Consoling friend’s grieving mother in strange circumstances
Chapter 5
It was a night with clear pleasant soft moon light. I was waiting for Padma after dinner. The air filled with the aroma of Parijatha flowers (Nyctanthes arbor-tristis, Nightflowering Jasmine or coral Jasmine) from the garden was romantic and intoxicating. Padma came in a cream colored very thin transparent see through sari worn low hip very much below her navel showing off her deep navel, beautiful taut midriff, her thin waist expanded curvaceously to wide large round inverted pots like ass. The deep cut blouse exposed her voluminous heavy extra-large bouncing breasts in the front and low wide neck at the back. Since, she was not wearing a bra, her big bouncing breasts, big areolas and dark large nipples tantalizingly visible. Her thick long hair neatly arranged into a braid tied with color hair band just below her extra-large round hips and left loose until perfectly trimmed ends reaching mid thighs. The swinging braid was oscillating like pendulum rhythmically with provocative hip movement as she walks.
She brought a bottle of honey and kept it on the side table. Looking at her, my thought was she was beautiful, bold exciting, sexy, seductive and daring to dress so provocatively.
I said, Padma, you are a sexy and sizzling hot slut. If you go out in this attire, you will be definitely gang bangd.
Shiva, I want to be your slut. I have dressed like this for you.
You are now looking like a slutty sexy erotic angel for me. The only thing missing is Jasmine flowers in the braid. I took her into my arms and said, I could have brought jasmine flowers for you dear.
Yeah, I know that my husband, but you will have to wait for some more time. I want to live with you as husband and wife at least for some time. Perhaps we will plan a honeymoon trip with Madhu and me soon.
Padma, it will be exciting honeymoon with two new wives.
Have you seen Madhu today? You will definitely like her. She is dressed in a long braid adorned with jasmine flowers. It is the tradition that a widow dresses up and wears sindhoor, bangles and mangalsutra like a normal ‘punyasthree’ as if her husband is alive, until thirteenth day ceremony.
I have seen her today and yes! I like to fuck her.
Did you fuck any virgin girl so far, Shiva. It seems you have had lot of experience fucking women. Do you only fuck mothers and not virgin girls?
Padma, I seduce women who lovingly and willingly offer themselves to me, wants me to fill and fulfill their insatiable desires. I make them happy and satisfied, with my love and fuck. I seduce only when woman is willing to be seduced. I do not bother about their marital status. However I do not do anything to jeopardize their social status and keep their secrets with me.
Padma, I liked you the moment I saw you and want to seduce you. However, who seduced who, yesterday, tell me who seduced whom?
Shiva, it was obviously you. You are an expert in seducing women and mothers and fucking  them with love. No wonder, you seduced me instantly without much effort . You are a virile, handsome and irresistible man who can make any woman desire you, feel uncontrollable need to have you near them, surround them, hug them, and own them, as if they have been waiting for  you to be owned by you and fucked by you all their life. You have the ability and charm to attract women and make them fall for you.
Padma darling, did you fall for me? Did I seduce you?
Shiva, yes I fell in love with you the first time you saw me and I was ready to be seduced and fucked by you. It did not happen. Today you seduced and fucked me, a grieving and mourning mother, crying and grieving for the loss of her newly married son leaving his wife as virgin. You consoled, provoked my carnal desires, incited, excited me sexually   beyond control and made me shamelessly submit, surrender and invite you into my mind and your cock to enter me like shame less slut,  wimping whore and like a bitch in heat. You wanted me from the moment you saw me, as you yourself admitted, and have been waiting for an opportunity to fuck me. Had I not submitted willingly, perhaps you would have entered me by force, bangd me, force fucked me, and would have made me to submit to you. You are an amoral, incestuous and irresistible stud.
Amma, ‘There was no need to force fuck you, you were willing.’ ‘You are calling me incestuous?,’ I asked.
Shiva, you are certainly incestuous, the first time you saw me in my house, when you came to attend my son’s wedding, you looked at me as if you own me, despite the presence of so many people around us. You looked into my eyes as if only both of us were there in a secluded place. You looked at me, into my eyes, your eyes revealed compassion , empathy, love and desire for me as if you suddenly found your valuable properly after a long time. You made me feel that we have been close and intimate for a long time. Your voice commanded me, and you talked to me as a master. I felt happy that I finally met my dream man. I wanted you to woo me, to court me, to cajole me, to love me and I wanted you to have me. That is why subsequently whenever I talked to my son on phone, I always enquired about you. I even talked to you on phone, but of course, when my son was with you, I could not express myself except talking to you generally. But I am sure you understood my interest in you. I have been thinking of you always ever since you first saw me. Many a night you were in my dreams. In some of my dreams, you have bangd me too.
It is wonderful, dear, me banging you when you were a young girl. How old are you when I bangd you in your dreams, Padma?
I was eleven, just matured, she said, you were my brother, uncle, neighbor and sometimes a stranger.
That is nice to hear. You have to narrate your dreams in detail, later.
I should have fucked you the night I first met you. You were so irresistible. It is interesting to know that I fucked you in your dreams. In what circumstances did I bang and fuck you in your fantasies or dreams?
You fucked me when I was a young girl of eleven, just after puberty and you were my uncle. As a tradition, being uncle you presented me with a beautiful sari during the ceremony. You continued to fuck me afterwards even after my marriage to someone else. In some dreams, you were my elder brother or cousin fondling and kissing me from very young age. I always used to sit in your lap.  In my dreams I was a young little girl and madly in love with you.
I wish you should have fucked me on my son’s wedding day that would have been the greatest scandal.
Padma, I would like to hear about your dreams and fantasies in detail. You are highly romantic, creative and imaginative woman having such erotic thoughts and dreams.
Yes. I want to share with you all my dreams and fantasies and you should make all of them true.
Amma, I was aware of your desire for me, when you talked to me on phone. I was constrained to express my love while talking to you because your son was always there with me. You have always been in my thoughts and I used to see your son’s wedding album many a time only to see your photos.
Shiva, I know that you certainly have incestuous feelings, calling me Amma. I could hear desire in your husky voice while I talked to you on phone. It was not a voice of a son’s love. Though you were saying Amma, your voice conveyed your love and desire for me. You called me Amma even while fucking yesterday, when you hugged me, encircling me, in an intimate embrace putting your hands on my head and stroking me lovingly, calling me Amma to console me, and at the same time thrusting your hard cock, pressing against me, a son do not press his hard cock against his Amma’s cunt.
Amma, you are so irresistible and my cock becomes hard the moment I see you. You arouse my carnal desires.
Shiva, I felt your hard cock, when you hugged me and my mind responded  with love, my body responded with desire. You evoked, provoked, incited, and excited my body and mind to respond erotically and open up. My long dormant sexual desires surfaced and exploded, as if I have been a simmering volcanic mountain building up magma, waiting all these years for you to trigger. You provoked, initiated, instigated, triggered and ignited my mind and body, and my unsatisfied  desires triggered, erupted, and poured out like hot lava. The moment you took me into your arms and embraced me, my dormant desires surfaced. I felt safe, loved, owned, and comfortable in your arms.
I smiled and said,  please continue, I want to know your inner thoughts and feelings. You are revealing your inner self.
She said, I want to share  with you what was in my mind deep inside. I want to share and confess my secret thoughts. You made me open my mind, my heart and soul. Never had I felt such an intense desire, that slow ache in the abdomen, blood surging as on a fast-moving swing.
I have never experienced so far in my life earlier such an invigorative, ineluctable, indomitable, inexorable, irresistible, intense, invincible, intoxicating, induced, sensuous, sensational, overwhelming, unbearable, uncontrollable, unique, unimaginable, unravelled, unrestrained and urgent psychological need, banal, carnal and physical desire to be fucked. I never felt such an intense urge with my inept husband even as a young newly married girl. You enthralled, evoked, incited, induced, invoked, provoked my dormant banal desires and excited me to a state that I could no longer wait for you to enter me, open me up, rip my cunt and explore my depths. You set my body and mind on fire. I want you inside me and I want to take all of you into me. I wanted to be fucked. I was like a bitch in heat. I could not wait.
I happily invited and received as your monstrous cock entered and opened my juice-drenched cunt. Your big monstrous hard long thick cock thrusting and opening my wet hungry cunt, filling my cunt deep to the bottom but still exploring, drilling further deep, widening, expanding, touching and caressing every minute corner inside my cunt and caressing my clitoris simultaneously making me experience and enjoy hitherto unknown ecstatic heavenly pleasure. I truly enjoyed being fucked by you. You are like a stallion.
I uninhibitedly and willingly submitted to you as if you own me, as if you are my God, and it was my duty to submit and surrender myself to you. I was like a musical instrument unused for a long time and kept in a corner gathered dust, you found it, dusted, cleaned, tuned, and started fondling the strings to make beautiful music. You fucked my mind and cunt simultaneously and thoroughly. Every pore in my body opened every corner in my mind and my soul opened up and experienced the bliss. You made me experience such a pleasure, which I never imagined, possible in fucking.
I lost self-identity and got enwrapped in inexplicable joy. The bliss of spiritual enlightenment and the pleasure of sensual gratification are akin and not very different.
Had we met in normal circumstances, perhaps I would have taken more time to allow you, to invite you, to submit myself to you and enter me. I would have enjoyed and waited for you to woo me, to court me and would have preferred to go through long romantic seduction, enjoying your chivalry before I accepted you into me. I even imagined and had dreams about such scenario, like a young girl, you following, teasing,  requesting, and pleading  for my attention and love. I never felt this way with any other man in my life so far except you. You walked in to my life suddenly at this age on the day of my son’s wedding  and I could not give more time for myself to be with you, to give an opportunity for you to seduce me romantically. You wanted to fuck me, the first time you saw me. I knew it. I was waiting for you to make advances and seduce me, but there was no opportunity for us both.  The first opportunity we got to be together today, you fucked me.  
You called me Amma, while fucking me. Was it not? You are an incestuous mother-fucking son. Aren’t you? I being your friend’s mother did not deter you from having desire for me. Why, Shiva?
Yes Padma, Perhaps you are right.  I am a mother fucking son. Both of us have incestuous feelings like every mother and son. I called you Amma because you wanted your son to fuck you. I would have courted you, seduced you and fucked you, even if you are not my friend’s mother, and if I had an opportunity to meet you in different circumstances. I love you Padma.
Padma, you are an irresistible sexy woman. You are very admirable, aphrodisiac and beautiful. The maturity has brought some peculiar glamour to your personality. I wish I was born and met you, when you were young virgin school going girl. I would have seduced you then. I saw all your photos in your son’s photo album. I saw your photos as a school-going girl with skirt, as a young girl wearing half sari and your hair arranged in two braids. You were looking sweet and sexy in those photos. I want to see you in that attire again.
Shiva, I am very happy to hear you saying so. You have seen my photos. I do not want to think that you made love to me out of pity, sympathy and had an opportunity to fuck to console me. I know that It is not pity but passion, not compassion but  passion, not duty but desire, lust and love, not sympathy but sensuousness and sexuality, not empathy but eroticism,  You could have consoled me in a normal way
without fucking me.
Padma, How I can I offer condolence and console you my beloved beauty, like any other person? I had to fuck you because you need to be fucked. 
Padma, I was planning to come to your house along with your son during the ensuing holidays to see you, to be with you, to meet you and obviously to seduce you. Knowing that your son and his wife will be busy with each other and visiting his in-laws, you invited me. Your son asked me to go with him during the holidays obviously knowing that I want to fuck you. He obviously knows that you  want to get fucked. I was happy and agreed so that I can seduce and fuck you.
You wanted to come to seduce only me? I saw your roving eyes looking at other women during the wedding ceremony. I felt jealous too.
Who did I look at?
Not one, but many. Especially, you were looking at my younger sister and mother too. Do you want to fuck them too?  Do you want to fuck my mother too?
Yes.  May be later if they are willing and opportunity arises to seduce them. But  Fucking mother-in-law and sister-in-law is fantastic.
It is interesting to know that you want to fuck my mother. She is 54 now. She was married at the age of 14,  I was born to her when she was 15.
Yes, I want to fuck your mother, younger sister and her daughters are desirable and sexy.
Yes I Know, On that night, whenever I was not around you  also flirted with my mother and sister.
How did you know, Padma.
They told me, she said laughing, You asked my mother, ' Are you the eldest sister of Padma and Pushpa?
She was so much happy that she looked like my sister to you.
And you asked my sister Pushpa, 'Are you the daughter of Padma?'
They both were obviously got attracted you and perhaps you could have fucked them on that night.
Oh! good Padma, You told me this, I did not know that they were so much interested. I shall take the opportunity in future.
Shiva, I was amused that you could attarct women like magnet.
Shiva, who else, you found desirable and fuckable during the
wedding ceremony. So many girls and women were flocking around you?
I wanted to fuck you only the first time I saw you.
Why did not you fuck me on that day?
I would have fucked you, had there been an opportunity to be with you alone.
You are so confident that you can seduce and fuck me in my home with your charm and manliness. Do you seduce and fuck every woman you like?
Padma, The answer is yes. For me to like a woman, she has to be very special and unique. Every woman has special beauty. It is difficult to explain, but when I see a woman, irrespective of their age I feel attracted because of some quality in them. It is difficult to explain. When I saw you first time, It was a feeling that You are my own. It is just not beauty and  attraction. It was not just infatuation. It was love. It was a feeling that you belong to me. I want to possess you. I want to own you. I want to have you.
‘Padma, I admire you, adore you, care for you, devour you, eat you, enter you, envelop you, emancipate you, enjoy you, entertain you, enthrall you, engage you, excite you, experience you, feel you, fuck you, get you, humor you, incite you, involve you, love you, lust you, lick you, lap you, load you, mate you, occupy you, penetrate you, ravage you, suck you, tantalize you, tear you, and wake you.
Shiva, you are a romantic poet, so many feelings at the same time. You are great seducer of women with your words.
Shiva, how many women did you seduce so far?
Padma, do you want to know about my past experiences. I will tell you in due course later. I will reveal to you my inner self and secrets. Now you tell me your thoughts.
Shiva, ever since I was a girl, I always wanted a tall, confident, handsome, energetic, chivalrous, interesting, romantic man like you to have me, to enjoy my beauty, who can command me, and who can make my dreams come true. I do not want demean my husband but the man I married is soft, inept, incompetent, inadequate, insufficient and unromantic. He never excited me and never filled my cunt and enjoyed me. He never fucked me and satisfied my desire thoroughly. I am happy that finally, I met you, the man of my dreams and you like me.
Padma, you are a romantic beautiful sexy angelic adorable aphrodisiac woman worthy to be loved and fucked by a man like me.
Shiva, I wished to have a son who is like my dream man. It turned out perhaps he was like his father. I wish my son was a man like you in fucking, and deflowered and fucked his wife thoroughly. Since he did not fuck his wife, left and her as a virgin, I want you to fuck her and deflower her. I want to see your cock fucking her virgin cunt. I offer you my daughter in law.
Now I want you to own me, use me, abuse me, eat me, beat me, lick me, lap me, kick me, suck me, feel me, fuck me, rip me, knead me, command me, and do everything and anything you like. You are like Lord Shiva. You have a cock always ready, erect, and virile, like Shivalingam to fuck mothers. You are motherfucker.
Yes, Amma, and you are a beautiful desirable mother who has to be fucked hard. Every inch of your body exudes erotic sex. I fondled her breasts.
I kissed her belly softly, and traced my tongue down to her waist, moved back and forth between the edge of her pubic area and her belly button. Slowly I kissed her pussy upwards from her knees along the inside of her thighs. Brushed lightly across her pubic area and across to the other thigh, kissing downwards again to the other knee and teased her with my tongue when I got near the vagina, in the crook between the pussy and the thighs. I paused for a few seconds to take in the scent of her pussy. I ran my tongue slowly from the bottom of the vagina to the top repeatedly for few times. Parted her cunt lips, and then slowly teased my tongue around the opening of the vagina.
I used my thumbs to open her folds gently, poured, and filled honey into her cunt.  I licked her cunt lips coated with honey, inserted my tongue into her cunt and licked. I lapped up all honey from her pubic area and around. 
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