Consoling friend’s grieving mother in strange circumstances
You were wearing diamond studded gold armlets and  hands full of gold and matching colored bangles, gold and diamond rings on your slender long beautiful fingers. You were also wearing a beautiful gold precious stone studded wide waist band around your thin waist, a gold key chain tucked in the sari on the side below your beautiful flashing deep navel, ornamental gold two sari brooches connected with three layer long chain and pin, and series of heavy precious stone studded gold brooches at the end of sari pallu to weigh it down. You were wearing a V-neck deep low and wide cut short sleeve backless blouse. The blouse was cut so deep from the front to expose your chest lines in the front and is backless from behind to give a sexy look flaunting your curves  catching  all the eyeballs in the party. Your beautiful feet decorated with intricate design mehindi,  gold anklets and diamond studded silver toe rings. I could have licked your feet if there was an opportunity and time.
You were the only woman who dressed so sexily and boldly in the wedding ceremony. All the gold, precious stones and diamond studded elaborate jewelry complimented your natural beauty. I told you that night that you were looking like a bride. You were looking like a rich beautiful sexy long haired love Goddess descended from heaven to grace the marriage ceremony moving around exuding divine feminine charm, beauty and sexuality. I noticed women were looking at you with admiration, appreciation and envy looking at your beauty and men looking at you with desire.
I thought I should marry you. I know it is not possible. I thought I would have married your daughter or younger sister resembling you. You were looking like a divine beautiful sexy Kama Goddess.
Oh! Shiva, I would have been happy to have you as my son-in-law or brother-in-law.  You remember me so well, and all those minute details of jewelry I was wearing.
Amma, "the image of you permanently etched in my mind and scent of your body aroma is still fresh in my mind. I inhaled aphrodisiac aroma of your sweat stained armpits when you lifted your hands.'
 Shiva, I did notice that you smelled my armpits. You are so naughty to smell my armpits. Many a time I deliberately lifted my hands to allow you to smell my sweaty armpits. You were so naughty you almost licked my armpits and smelling.
Padma, I wanted to remove your blouse and lick your armpits smelling with female body scent. I do remember, it was love, infatuation, intense, fatal and irresistible attraction and desire at first sight. I knew it was indecent to look at you being my best friend’s mother.
You knew it was indecent. But you never left me for a second. You were always looking at me or standing beside me touching my body whenever and wherever possible. I even felt your hardness pressing my hips.
Padma, The moment I looked at you I felt I own you. I could not take off my eyes even for a moment from you. All through the marriage ceremony, I never missed an opportunity to be around you, watching you, admiring you, appreciating and drinking your beauty. I wanted to feel and touch you. I touched your midriff as if it was inadvertent action whenever possible. I inhaled your body aroma standing behind you and smelled your intoxicating sweat stained armpits.  I wanted to talk to you in privacy but mostly you were busy with so many relatives and guests around. I could only talk to you in the crowd. For me, there was no opportunity to express my admiration, desire and intense love and true feelings to you in privacy. I tried to communicate my intense feelings of love and desire with you mostly by looking at you. I knew you understood, noticed my attention, love and desire for you. I also wanted that you create an opportunity for us for a private meeting, knowing that it was not possible for you being bridegroom's mother.
Shiva, 'You expressed and conveyed your desire for me very well in words and in action. I even felt your hard cock against my ass, as if you wanted to penetrate my ass hole.'
Padma, You reciprocated with bewitchingly inviting beautiful sexy smiles and encouraging me silently. I felt you are mine and you belong to me. You were born for me. I wanted to fuck you. My desire was so intense that my cock was hard and erect and I pressed your ass with my hard cock.
Shiva, I remember when you came to me, and said, ‘You are lovely and the most beautiful woman I have ever seen. You are looking like a bride’. I blushed, felt overwhelmed, very much happy and excited to hear such intense adorable compliments praising my beauty from an young handsome hunk and my dream man. I was also surprised you said that to me, your best friend’s mother so confidently and daringly without hesitation as if I am your lover. Though I was bit surprised, I was happy, pleasantly surprised and delighted that you found me the most beautiful woman despite the fact there were so many beautiful desirable young sexy girls and married women of all ages flocking around you.
Padma, no other girl or woman attracted me except you.
Shiva, I have seen young girls and women giggling and looking at you obviously interested in you and trying to flirt with you shamelessly. However, I was thrilled, disregarding  all the attention from the girls and women, you did not leave me and followed me oblivious of so many people around. Shiva, If you paid so much attention as you showed on me, You could have fucked any girl or woman you want on that night. Some of them were ready and available for you.
Padma, But I wanted only you.
Shiva,  I still remember as if it happened yesterday, you were always following me, flirting with me openly all through the wedding ceremony and later. You smelled and inhaled me standing beside or behind me. I could feel your breath on my neck,  shoulders  and face. You were so confident that I would not say no to you and trying to woo me with your charm and chivalry. You said that I was more beautiful than the all the young  girls there. In group photos during reception, you were standing beside me closely, placing your hand around my waist as if you were my husband.  My sister and mother also observed us and while looking at wedding album said, ‘you both were looking like incurable romantic lovers having an ongoing steamy affair. I did not realize then that body chemistry and attraction between us was so apparent and visible to others. Some might have assumed that you must have been fucking me.
You never left my thoughts since that day. You entered my mind, my thoughts, my soul and my dreams and have been thinking of you always since then. My desire for you increased day by day and has been waiting to be in your arms and to be possessed by you. I have been feeling like a young girl falling in love for the first time in her life with her dream man.  Since that day, I could not think of anything else except you while awake or asleep. You have been always in my thoughts, in me, and around me. You have occupied me. You possessed me.  
‘You are really lovely, beautiful, sexy and exciting slut, Amma,’ I said stroking her big hard jutting brown nipples with my tongue and fingers. Her breasts became engorged and her nipples grew bigger and harder. You have such big extra-large beautiful bouncing firm huge hanging breasts Amma,’ I said.
I noticed your looks especially at my breasts. She smilingly replied, ‘Ever since my teen age men always looked at my extra-large breasts. I knew you were looking at my huge breasts in the first encounter as if you wanted to suck and eat them. I would have offered them to you then, had there been an opportunity and time. You are the first man I want to offer my breasts to suck when you looked at them with desire’.
She said, ‘truly, I was romantically and sexually attracted to you when you first saw me and I wanted you to fuck me. That was the first time I felt so much happy as a woman that a man desired me to fuck me, but the circumstances, the occasion and the presence of other people being around and so many other factors prevented me to express my love for you. I involuntarily without any hesitation reciprocated when you were flirting. Though I was busy attending to the guests, you did not leave me. I did not want you to be away from me even for a moment. You were naughty. You brushed against my breasts, touched my hips, and put your arms around my waist. I knew your desires and obvious intentions and I felt happy.  You were praising my long hair and you even counted the number of loops in my braid, which surprised me to such extent that how keenly you were observing me. The mutual desire and fatal attraction between us was undoubtedly evident. It was the first time in my life, I experienced such an intense fatal attraction to a man, that too my son’s friend. It was a pleasurable surprise to my own self. My long dormant sexual desires surfaced.
I was like a musical instrument, kept unattended, unused for a long time, you opened the cover, dusted cleaned and started playing my strings tuning beautiful melodies and ragas. I wanted you to play with my body. I wanted you to take me in your arms, hug me, cuddle me, kiss me, enter me, open me, occupy me,  and fuck me. I felt you were the man I have been dreaming about all my life since I was girl. I thought, finally I found my man to whom I belong. I asked you to come again during the holidays with my son because I want you to fuck me. I have been waiting eagerly to meet you and be fucked by you. I had dreams of you overpowering me and seducing me and sometimes even forcing to fuck me.’  I enjoyed all my dreams. I was imagining that you would take me by force if I refuse.
Shiva, “why did you not hug me, take me into your arms, kiss me and fuck me on that night? You should have fucked me on that night. I was ready and available for you.’
Padma, I knew you were ready but not available on that night. You were busy surrounded by so many guests and performing various wedding rituals. I wanted to kiss you and fuck you desperately but controlled myself. I took your hands in my hands, and I took you her long braid in my hands on that night.  Padma, There were so many guests around you. I really wanted to fuck you that night. If you were not bride groom’s mother I would have dragged you to a room and fucked you.’
‘Shiva, today despite meeting in unimaginable, unexpected, fateful and strange circumstances, the inevitable mating happened between us. My longing pent-up desire to mate with you has been increasing ever since our first meeting. My mind, soul and body responded to your love and touch. I am surprised that you did not hesitate to arouse, excite, entice, enthrall, enter and fuck me today to satisfy my desire.  You have awakened my dormant and pent up desires. I had been faithful wife to my inept husband until today, whether he fucked me or not. You made me a sinful slut today.
Shiva, ‘do you think I am an amoral, amorous, cock crazy, concupiscent, debauched, depraved, iniquitous, insane, horny, kinky, incestuous, lascivious, lecherous, libidinous, lubricious, yearning, unethical, sex starved sizzling slut actively arousing, encouraging, inviting, indulging, seeking,  giving, sharing and receiving carnal animalistic sexual pleasure to quench my sexual desires instead of feeling sorrow and pain, satisfying my desire instead of feeling depressed, satisfying my lust instead of lamenting, moaning with pleasure instead of mourning, cooing and crooning instead of crying, groaning instead of grieving, squirting instead of sobbing, rejoicing instead of refusing, wallowing instead of weeping, offering my cunt instead of objecting, opening up my cunt like a slut and giving myself shamelessly to an young man who wants to share my pain and agony, comfort and console me, young enough to be my son, on this fateful and sorrowful day when my son is dead and his cold lifeless body lying in a mortuary?’
Here I am in the arms of my dream man, my god. I  opened and submitted myself completely shamelessly uninhibitedly surrendered to you like a slut, offering and opening  myself and my cunt to my son’s  friend, a young man of my son’s age, immensely enjoying being fucked thoroughly by your monstrous cock and enjoying carnal sinful pleasure of being fucked thoroughly like a cow ready for mating.’ Shiva, I behaved like a selfish, self-centered self-indulgent slut, pleasure seeking wanton woman with carnal desire.  Do I deserve to receive and enjoy such love, heavenly pleasure and feel happy especially today?
I listened to her every word attentively and fascinated by her feelings as she revealed her inner most thoughts. It was as if she was pouring out her feelings and inner most thoughts, she was afraid of admitting to herself  in the form of words loudly. She continued her monologue, pouring out her feelings. It was like catharsis and abreaction. She was in the process of self-analyzing, self-criticizing, absolution, purification and seeking my approval of her behavior, trying to absolve herself from guilt conscious.
Amma,  do not criticize yourself.  You are not guilty. We have not committed any sin. There is no reason for you to blame yourself. You have not done anything wrong to feel guilty or blame yourself. Because energy knots from emotional wounds are  found in the area of the body where feelings are held and processed and also associated with sexuality the sacred intimacy and  sexual healing process uses sexual energy to reveal, clear, and release any “energy knots”  The conscious activation of these energy knots allows the previous pent-up energy to flow naturally and return the receiver to vitality and full experience of their sexuality. The benefits of which are: less stress, fear and anxiety while adding greater self-awareness and capacity for intimacy in relationship. Breath, sensual touch, movement, sound and visualization  create opportunities for discovery, release, and integration of the contracted energy knots, emotional wounds, or desperate feelings.
Amma, with the right partner the Receiver can relax and open to the wisdom of the body and spirit to direct the session’s experience. For the Giver, it takes an understanding of the partner's needs with sincere intention and steadfast attentive presence to create the safe and sacred container where the partner feels safe and able to relax and open up within.
Amma, When experienced regularly, Sacred Intimacy sessions allow a person to stay in-touch with developing feelings while discovering previously hidden sources of compulsive behavior or unconscious motivation and clear or release what wants to be let go of, process and integrate disparate feelings —while providing more clarity and deeper connection in relationship not to mention personal understanding and empowerment. Amma, what you have experienced is called sexual healing.
Shiva, Have I not committed ultimate unpardonable sin fucking today? Is it not forbidden to get fucked today?  When you hugged me, involuntarily my breasts became bigger and full with love to feed you. I wanted my breasts sucked and emptied by you. Surprisingly, I lactated when you sucked my breasts. I experienced pleasure similar to the higher state of bliss and pleasure achieved in yoga or meditation. You opened, filled and stretched my cunt completely. Shiva, I am surprised at myself submitting my body, to be fucked by you, opening all my pores experiencing the bliss, ultimate joy uninhibitedly and endlessly such an intense pleasure having continuous multiple endless orgasms hitherto unknown to me. You ignited fire in my mind and body and I could not help but melt in your indulging and intimate embrace and kissing. You made me forget all inhibitions, moral ethics and indulge in forbidden, sinful, abandoned and taboo sex. 
Shiva, I did not object, rather I welcomed, and submitted to you willingly and uninhibitedly.  Don't you think that I should have objected.
Yes,  Amma, I thought you would object. I was afraid that you would chide me while I was hugging and pressing my cock against you. You did not object. You reciprocated willingly with equal enthusiasm and eagerness when you felt hardness of my cock and hugged me tightly.
Any sane woman would have got offended, objected, avoided, refused fucking today. If our fucking happened on any other day it is different. Why did I not object? You may also think I am insane. I have to tell you that I was thinking  of you yesterday night while travelling, recalled our first meeting and mutual fatal attraction we had, knowing we  will meet today.  I am glad that I did not object. However I did not imagine that we will have such a romantic passionate mating. I submitted and surrendered to you, despite strange and unbelievable circumstances, I now feel happy and lucky that  you fucked and made me orgasm thrice continuously in one fucking session, which I never knew or imagined I could experience. Your cock is so big  that  you almost bangd me.  It is so intensive that all my juices have been  drained out. I never imagined that a woman can have such continuous multiple intense orgasms.
‘Shiva, Is it not insane and sin to get fucked by you and experience such incredible pleasures today?’
Padma, it is not a sin to have passionate sex and pleasure on any day, even today. Time and place does not matter. Sex is beautiful  and  divine experience.  We shared and enjoyed the experience. If it is a sin, let it be. It is necessary sin for us. We both committed the pleasurable sin. We should continue to have pleasures of sin.
Shiva, ‘Do you think so?  Getting fucked by you may not be a sin. But, It is definitely  immoral and unethical to have an extramarital affair with an young  man of my son's age. Is not a sin that a mother getting  fucked by her son's friend on the day even before the funeral when her son is dead and his body is lying on cold slab in a mortuary? What can be more sinful act a mother can commit on a day like this? If someone  else comes to know about what happened now between us, they would think that I am an amoral, indecent, insatiable, selfish, sinful, sex hungry horny slut, cock crazy unethical bitch and a wanton whore.  People may even think that I am a sex maniac, having abnormal psyche seduced you, an young man that too her son’s best friend. They may think I am a slut having many lovers. They may think that we have been lovers having extramarital affair and you have been fucking me for years, and I could not wait to get fucked by you today. I would not have imagined and definitely not endorsed if someone else tells me such incident could happen.  Tell me Shiva, ‘what do you think of me honestly.  Am I not an immoral and unethical  slut?  Tell me, Shiva that I am your slut only’’
Padma, You  may be called immoral and unethical for cheating your husband. ‘You are a lovely sex goddess an angel. You have denied yourself having sexual pleasure so long. I suggest you should unnecessarily not worry about what others will think of us.  No one will know. We will not be telling the world. What happened today is between you and me and important to us.  It is divine intervention. We love each other. We are definitely not abnormal, crazy, immoral and unethical.  You and I are perfectly normal people who are madly in love with each other. We want to experience, enjoy and have each other. We did not imagine that we would meet again in such circumstances. We have not done anything to be ashamed. What happened today is natural and normal expression of loving, romantic passionate union and unique expression of love between us. We have been in love with each other ever since we met for the first time. We are soul mates. We are made for each other. We are perfect couple. We have been in love with each other ever since we met. We have been waiting to meet again and today we have met. It really does not matter that I am younger to you and happens to be your son's friend. It might be divine interference that we should make love today, especially today.
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RE: Consoling friend’s grieving mother in strange circumstances - by lkveni58 - 04-11-2021, 05:09 PM

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