Fantasy So Night Follows Day by TMaskedWriter
The car started down the road, then stopped. A couple of minutes passed, and then the limo's sound system came on. The opening beats of I'm The Man started blasting from the speakers. The limo continued moving.

Troy, Julie, and Susan walked back into the house. They went into the living room and sat on the couches around the TV. Across the street, the sound system and volleyball nets had been taken down, and the neighborhood was quiet again.

They looked around at the house and each other. It was Thursday, none of them had anything in particular to do before Monday.

"Helen was only here four days." Susan said to no one.

"Yep." Julie responded to no one.

"Well, what would you all like to do now?" Troy asked.

They thought for a long time before Susan broke the silence.

"Wanna have cybersex?"

Troy and Julie jumped at the idea. Troy ran to a drawer as Julie and Susan began undressing. He brought back an armful of things and dumped them on the coffee table.

Julie and Susan grabbed the strange headbands that had giant plastic pieces that went over the ears and bent inward at the top, looking like metal handles on their heads. Troy grabbed a clip-on bowtie and affixed it to his shirt. He then put on a fez and picked up the 11th Doctor's sonic screwdriver, backing toward the bedroom, pointing it at the two women and making it light up and buzz as they stomped toward him.

"Your clothing will be deleted!" Susan proclaimed, stomping toward Troy.

"You will be uploaded!" Julie shouted, stomping naked toward Troy as well.

Firing the sonic screwdriver at them randomly, Troy continued to allow the two women to back him into the bedroom before the door closed.
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RE: So Night Follows Day by TMaskedWriter - by Ramesh_Rocky - 28-04-2019, 02:12 PM

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