Well the next step in my plan didn't work out too well either. I arrived at the hotel to find the place over run with security officer cars. I put the pistol under my seat and got out of the car. I casually strolled over toward one of the security officer van. They were escorting a lady out of Ravi's hotel room. She had a blanket over her shoulder and a female officer had an arm around her. I was afraid to look. As they got closer to the security officer van I recognized the women. It was Chandana Malik, an acquaintance of ours. She and her husband, Bijay, had graduated from college with us. They moved up to Howrah so that Bijay could open up a car dealership. It was sad to see Chandana but I was relieved it wasn't Sunita. Chandana was also one of Ravi's old conquests.

As they put her in the security officer jeep I overheard one officer ask, "Did she see the shooter?"

"No, she locked herself in the bathroom. We had a hell of a time getting her to come out."

A short while later they brought Ravi out in a body bag. I can't say I was too upset about it, but I was looking forward to putting him there myself. Oh well, some days nothing goes right.

I picked up a pizza on the way home.

I used the rest of the week to catch up on garden work and some repairs around the house. I didn't feel like going back to work and now that my fun with Ravi had been sabotaged I felt some depression setting in. I saved the copy of the newspaper with the story of Ravis demise. The security officer had no clues and no witnesses.

I had the house spotless and a modest dinner ready when Sunita got home. It was a cool homecoming, just a modest smile from each of us, and a peck on the cheek. We ate dinner and chatted about how her mom and dad were doing. Both of us were being very careful not to talk about anything controversial. I cleaned up the dishes and brought her a cup of coffee. She sat quietly just looking at the fingers in her lap. Slowly she raised her head.

"Sunil, I need to explain to you what..."

"Sunita, I would rather not right now, please. Maybe another time we can talk about it. I had a rough week and I am really not up to it."


"Please, humor me. Enjoy your coffee."

It was an awkward silence. I took the newspaper with the article about Ravi and handed it to her. She looked at me and read the paper without saying anything. She put the paper down and again looked at me for some sign of approval to speak. I gave her none.

"I think I'll take a bath and go to bed early. I am a little tired from the train journey."

"I've haven't been sleeping too good lately. I'll just catch a few winks on the couch. Good night."

"Good night Sunil."

I watched her go up the stairs as I took the coffee cups to the kitchen. It looked like it would be a while until things were back to normal.

After two weeks I moved back into the bedroom. After about six weeks we started to have sex again. It took four months until our relationship got close to normal. It would never again be the same but we got close. We didn't have any more night talks. We never discussed the episode with Ravi. Sunita got pregnant. We were both happy.

With a baby on the way we needed a new car, a SUV of course. I stopped by to see Bijay Malik. He was in the process of divorcing Chandana and wasn't at all shy about discussing it.

"It's a shame that she was locked in the bathroom and wasn't able to identify the shooter." I remarked.

Bijay gave me a funny look. I was trying to figure out what I had said that was wrong. Our conversation up to this point had been open and candid and it looked like I had tripped over my own tongue.

"Sunil, There was no mention of her being locked in the bathroom in any of the newspaper articles or on TV."

"Oh, well I must have seen it some place." I didn't want to tell him I had been at the crime scene.

"I have every clipping and all the information on what happened and that was not covered any where. The security officer kept that information secret to help them in their investigation. They also did not reveal that the shooter used an automatic pistol."

"I don't remember but I must have heard it some place."

Bijay stared at me without saying anything for the longest time. He knew that Sunita had also been a victim of Ravi's charm. Hell, everybody knew all the girls that Ravi had laid because he bragged about each and every one. A big grin came over his face.

"Sunil, I'm going to make you the best deal on the best SUV model on this lot. Come on, let’s go pick one out."

I assumed that Bijay had reached a conclusion as to where I got my information about Chandana being in the bathroom. He was wrong, but I didn't see any point in correcting him. Bijay eventually got his own Ford dealership and I got a great deal on a new car every five years for the rest of my life.

Sunita and I had two beautiful daughters. Our marriage continued to get stronger despite the one set back. When we attended social functions Sunita always tried to stay close to me. If at any time during the event some hopeful guy hit up on her, she would walk up to me, take my hand and whisper in my ear "Time to go."

I always knew what that meant. It happened a lot because Sunita was turning into quite the head turner. She was aging well. Some of our regular party hosts and fiends were aware of this little quirk she had and they started to react to it also. When they saw Sunita and I leaving early they would start an inquisition to determine which ass hole pulled the gaff and chastise the hell out of him. It became a regular party game in our circle of people. Once in a blue moon, I would take Sunita's hand and whisper in her ear. She thought that was hilarious but we left anyhow.

After 2 years of that incident, one day we got an invitation from one of our old college friend Reshmi, to attend a party of her 10th marriage anniversary. Reshmi was very closed to Sunita and me in college. So we decided to go to Patna to attend the party and way back we thought we could visit Sunita’s parents also. Many of our old college friends were invited there. It was like a college reunion with a lot of hand shakings and bull shitting. The affair went fairly well and we were having a good time. As the evening drew to an end a well dressed, well groomed, lady approached the table. It was Sonali Malhotra, Ravi's wife. She walked up to us, held out her hand and asked me to have a private talk. I looked at Sunita and she nodded it was OK.
"Ravi used to keep a pocket scheduling book. When the security officer returned his things to me, the book was included. I don't know why they didn't keep it or at least read it. I read the entire book, several times and then I destroyed it. I was waiting for this opportunity to personally thank you for making my last twelve years absolutely wonderful. My new husband is the greatest thing that ever happened to me and without you it never would have been possible."

I knew what she was referring to and I didn't have the heart to tell her she was wrong. I figured I had nothing to lose by letting her believe her fantasy. I kept my best “tin-patti” face on and let her talk. I am not sure what exactly was in his book but it appears that she was able to put a few things together and determined that I had set her free.

She leaned into me and gave me a gentle kiss on the cheek. I glanced over and saw that Sunita was watching intently. I walked Sonali to her seat and a large menacing man stood up.

"Sunil, this is my husband, Nikhil Malhotra. Nikhil I'd like you to meet Sunil."

"Sunil, it’s great to finally meet you. Sonali and I appreciate everything that you did for us." I thought my hand was going to turn blue because he was squeezing it so hard.

"I am glad to see that things worked out so well for you guys. I hope you have a lot of good years together." It was hokey as hell but I was at a loss. I smiled and gave a little nod with my head.

Walking back to my table I noticed that Sunita was sitting with her head down fiddling with her fingers on her lap. She did that when she was nervous. As I sat down she started to talk. I put my index finger and thumb together and slowly drew them across my lips. She gave me a soft smile and didn't say anything more about it.

We were both tired and next day we got back to Kolkata. There was a little bit of discussion about what went on during the evening but nothing about Sonali. We got home, checked on the kids and hit the sack. I turned the lights out after giving her a quick peck on the cheek.

Everything was quiet but I knew she wasn't sleeping.



"What did Sonali said to you?"

"Sonali told me that she and her new husband were very happy and that I should thank you for her." I lied.
The dark bedroom was very quiet. Sunita lay very still and very silent. I couldn't even hear her breathing.



"What the hell did you do with my fathers Ruger .22 automatic?"

"Good night Sunil."
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RE: UNFAITHFUL MOTHERS AND HOUSEWIFES by stranger_women - by Ramesh_Rocky - 27-04-2019, 02:31 PM

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