Fantasy So Night Follows Day by TMaskedWriter
"Ok." I took a drink before my next question. "So, how're you taking THEM down?"

"I'm not, Susan." Came the last reply I was expecting. She saw the expression on my face and continued. "The Auctioneers have been around for quite a while, Susan. Where do you think the movies got the 'I'll sell it on the black market, to the highest bidder' idea from in the first place? They're not something you 'shut down.' This isn't even the fifth or sixth group to call themselves The Auctioneers. There's too much money to be made for someone not to keep it going. If this group goes down, a new group of Auctioneers forms the next day. It might take them a while to build up the old group's contacts and connections; and who knows if they'll be better or worse than the last one? If they'll start inviting people who absolutely shouldn't get hold of this shit or who were taken off the last group's list for a good reason. The current group are good about not letting their items fall into STUPID hands, who'll use it without a single fucking thought in their heads; then blab about them when they get caught. That's why none of the 'superpowers' are on the mailing list. What if the fuckhead you've got in there right now got hold of Springheel? Do you think he'd use it wisely, or would anyone who calls him a not-nice name in the press start meeting with strange accidents until he can't resist tweeting the whole world about it? No, the best thing I can do, Susan, is keep myself on the list; in case something like Springheel comes up, so I can make sure nobody else gets it."

I gave her a smirk on that one.

"Channeling evil into good DOES appear to be the San Finzione Way, but I've been in your head, Helen." I told her. "Well, Suzy-Q has, and she can't lie or help telling me everything. She briefed me when she got back last night; you've seen how that works now."

Helen nodded. It seems she didn't get the full experience that I get from what I'm calling 'Suzy-Q's little memory upload kisses.' (I may come up with a shorter name later.) Suzy-Q IS me experiencing those things, and that would explain why it takes me a while to sort things out after she shares them with me; like whether I had sex with Helen or Suzy-Q did. I mean, it was her idea, and technically, she WOULD make the same choices that I would in any given situation. It was more than I wanted to consider right after breakfast, when I still had a point to make to Helen.

"The point, Helen, is that I know why you really want Springheel. Because the first time you watched the video, you thought 'This is the instrument of my death. This is how someone finally gets to me,' And it's haunted you ever since. So, as soon as you've gotten hold of this thing and destroyed it, that's when you'll be able to relax. Like Julie's said she wish you would and all of us are thinking."

We looked over at the TV, which was on mute. By afternoon, the news was growing tired of showing us digitized-out pictures of Helen's pussy and had moved on to other stories, like the suicide of tech mogul Leonard Whyte CBE early this morning after losing everything in the stock market yesterday. I grabbed the remote and turned off the TV and the black & white photo of Leonard Whyte's face on a black background, with his birth and death dates in big red numbers.

I patted Helen's hand and left mine there. She didn't stop me.

"And speaking of things everyone's thinking, Helen? I learned about the other thing too. Suzy-Q didn't tell me; we stayed up late waiting to hear if you'd be ok, holding each other, and talking. It wasn't until Ortega told us that everything was under control that we were all able to relax and get some sleep. So, of course, you were the main subject of conversation, Helen; you wanting Troy's baby and him wanting my thoughts on the matter before making a decision came up eventually."

Helen's eyes widened as she sipped her coffee and barely managed to avoid a spit-take or choking on it. It must be that "never let them see you sweat" thing that people like her have to develop.

"You guys have made this weirdly easy for me." Helen replied, once she'd fully recovered.

"You've got enough problems." I told her. "None of us want to add to them. So, I'll tell you what I told them: That I don't know if I'll want kids or not. Up until a year ago, I figured that it was something I wouldn't even have a say in; having all of it is still sort of new to me. However, if I ever do, there's no one I'd rather have them call Daddy than Troy. We seem to go back and forth on things we can't blame each other for. And there are no other kids besides his and Julie's whom I'd want more for them to call brother or sister. Thinking about it, though, his and yours would be just as cool."

She was overjoyed. It turned into a kiss. Her joy fueled mine, until the kiss became a real one. The one she knew exactly how to kiss, either from Suzy-Q, or the man I'd learned it from. It didn't matter. It was too fucking hot. It made Suzy-Ho beg me to invite her up to see my room. I ended it moments before I would have agreed and relaxed back in my head and let Suzy-Ho make the offer.

Both of our first reaction was to look over at Troy and Julie at the sink. If they'd noticed us, then their not noticing us now was deliberate. It seemed genuine enough.

I looked back at Helen. Her eyes seemed like they didn't know whether she should apologize or not. People live or die based upon this woman's decision-making skills, and she was using all of them to determine whether or not she'd "gone too far, just like Helen Parker always does."

I took the hand I'd been patting, picked it up, and held it in my other hand, so it was gently pressed between both.

"Not just yet, Helen." I whispered to her. "Those odds of 'love' becoming an acceptable word between us aren't as long as they were when you made that video; and I can feel them decreasing all the time; I'm just not there yet. There are things to consider like, do I want it to be just us that first time, or..." I nudged my head toward Troy & Julie, wrapping up in the kitchen. "As a family, since that's bound to happen eventually, too; or how? I know I'll be cool with the idea soon, let's at least get this Springheel thing off your head first." I thought a moment. "Plus, Denise wanted to know if she could come meet you yet, and she's still in high college, so there's a 'none of that when Denise is around' rule. That thing OR That Thing."
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RE: So Night Follows Day by TMaskedWriter - by Ramesh_Rocky - 25-04-2019, 06:00 PM

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