Incest How i was introduced to world of incest (mega serial more than 3000 pages)
hansika at guest house 59.12
I was about to ask her get ready to leave , I changed my mind and sat beside her . she said lets leave , I asked her to wait for some more time . I am tired of yesterday’s work and need some more rest to rejuvenate myself . she said ok fine , can I have some snacks . I directed where to find some , she came with a packet and coke in her hand . she had brought only one each may be for her only as I had not asked her to get for me also . I shifted on cot half laying resting my back on head board .
She came sat beside me at some distance , she had opened packet and she took some and offered packet to me . I stretched my hand but not far enough to get it , she wanted to hand over packet to me , but I asked for only one piece , she stretched her hand to me , I took one piece and next time when I stretched my hand she slide towards me to offer . in next attempt she sat beside me touching my body as if she had forgotten the past episode and she was normal . we shared packet and I asked for coke , she said she will bring one more bottle , but I said it gets warm so let us share this only . she hesitated and said , no I have already sipped from this . it is no issue I can I have from that only . she gulped some more before she handed me . I took some and returned bottle , like that we consumed one packet and coke too . want more she asked I said yes , get one more each , she brought kurkure and coke again , she sat in the same way as before , may be little more towards me . we shared packet as we were eating as well speaking then she took coke and sipped then put it into my mouth .
Me - sipped and said mmmmm it is so sweet .
she - why so sweet I am not finding any difference , from last bottle also you said it is so sweet .
me – you haven’t observed it is really much tastier than ever .
she sipped and returned me , what is matter , I am finding it usual .
me – taste is added by your lips , you gave me after you sipping , that has added taste into it . when mere touching of your pips make coke so tasty . what about your lips directly , they may be much sweeter than this .
she laughed and pinched my cheek , don’t say like that , I don’t like it naughty boy and again pinched my cheek . at least this time there was no reverse gear , she took it lightly , though she said I don’t like it , but she laughed at me indicating she like it . I placed my head on her arm , so that it will be easy to drink coke from her hand , I was making her eat kurkure , some time I kept a piece into her mouth and pulled it back and I ate it , commenting similar words like taste is added . she said stop it , don’t do like that . why what happened I asked . she said don’t make it too sweet , you may suffer from diabetes . I laughed along with her , and said anything for you darling , I love you and kissed her on her cheek . she to said I too love you and returned kiss on cheek . this repeated couple of times , then when she brought her lips to kiss my cheek , I turned my head so that her kiss landed on my lips instead cheek , she tapped my head with bottle laughingly . you are becoming more and more naughty , it is better to pack off from this place , she was smiling and was not serious .i thought she is coming to line .
we finished snacks and coke , I took bottle form her hand and threw on ground kept her with me , so that she should not change her position . I continued talking with her , now my face was near hers , my breath could reach her face . she kept speaking I and I kept exhaling my hot breath around her ear . now her talks were disturbed as she took long breath , I was wondering what is making her disturbed as I am not touching her any where . still then her breath is becoming heavy . then I took a chance again and exhaled on her ear . I could see her facial expression , mmmmmmm I had found the key . I took out my tongue and licked very lightly on her ear . she suddenly shivered , she placed her palm on her ear , oh bro please don’t do it , I didn’t say anything . I continued talking , after couple of minutes her hand moved from there , I was waiting for that , again I did same thing to her , she asked me not to do it and she turned other side facing away from me . I started licking her bare shoulder . she was protesting , so I kept my hand on her to hold her . then I continued licking her shoulder and exposed part of her back . it was making her shiver , then I slide her slip a little and licked there too . all the time she was asking not to do that , when I didn’t stop my acts , she got wild and jumped on me sleeping over me . my goodness it was still better , her tits crushed between us , I placed my hand on her back and caressed it . she hid her face on my chest overlooking what she was making to me . she was hiding her face on my chest but she was making me more crazy . I caressed her cheek with one hand and her back with other . she was moaning slowly , I increased the pace and I was actually trying to seduce her , I slide her face so that her right ear was near my mouth , I did same and licked her earlobe , she squirmed over me . I took her ear lobe completely into my mouth and started chewing it . this time she lost her self and moaned loud . I wanted to use for fucking , I wanted to grab her tits and press them till she cried . but all of a sudden she came into senses and jumped away form me . she was going towards where she had kept her clothes . mmmmm I was almost there but lost the chance , but was not ready to accept defeat , I too followed her . took her dress and handed to her , saying wear this . she looked at me in disbelief , she coolly took it , I stopped her from wearing , please wear this dress but there is small request . she became still and looked at me asking what .
 hansika at guest house 59.13
me - I want to look at you .
she – you are looking me since three days .
me – that is true , but not like that .
she – like what !
me – you know what I mean .
she – sorry couldn’t follow you .
me – I want to see you topless .
she – have you gone mad , how dare you ask me .
me – I cant resist myself from asking you , your beauty has made me mad and I cant stop myself from looking like that . please yaar let me see you .
she – sorry bro I can’t , and it is not fair also .
me – what is the problem , I am not going eat those fruits . I will let you carry them back your home . on seeing they will not wear out na .
she – shree please understand what I am saying , it is not good .
me – look at them how beautiful they are , you have got most magnificent pair of tits in the world .
she – don’t embarrass me by using such words . any way thanks for the compliment .
me – your boobs are not only beautiful but they must be biggest in your class .
she was really embarrassing with my words and was not comfortable speaking in open about her assets .
she – bhayya please stop it , you are making me discomfort . I don’t want to talk with you , if you speak like this .
me – no need to discomfort , when I said tits you were not happy so I called boobs still you are complaining , what should I term them . shall I call them tennis balls as they look like that .
she – no need to call them anything , change topic please .
me – sure I will change topic after seeing them . you didn’t tell me whose are biggest in your class . I am sure your balls must be biggest .
she again blushed , after bit hesitation she nod her head in negative .
she – no , there is another girl who has bigger than mine , but why do you ask .
me – just to confirm that my sis is beauty queen of the school and there cant be any other who is more beautiful than my darling sis .
she – I don’t think I am the most beautiful girl of the school , but many boys admire me including some teachers ogle at me .
me – how come other girl has bigger tits than yours . is there any reason for that .
she – I don’t know , hers were smaller last year , but this year hers seems to growing faster .
she was slowly losing inhibition .
me – oh that is the case , then I know how hers are growing bigger so fast .
she – it must be natural or she may be consuming nutritious food or , I don’t know reason , but I am sure she has overgrown me this year .
 hansika at guest house 59.14
I took her by hand and made her sit on my lap . I continued talking about her boobs and other boob related things . I could feel the difference in hansika . she was not avoiding the subject and was talking openly . then she remembered me saying how she had overgrown .
She – how do you know reason of she growing faster than me . you are lying that you know reason . yo haven’t even seen the girl and you claim to know the reason . you are an lie master . she laughed at me .
Me – don’t laugh at me , I can prove how she is getting big breasts than yours .
She – how are you going to prove it .
Me – exercise darling .
She – no my friend is an athlete she has increased exercise and now her tits are becoming smaller . I proved you wrong haha she started laughing .
Me – you are taking it wrong . you know what kind of exercise your other friend is doing . if you want I will teach you how to increase your size too .
She – can you teach me , I too want to increase my size and overtake her .
I told her some bullshit exercises , which can enhance chest not particular breasts .
Me – there is one more thing , it needs massage also .
She – massage ?
Without asking for her permission I pulled her slip , she subconsciously raised her hand as she was lost in conversation with such a deep interest in the subject . when I had taken out her slip and made her topless . I placed my hand on her one tit , then she came to sense and asked me what I was up to .
Me – calm down darling , I am not going to hurt you and don’t want to embarrass you . just watch I am going to do .
I started pressing her tit one by one . look at my hands , you need to be massaged by this . from outer end to inner direction like this , I started massaging her tits one by one . she believed me that I am teaching her some techniques , she kept quite looking at I was doing to her .
She – hey bro no need practically , just explain me how it is done .
Me – there are many things which you cant learn without teaching , this is also like it . wait and watch . I will stop if you don’t want to learn or you shy in front of me .
She kept thinking what answer she could give me .
if you use pure olive oil to massage is still good . wait I have one with me , I had brought it for some other purpose . I placed her on bed and got the oil from cupboard . she was looking in bewilderment at me . I sat beside her , took some oil on my palm and started applying generously on her tit . and started massaging . it was now I was seeing her beautiful oversized boobs for her age . she has nice , white tits . I think they were never exposed to light , so firm and still soft to touch . she has big areola and small nipples placed on centre . I was concentrating on her tits and avoid looking into her eyes to avoid embarrassing her . she some times protested to stop me or she said enough , but I neglected her words and continued doing my business . I was getting more and more excited by pressing and squeezing her tits . I could see her opening and closing her eyes . she too was getting excited by this , so was asking me to stop and it is enough . where was I going to stop for mild protests . I continued pressing and massaging her tits . It was becoming bit uneasy to do by sitting at side . I separated her legs and sat between her thighs and continued pressing herr boobs . I asked her to open her eyes and check how much oil is absorbed into her skin . you can take this bottle and practice at home . but if some one else can give massage , result will be still good . she looked at her boobs and nod head approving skin had absorbed oil , her boobs were tightening due to excitement , her small nipples were erect . I took her hand and placed it on her right tit , asked her to feel , she said yes there is some difference , I feel it has become rigid . poor girl didn’t know it is not because of massage but for excitement .
[Image: xossip-signatore.png]

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