knee. I slapped it away again.

"Raza, don't forget who you're talking to!" I angrily said. "You are a fucking two bit driver."

As soon as I said that, I regretted it. It was unnecessarily nasty, given the situation. A look of anger flashed across Raza's face.

"You fucking whore!" he said and put his hand back on my knee, now grabbing it hard. There was no way to slap it away.

That angry voice and that strong grip was a distraction thought. As I took one hand off the wheel to resist his advances, and took my eyes off the road, the car swerved. There was a loud honking sound from an oncoming truck. We were headed straight for a collision. Even Raza realized it and with his other hand, straightened the steering wheel. We avoided the collision at the last second.

"You bitch!"

"You asshole!!"

"What's wrong with you???"

"You almost killed us!!!"

Raza and I were shouting at each other as the car barreled down the highway.

"Pull over." Raza angrily said.

"No!!" I looked at him defiantly.

I knew that the only semblance of control I had in this scenario against this big strong man was the fact that I was driving. And if anything went wrong, he would be hurt too. If I pulled over, I would lose all control and be at his mercy. Raza seemed to realize that too and kept asking me to pull over and I kept refusing. Finally he went silent. He was still sitting close to me as my heart rate returned to normal and I slowed the car down to about 60 kmph. He was looking at his phone. I wondered if he was planning to call for reinforcements.

"Raza, just behave yourself." I said trying to remain calm. "You don't need..."

And I stopped mid sentence. Because an almost other-worldly sound filled the car.

"Mmmp mmmp mmmp MMMMM...mmmp mmmp mmmp MMMMMM..."

"Oh look at how her tits swing and how she's pushing her ass back!" Bajwa's sound came next. "What a whore!!"

Just listening to that bit, I knew what it was. I recognized my own muffled moans and grunts. And I remembered what Bajwa had said. I didn't need to look, but still, I took my eyes off the road for a second to look at the screen of Raza's phone. It showed exactly what I had feared would turn up online. Me on all fours, almost completely naked, being banged on both ends.

I looked up from the screen at Raza's grinning face. Then I turned my gaze back to the road. I fought back tears as Raza let the entire video play, all 3 minutes of it, in which I was fucked, spanked, and a lot of lewd comments were passed by the men who had their way with me.

The video ended. Raza put the phone back in his pocket. He didn't say anything. He didn't need to. But he did slide closer to me until our bodies were touching. And he gently put his hand on my bare knee. This time I didn't slap the big hand away. How could I?

As Raza moved his hand slowly from my knee to my thigh and pushed at my skirt, I stared at the road, and wished I had just stayed in Bombay.
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RE: Indian Wife and the Nukkad Guys by shiprat - by Ramesh_Rocky - 28-04-2019, 03:38 PM

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